1801 (Kansei 13 / Kyôwa 1)

4th day of the 2nd lunar month [3]: the actor Arashi Hinasuke II (1774~1801) died.

29th day of the 3rd lunar month [124]: the actor Sawamura Sôjûrô III (1753~1801) died.

8th lunar month: great shûmei at the Ichimuraza for the Hamamuraya guild; the actors Segawa Kikunojô III, Segawa Kikunosuke, Segawa Kikusaburô II and Segawa Matsunosuke respectively took the names of Segawa Rokô III, Segawa Michinosuke, Segawa Michisaburô I and Segawa Hamajirô.

9th lunar month: premiere at the Kitagawa no Shibai of Shiba Shisô's drama "Hakone Reigen Izari no Adauchi" [casting].

13th day of the 9th lunar month [49]: the actor Bandô Matatarô IV died.

11th lunar month: great shûmei at the Ichimuraza for the Kôraiya guild; the actors Matsumoto Kôshirô IV, his son Ichikawa Komazô III and Ichikawa Santarô respectively took the names of Omegawa Kyôjûrô, Matsumoto Kôshirô V and Ichikawa Komazô IV.

1802 (Kyôwa 2)

11th day of the 5th lunar month [110]: the actor Ôtani Hiroji III (1746~1802) died.

27th day of the 6th lunar month [132]: the actor Matsumoto Kôshirô IV (1737~1802) died.

Summer: the play "Ehon Taikôki" was staged for the first time in Kyôto, produced by Arashi Sankichi at the Kitagawa no Shibai [casting].

2nd day of the 10th lunar month [148]: the zamoto Morita Matazaemon, who was Morita Kan'ya V from 1744 to 1751, died.

4th day of the 11th lunar month [100]: a fire broke out in Edo in the district of Naniwa-chô and destroyed both the Ichimuraza and the Nakamuraza.

1803 (Kyôwa 3)

5th day of the 1st lunar month [76]: the actor Yamamura Giemon II (1736~1803) died.

2nd day of the 5th lunar month [50]: the actor Arashi Raishi I (1732~1803) died.

8th lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of Sakurada Jisuke I's drama "Banzui Chôbê Shôjin Manaita" [casting].

20th day of the 9th lunar month: the playwright Nakamura Jûsuke II (1745~1803) died.

1804 (Kyôwa 4 / Bunka 1)

11th day of the 3rd lunar month: the actor Segawa Tomisaburô II died.

7th day of the 4th lunar month [61]: the actor Asao Tamejûrô I (1735~1804) died.

24th day of the 6th lunar month [77]: the actor Yamamura Tomoemon I (1763~1804) died.

7th lunar month: premiere at the Kawarasakiza of Katsu Hyôzô I's drama "Tenjiku Tokubê Ikoku Banashi" [casting].

9th lunar month: Namiki Gohei I's drama "Kanjin Kanmon Tekuda no Hajimari" was staged for the first time in Edo, produced by Ichimura Uzaemon XI at the Ichimuraza [more details].

11th lunar month: premiere at the Kawarasakiza of Katsu Hyôzô I's kaomise drama "Shitennô Momiji no Edoguma" [casting].

1805 (Bunka 2)

26th day of the 2nd lunar month [1]: the actor Anegawa Shinshirô III (1748~1805) died.

11th day of the 3rd lunar month [166]: the actor Matsumoto Yonesaburô I (1774~1805) died.

28th day of the 5th lunar month [74]: the actor Fujikawa Hachizô III (1778~1805) died.

17th day of the 10th lunar month: the actor Ichikawa Kodanji II died.

12th day of the 12th lunar month [17]: the chômoto Nakamura Jûsuke III died.

1806 (Bunka 3)

2nd lunar month: the play "Kamakura Sandaiki" was staged for the first time in Kyôto, in the precincts of the Inaba Yakushi temple. The main roles were played by Yamashina Jinkichi II (Princess Toki), Bandô Jûtarô (Miuranosuke) and Mimasu Daigorô III (Takatsuna).

27th day of the 6th lunar month [9]: the playwright Sakurada Jisuke I (1734~1806) died.

25th day of the 7th lunar month [63]: the actor Asao Tamejûrô II (1779~1806) died.

29th day of the 10th lunar month of 1806: the actor Nakamura Gyoraku I (1745~1806), who held the name of Nakamura Sukegorô II from the 11th lunar month of 1763 to the 10th lunar month of 1803, died.

30th day of the 10th lunar month [25]: the actor Naritaya Shichizaemon (1741~1806), who held the prestigious name of Ichikawa Danjûrô V from 1770 to 1791, died.

13th day of the 11th lunar month [101]: a fire broke out from the shop of the hair-dresser Tomokurô in the district of Nihonbashi Fukiya-chô. It spread and burnt both the Ichimuraza and the Nakamuraza, killing many spectators.

1807 (Bunka 4)

4th lunar month: "Chikagoro Kawara no Tatehiki" was adapted for Kabuki for the first time, in Ôsaka at the Horie no Shibai (casting unknown).

25th day of the 7th lunar month [43]: the playwright Namiki Shôzô II died.

11th lunar month: grand shûmei for the Hamamuraya guild, at the Nakamuraza, where Segawa Rokô III and Segawa Michinosuke respectively took the names of Segawa Senjo and Segawa Rokô IV.

1808 (Bunka 5)

1st lunar month: premiere at the Naka no Shibai of Nagawa Tokusuke I's ni-no-kawari new year drama "Keisei Shina Sadame" [casting].

2nd day of the 2nd lunar month: the playwright Namiki Gohei I (1747~1808) died.

3rd lunar month: "Hachijin Shugo no Honjô" was adapted for Kabuki for the first time, in Kyôto at the Kitagawa no Shibai [casting].

6th day of the 6th lunar month [33]: the actor Kataoka Ainosuke I (1791~1808) died.

10th day of the 6th lunar month [143]: the actor Seki San'emon (1747~1808) died.

16th day of the 6th lunar month: the actor Fujikawa Tomokichi I (1759~1808) died.

6th lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Katsu Hyôzô I's drama "Iroeiri Otogi Zôshi" [113] [casting].

7th lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of Segawa Jokô II's drama "Zôho Izari no Adauchi" [casting].

7th lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Katsu Hyôzô I's drama "Toki-mo Kikyô Shusse no Ukejô" [casting].

9th day of the 7th lunar month [126]: the actor Nakamura Kumetarô II (1763~1808) died.

17th day of the 7th lunar month [161]: the actor Ôtani Tokuji I (1756~1808) died.

7th lunar month: premiere at the Kita-Horie Ichi-no-Gawa Shibai of the drama "Kuni Namari Futaba no Oizuru" [casting].

16th day of the 8th lunar month [6]: the actor Osagawa Tsuneyo II (1753~1808) died.

10th lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of the drama "Kuruwa Bunshô" [casting].

9th day of the 10th lunar month [78]: the actor Ichikawa Danzô IV (1745~1808) died.

1809 (Bunka 6)

1st day of the 1st lunar month [151]: a fire broke out in the district of Nihonbashi Sanai-chô and destroyed both the Ichimuraza and the Nakamuraza.

3rd lunar month: premiere at the Moritaza of Fukumori Kyûsuke I's drama "Sono Mukashi Koi no Edo-zome" [casting].

9th day of the 3rd lunar month [23]: the actor Onoe Koisaburô I (1745~1809) died.

4th lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of the 7-role Nagauta-based dance-drama "Kantan Sono no Kikuchô"; one of the roles, "Onna Date" is still part of the Kabuki repertoire [more details].

6th lunar month: premiere at the Moritaza of Katsu Hyôzô I's drama "Okuni Gozen Keshô no Sugatami" [casting].

3rd day of the 9th lunar month: the Kamigata playwright Tatsuoka Mansaku (1742~1809) died.

11th lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Katsu Hyôzô I and Sakurada Jisuke II kaomise drama "Misao no Hana Toba no Koizuka", which celebrated the shûmei of Onoe Shôroku I and Onoe Matsusuke II [more details].

1810 (Bunka 7)

1st lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Katsu Hyôzô I and Sakurada Jisuke II drama "Kokoro no Nazo Toketa Iroito" [casting].

1st lunar month: premiere at the Kado no Shibai of Chikamatsu Tokuzô and Namiki Miyosuke ni-no-kawari drama "Keisei Sato no Funauta" [casting].

3rd lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Katsu Hyôzô I's drama "Kachi Zumô Ukina no Hanabure" (commonly called "Shirafuji Genta") [casting].

5th lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Katsu Hyôzô I and Sakurada Jisuke II drama "Ehon Gappô-ga-Tsuji" [casting].

23rd day of the 8th lunar month [179]: the playwright Chikamatsu Tokuzô (1751~1810) died.

26th day of the 8th lunar month [10]: the actor Yoshizawa Ayame V (1754~1810) died.

9th lunar month: Chikamatsu Monzaemon's drama "Komochi Yamanba" was staged for the first time in Edo, at the Nakamuraza [casting].

9th lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of the 3-role hengemono "Mata Atarashiku Mitsu no Sakazuki", which was performed by Bandô Mitsugorô III. One of the roles, "Kairaishi", is still part of the current Kabuki repertoire.

4th day of the 12th lunar month [141]: the actor Segawa Senjo, who held the name of Segawa Kikunojô III from the 11th lunar month of 1774 to the 7th lunar month of 1801, died.

25th day of the 12th lunar month: the actor Yoshizawa Sakinosuke IV (1785~1810) died.

1811 (Bunka 8)

3rd lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of the 7-role Nagauta-based hengemono "Osozakura Teniha no Nana Moji"; the seven roles were performed by Nakamura Utaemon III. The 4th role, "Echigo Jishi", is still part of the current repertoire.

3rd lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Sakurada Jisuke II's 7-role Tokiwazu-based hengemono "Shichimai Tsuzuki Hana no Sugatae", a program made up of seven dances: "Nyo San no Miya", "Kajiwara Genta", "Shiokumi", "Sarumawashi" (a monkey showman), "Gannin Bôzu" (a monk), "Rôjo" (an old woman) and "Kan U" (a Chinese warlord). All the roles were played by Bandô Mitsugorô III. The choreography was made by Fujima Kanjûrô I and the musical accompaniment was made by Kishizawa Koshikibu III. The dances "Gannin Bôzu" and "Shiokumi" are still part of the current repertoire.

18th day of the 5th lunar month: the actor Segawa Kamesaburô (1786~1811) died.

7th lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of "Tamamo-no-Mae Obana no Nishiki", the Kabuki adaptation of the puppet theater drama "Tamamo-no-Mae Asahi no Tamoto" [more details]. It was followed by the premiere at the Ichimuraza of the drama "Nazo no Obi Chotto Tokubê" [more details].

11th lunar month: the actor Sawamura Gennosuke I and the playwright Katsu Hyôzô I took the respective names of Sawamura Sôjûrô IV and Tsuruya Nanboku IV at the Ichimuraza.

1812 (Bunka 9)

5th day of the 2nd lunar month [57]: the actor Arashi Sanpachi I (1750~1812) died.

26th day of the 8th lunar month [96]: the actor Mimasu Tokujirô I (1750~1812) died.

9th lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of the dance "Mata Kuru Haru Suzuna no Tanemaki", commonly called "Shitadashi Sanbasô" or "Tanemaki Sanbasô" [more details].

29th day of the 11th lunar month [142]: the actor Segawa Rokô IV (1782~1812) died.

8th day of the 12th lunar month [15]: the actor Sawamura Sôjûrô IV (1784~1812) died.

1813 (Bunka 10)

3rd lunar month: premiere at the Moritaza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's play "Osome Hisamatsu Ukina no Yomiuri" (commonly called "Osome no Nanayaku", in English 'The Seven Roles of Osome'). The seven roles were played by Iwai Hanshirô V [casting].

3rd lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of the 12-role hengemono "Shiki no Nagame Yosete Mitsudaiji", made up of twelve dances, one for each month of the lunar calendar. All the roles were played by Bandô Mitsugorô III, including the Bonito seller, which is still part of the current Kabuki repertoire under the title "Katsuo Uri".

6th lunar month: premiere at the Moritaza of the 8-role hengemono "Mata Koko-ni Sugata Hakkei" [more details].

22nd day of the 7th lunar month [116]: the actor Nakayama Bunshichi I (1732~1813) died.

2nd day of the 9th lunar month [165]: a fire broke out in Ôsaka in a chaya near the Naka no Shibai; it partially destroyed this theater.

17th of the 9th lunar month [47]: the actor Arashi Hinasuke III (1791~1813) died in Edo.

11th lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's kaomise drama "Modoribashi Sena-ni Gohiiki" [more details].
Premiere at the Moritaza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's kaomise drama "Gohiiki Tsunagi Uma" [more details].

13th day of the 11th lunar month [79]: the actor Ichikawa Aragorô I (1759~1813) died.

29th day of the 11th lunar month [102]: a fire broke out in Edo in the district of Takasago-chô and destroyed both the Ichimuraza and the Nakamuraza. The troupe at the Ichimuraza went to the Moritaza and both troupes performed in a new kaomise drama entitled "Modoribashi Mata no Kaomise", which mixed acts from "Gohiiki Tsunagi Uma" and from "Modoribashi Sena-ni Gohiiki".

1814 (Bunka 11)

1st lunar month: premiere at the Kado no Shibai of Nagawa Harusuke I's drama "Keisei Tsukushi no Tsumagoto", the first play in Kabuki history based on the "Asagao Nikki" world [casting].

1st lunar month: premiere at the Moritaza of the Nagauta-based dance "Shôfudatsuki Kongen Kusazuri" [casting].

22nd day of the 2nd lunar month [72]: the actor and zamoto Bandô Kikô (1759~1814) died.

3rd lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's drama "Sumidagawa Hana no Goshozome", commonly called "Onna Seigen" [more details].

5th lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of the 12-role hengemono "Manete Mimasu Shiki no Wazaogi", which was performed by Ichikawa Danjûrô VII. One of the roles, "Tonbi Yakko", is still part of the current Kabuki repertoire.

7th lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's natsu kyôgen "Imaori Hakata no Irifune" [casting].

19th day of the 8th lunar month [164]: the actor Nakayama Bungorô I (1761~1814) died.

15th day of the 9th lunar month: the actor Sanjô Namie II (1757~1814) died.

20th day of the 10th lunar month [150]: the playwright Nagawa Shimesuke I (1754~1814) died.

1815 (Bunka 12)

5th lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Sakurada Jisuke II's Kiyomoto-based dance-drama "Imayô Suma no Utsushie" (commonly called "Suma no Utsushie") [casting].

5th lunar month: premiere of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's drama "Kakitsubata Iro mo Edozome" (commonly called "Oroku to Gantetsu" or "Dote no Oroku") at the Kawarasakiza [casting].

7th lunar month: premiere at the Kawarasakiza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's drama "Haji Momiji Ase no Kaomise" (commonly called "Date no Jûyaku", in English the "Ten Roles of Date"), whose plot and characters belonged to the "Meiboku Sendai Hagi" world. The ten roles were played by Ichikawa Danjûrô VII [casting].

23rd day of the 8th lunar month [92]: the actor Nakayama Raisuke IV (1768~1815) died.

16th day of the 10th lunar month [147]: the actor Onoe Shôroku I (1744~1815) died.

10th lunar month: the actor Ichikawa Sôzaburô III died.

1816 (Bunka 13)

1st lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of the new year sogamono drama "Hiyoku no Chô Haru no Soga Giku". This new year drama mixed two sekai: it was a sogamono and a gonpachi-komurasakimono. The sogamono fell into oblivion and the gonpachi-komurasakimono was staged independently under the title "Sono Kouta Yume mo Yoshiwara" ("Gonge" and "Gonjô") [more details].

1st lunar month: premiere at the Kawarasakiza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's new year sogamono drama "Nazoraete Fujigane Soga" [casting].

8th day of the 7th lunar month [181]: the actor Nakamura Tôzô II (1777~1816) died.

23rd day of the 7th lunar month [45]: the actor Yamashita Mansaku died.

1817 (Bunka 14)

The actor Arashi Shinpei IV died.

12th day of the 1st lunar month [83]: a fire broke out in Edo in the district of Norimono-chô and destroyed both the Nakamuraza and the Kiriza.

28th day of the 1st lunar month [130]: the actor Sawamura Tanosuke II (1788~1817) died.

3rd lunar month: premiere at the Kawarasakiza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's masterpiece "Sakura Hime Azuma Bunshô" [casting].

6th lunar month: premiere in ôshibai of the puppet drama "Hana no Ueno Homare no Ishibumi", which was staged in Edo at the Kiriza [more details].

2nd day of the 11th lunar month [82]: the actor Ichikawa Dannosuke III (1786~1817) died.

11th lunar month: the actor Nakamura Kyôjûrô III died.

1818 (Bunka 15 / Bunsei 1)

23rd day of the 1st lunar month [156]: the actor Nakayama Yoshio I (1776~1818) died.

2nd lunar month: the play "Kamakura Sandaiki" was staged for the first time in Edo, at the Nakamuraza [casting].

3rd lunar month: premiere at the Miyakoza of Shinoda Kinji I's 7-role hengemono "Miyama no Hana Todokanu Edaburi", starring Onoe Kikugorô III in the seven roles. One of these roles was "Kosode Monogurui" ("the short-sleeved garment madness"), staged nowadays as an independent Kiyomoto-based dance called "Yasuna".

4th lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of Sakurada Jisuke II's Tokiwazu-based dance-drama "Sono Sugata Hana no Utsushie", commonly called "Mitsu Ningyô" (literally "The Three Puppets") [casting].

18th day of the 6th lunar month [157]: the actor Onoe Shinshichi II (1780~1818) died.

2nd day of the 7th lunar month [42]: the actor Sawamura Kunitarô I (1739~1818) died.

8th day of the 9th lunar month: the playwright Fukumori Kyûsuke I (1767~1818) died.

13th day of the 12th lunar month [89]: the actor Suketakaya Takasuke II (1747~1818) died.

1819 (Bunsei 2)

14th day of the 1st lunar month [163]: the actor Nakamura Tomosa I (1762~1819) died.

7th day of the 7th lunar month: the playwright Namiki Gohei II (1768~1819) died.

10th day of the 9th lunar month [87]: the actor Nakayama Tomisaburô I (1760~1819) died.

9th lunar month: the actor Nakamura Shikan I, who was about to travel back to his native Kamigata, performed his onagori kyôgen at the Nakamuraza, which included a spectacular 9-role hengemono which was entitled "Onagori Oshie no Mazebari". One of these roles was the dance "Tobae". This was also the first adaptation to Kabuki (in ôshibai!) of the drama "Seishû Akogi-ga-Ura" [casting].

21st day of the 10th lunar month [11]: the actor Yoshizawa Iroha II (1783~1819) died.

11th lunar month: premiere at the Kawarasakiza of the Nagauta-based dance "Shikakubashira Saru no Kusemai" [more details].

1820 (Bunsei 3)

3rd lunar month: premiere at the Tamagawaza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's drama "Sakura Butai Maku no Datezome" [casting].

11th day of the 7th lunar month [99]: the zamoto Ichimura Uzaemon XI (1791~1820) died.

9th lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of the 7-role hengemono "Setsugekka Nagori no Bundai". All the seven dances were played by Bandô Mitsugorô III. Three dances ("Asazuma Bune", "Makasho" and "Tama Usagi") were still part of the current Kabuki repertoire.

11th day of the 7th lunar month [86]: the actor Matsumoto Yonesaburô II (1796~1820) died.

1821 (Bunsei 4)

3rd lunar month: premiere at the Kado no Shibai of the drama "Kajiwara Heizô Kôbai Tazuna", a new version of the third act of "Miura no Ôsuke Kôbai Tazuna", revised by Kanazawa Ryûgoku I [casting].

6th lunar month: Katsu Hyôzô I's drama "Kachi Zumô Ukina no Hanabure", commonly called "Shirafuji Genta", was revived for the first time, 11 years and 3 months after its premiere in Edo at the Ichimuraza [casting], in Kyôto at the Kitagawa no Shibai [casting].

7th lunar month: premiere at the Kawarasakiza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's drama "Tamamo-no-Mae Kumoi no Hareginu" [more details].

9th lunar month: premiere at the Kawarasakiza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's drama "Kiku no En Tsuki no Shiranami" [more details].

26th day of the 9th lunar month [18]: the actor Arashi Kitsusaburô I (1769~1821) died.

11th lunar month: premiere at the Kawarasakiza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's drama "Imoseyama Hitome Senbon", which mixed the "Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura" and "Imoseyama Onna Teikin" worlds [casting].

1822 (Bunsei 5)

6th lunar month: the actor Ichikawa Hamazô died.

7th lunar month: premiere at the Kawarasakiza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's drama "Reigen Kameyama Hoko" [more details].

9th day of the 8th lunar month [34]: the actor Kataoka Ainosuke II (1797~1822) died.

29th day of the 10th lunar month: the furitsuke Ichiyama Shichijûrô II died.

11th lunar month: premiere at the Kitagawa no Shibai of the drama "Kajiwara Heizô Kitai no Ishikiri", a new version of the third act of "Miura no Ôsuke Kôbai Tazuna", revised by Kanazawa Ryûgoku I [casting].

13th day of the 11th lunar month: the actor Nakajima Mihoemon IV (1779~1822) died.

12th lunar month: premiere at at the Ichimuraza of the danmari "Ichiharano no Danmari" [more details].

1823 (Bunsei 6)

1st lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's new year sogamono drama "Yaegasumi Soga no Kumiito" [casting].

3rd lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's drama "Ukiyozuka Hiyoku no Inazuma" [casting].

3rd lunar month: premiere at the Moritaza of the 5-role hengemono "Yamato Gana Tamuke no Itsumoji". The five roles were performed by Iwai Shijaku I. The 4th role, the komori, is still in the Kabuki repertoire and is nowadays entitled "Komori" [more details].

22nd day of the 3rd lunar month [160]: the actor Nakamura Daikichi I (1773~1823) died.

6th lunar month: premiere at the Moritaza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's drama "Kesakake Matsu Narita no Riken", starring Onoe Kikugorô III and Ichikawa Danjûrô VII in the roles of Kasane and Yoemon. The michiyuki, commonly called "Iro Moyô Chotto Karimame", is still regularly staged.

7th lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's natsu kyôgen "Torimazete Sekison Miyage" [casting].

1824 (Bunsei 7)

27th day of the 7th lunar month [5]: the actor Ichikawa Monnosuke III (1794~1824) died.

29th day of the 7th lunar month [184]: the actor Ôtani Bajû II (1794~1824) died.

22nd day of the 8th lunar month [60]: the actor Asao Kuzaemon I (1758~1824) died.

9th lunar month: premiere at the Naka no Shibai of the drama "Banshû Sarayashiki", a revision of the puppet play by Nakawa Harusuke I [more details].

17th day of the 10th lunar month: the actor Mimasu Daigorô III (1782~1824) died.

1825 (Bunsei 8)

1st lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's new year sogamono drama "Okuni-iri Soga Nakamura" [casting].

23rd day of the 6th lunar month [19]: the playwright Matsushima Hanji II died.

7th lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's ghost play "Tôkaidô Yotsuya Kaidan" [casting].

9th lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's drama "Kamikakete Sango Taisetsu" [casting].

20th day of the 10th lunar month [158]: the actor Arashi Izaburô I (1766~1825) died.

11th lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's drama "Oniwaka Kongen Butai". The main roles were played by Ichikawa Danjûrô VII, Iwai Shijaku I (Osome) and Iwai Kumesaburô II (Hisamatsu). The michiyuki "Ukine no Tomodori" is still part of the current Kabuki repertoire.

8th day of the 12th lunar month [103]: a fire broke out in Edo in the puppet theater Yûkiza, located in the district of Fukiya-chô, and destroyed both the Nakamuraza and the Ichimuraza.

1826 (Bunsei 9)

19th day of the 1st lunar month [131]: the actor Matsumoto Kojirô II died.

29th day of the 1st lunar month [41]: the playwright Toyo Harusuke I (1782~1826) died.

6th lunar month: Bandô Mitsugorô III performed at the Ichimuraza in a 3-role Kiyomoto-based hengemono entitled "Mata Koko-ni Kabuki no Hanadashi". The 3 roles were Take-no-Uchi no Sukeneya (a legendary character famous for his extraordinary long life), a fisherman fighting a giant octopus and a tekomai festival dancer. The fisherman and the dancer were nowadays independent dances, which were staged under the respective titles of "Amiuchi" and "Omatsuri".

8th lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's drama "Soga Nakamura Aki no Torikomi" [casting].

9th lunar month: Seki Sanjûrô II, who was about to travel back to his native Kamigata after 19 seasons spent in Edo, performed his onagori kyôgen at the Nakamuraza. The program included a 5-role hengemono entitled "Kaesu Gaesu Onagori no Ôtsue". The 5 roles were the Wisteria Maiden, a blind masseur, the God Tenjin, a footman (yakko) and a boatman. These roles were created based on ôtsue, popular paintings made in the city of Ôtsu (close to Kyôto). Three of these roles were still part of the current Kabuki repertoire: the Wisteria Maiden (the first version of the famous dance "Fuji Musume"), the blind masseur ("Zatô") and the footman ("Sekisan Yakko").

15th day of the 11th lunar month [46]: the wakaonnagata actor Arashi Koroku IV (1783~1826) died.

1827 (Bunsei 10)

3rd day of the 1st lunar month [104]: a fire broke out in Edo from the third floor of the Ichimuraza and destroyed the Ichimuraza, the Nakamuraza and 2 puppet theaters.

5th day of the 2nd lunar month: a fire broke out in the Kadomaru no Shibai in Ôsaka and destroyed also the Naka no Shibai and the Ônishi no Shibai.

6th lunar month: premiere at the Kawarasakiza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's drama "Hitori Tabi Gojûsan Tsugi" [casting].

16th day of the 7th lunar month [91]: the actor Ichikawa Ebijûrô I (1777~1827) died.

25th day of the 10th lunar month [117]: the actor Nakayama Kiraku I (1761~1827) died.

1828 (Bunsei 11)

1st lunar month: revival at the Nakamuraza of the dance-drama "Oshidori" by Segawa Jokô II [more details].

21st day of the 1st lunar month: the playwright Katsui Genpachi (1778~1828) died.

18th day of the 2nd lunar month: the actor Bandô Hikosaburô III (1754~1828) died.

3rd lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of the 7-role hengemono "Nijirigaki Nanatsu Iroha", which was performed by Nakamura Shikan II. Two of the roles, "Keisei" and "Tomo Yakko", were still part of the current Kabuki repertoire.

21st day of the 8th lunar month [13]: the playwrights Matsui Kôzô I (1778~1828) and Katsu Hyôsuke (1786~1828) died.

9th lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of the drama "Nochi no Tsuki Shuen no Shimadai" (commonly called "Kakuemon"). The main roles were played by Nakamura Shikan II and Segawa Kikunojô V.

17th day of the 11th lunar month [39]: the sakusha Kanazawa Shibasuke (1778~1828) died.

9th day of the 12th lunar month: the actor Ogino Izaburô III (1786~1828) died.

1829 (Bunsei 12)

21st day of the 3rd lunar month [105]: a fire broke out from the shop of Owariya Tokuemon, in the district of Kanda Sakuma-chô. It spread and destroyed the Edo theaters district. The Nakamuraza, the Ichimuraza and the Kawarasakiza were burnt to ashes.

14th day of the 4th lunar month: the playwright Matsushima Chôfu I (1768~1829) died.

4th day of the 8th lunar month of 1829 [149]: the zamoto Nakamura Kanzaburô XI (1766~1829) died.

9th lunar month: premiere at the Kawarasakiza of 4-role hengemono "Hana ni Chô Magaki no Ukareme"; all the roles were performed by Segawa Kikunojô V; the 2nd role, the komori, is still part of the current Kabuki repertoire ("Mitsumen Komori") [more details].

3rd day of the 10th lunar month [174]: the priest Gunkô, who used to be Ogino Izaburô II from the 11th lunar month of 1799 to 1820 and who held the name of Bandô Mitsugorô II from the 11th lunar month of 1785 to the 10th lunar month of 1799, died.

11th lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's drama "Kin no Zai Sarushima Dairi" [more details].

24th day of the 11th lunar month [93]: the actor Ichikawa Ebijûrô II (1806~1829) died.

27th day of the 11th lunar month [32]: the great playwright Tsuruya Nanboku IV (1755~1829) died. He wrote around 120 plays.

1830 (Bunsei 13)

1st lunar month: premiere at the Kado no Shibai of Kanazawa Ryûgoku I's new year ni-no-kawari ishikawa-goemonmono drama "Keisei Setsugekka" [more details].

3rd lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of the 9-role hengemono "Minokoshite Haru no Kokonoe"; Nakamura Shikan II played all the roles, including the Yashima Court Lady, which is still part of the current Kabuki repertoire ("Kanjo").

24th day of the 3rd lunar month [62]: the actor Ôtani Tomoemon II (1769~1830) died.

11th day of the 4th lunar month [14]: the playwright Matsui Kôzô II (1793~1830) died.

16th day of the 8th lunar month [58]: the actor Arashi Tomisaburô II (1791~1830) died.

15th day of the 12th lunar month [31]: the sakusha Katsu Hyôzô II (1781~1831) died.

23rd day of the 12th lunar month [106]: a fire broke out in the district of Nihonbashi Kodenma-chô. It spread and destroyed the Ichimuraza and the Nakamuraza.

1831 (Bunsei 13 / Tenpô 1 / Tenpô 2)

5th day of the 1st lunar month [170]: the actor Onoe Fujaku III (1793~1831) died.

3rd lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of the five-role hengemono "Rokkasen Sugata no Irodori" [more details].

13th day of the 4th lunar month: the actor Nakamura Noshio III (1782~1831) died.

27th day of the 12th lunar month: the actor Bandô Mitsugorô III (1775~1831) died.

1832 (Tenpô 3)

7th day of the 1st lunar month [140]: the actor Segawa Kikunojô V (1802~1832) died.

26th day of the 1st lunar month: the actor Nakamura Jûzô V (1780~1832) died.

2nd lunar month: the "Gojôbashi" scene of "Ôgiya Kumagai", which was not in the original puppet drama, was added to this drama for the first time and staged in Ôsaka at the Kado no Shibai [more details].

3rd lunar month: great shûmei at the Ichimuraza for the Naritaya guild; Ichikawa Danjûrô VII took back the name of Ichikawa Ebizô V and his son Ichikawa Ebizô VI, who was only 9 years old, became Ichikawa Danjûrô VIII.

3rd lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of the 3-part Kiyomoto/Tokiwazu/Nagauta-based dance "Yayoi no Hana Asakusa Matsuri", starring Bandô Mitsugorô IV and Nakamura Shikan II in the leading roles. This dance is still sometimes performed in its entirety but the second part, "Sanja Matsuri", is frequently staged independently.

6th day of the 7th lunar month [129]: the actor Sawamura Shirogorô II died.

7th lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of the 4-role hengemono "Odoke Niwaka Shabon no Tamatori"; Nakamura Shikan II played all the roles, including a soap-bubbles peddler, which is still part of the current Kabuki repertoire ("Tamaya").

19th day of the 10th lunar month [182]: Kagaya Hashinosuke I died.

11th lunar month: great shûmei at the Nakamuraza for the Iwai clan; Iwai Hanshirô V, Iwai Kumesaburô II and Iwai Hisajirô II respectively took the names of Iwai Tojaku, Iwai Hanshirô VI and Iwai Kumesaburô III. They performed together in Segawa Jokô II's drama "Goban Tadanobu Yuki no Kuroshiro".

1833 (Tenpô 4)

1st lunar month: Asao Gakujûrô and Asao Enzaburô respectively took the names of Jitsukawa Gakujûrô I and Jitsukawa Enzaburô I at the Naka no Shibai. This was the foundation of the Jitsukawa clan.
Nakamura Matsue III took the prestigious name of Nakamura Tomijûrô II, which has not been held since 8th lunar month of 1786, at the Kado no Shibai.
Premiere of "Chichi Morai" at the Kado no Shibai [casting].

3rd lunar month: premiere at the Kitagawa no Shibai of "Hana Fubuki Koi no Tekagami" [casting].

7th day of the 6th lunar month [24]: the actor Ichikawa Omezô I (1781~1833) died.

4th day of the 11th lunar month: the playwright Segawa Jokô II (1757~1833) died.

The actor Arashi Raishi II died.

1834 (Tenpô 5)

7th day of the 2nd lunar month [107]: a fire broke out in the district of Kanda Sakuma-chô. It spread and destroyed the Ichimuraza and the Nakamuraza.

1835 (Tenpô 6)

1st lunar month: premiere at the Kado no Shibai of the dance "Wake Futatsu Ninin Dôjôji", which starred Nakamura Tomijûrô II and Nakamura Shikan II.

19th day of the 1st lunar month [59]: the actor Asao Kunigorô III (1769~1835) died.

15th day of the 2nd lunar month: the actor Nakamura Matsue IV (1814~1835) died.

12th day of the 5th lunar month: the actor Naritaya Sôbê I (1766~1835) died.

6th lunar month: the play "Sesshû Gappô-ga-Tsuji", which was originally written for the puppet theater and staged in the 2nd lunar month of 1773, was adapted for Kabuki for the first time, in Kyôto at the Kitagawa no Shibai [casting].

4th day of the 11th lunar month [119]: the actor Jitsukawa Gakujûrô I (1782~1835) died.

1836 (Tenpô 7)

1st lunar month: premiere at the Naka no Shibai of Nishizawa Ippô's drama "Hana no Ani Tsubomi no Yatsufusa" [casting].

8th day of the 4th lunar month [123]: the actor Iwai Hanshirô VI (1799~1836) died.

4th lunar month: premiere at the Moritaza of the drama "Hakkenden Uwasa no Takadono" [casting].

7th lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of the drama "Shinobi Yoru Koi no Kusemono". The roles of Princess Takiyasha and Mitsukuni were played by Ichikawa Kuzô II and Ichimura Uzaemon XII.

12th day of the 9th lunar month [94]: the actor Ichikawa Ebijûrô III (1787~1836) died.

11th lunar month: premiere at the Moritaza of the Kiyomoto-based dance-drama "Kurama Jishi Oshie no Hinagata" [more details].

1837 (Tenpô 8)

1st day of the 3rd lunar month of 1837 [20]: the actor Kataoka Nizaemon VII (1755~1837) died.

13th day of the 6th lunar month [53]: the actor Arashi Rikan II (1788~1837) died.

29th day of the 6th lunar month [55]: the actor Arashi Sangorô IV (1804~1837) died.

7th lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of "Sanshô-dayû Kogane no Toridoshi", a revised and expanded version of the gidayû kyôgen "Yura no Minato Sengen Chôja" [casting].

14th day of the 8th lunar month [146]: the actor Sôryô Jinroku II died.

11th lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of Sakurada Jisuke III's Tokiwazu-based hengemono "Kubeki Yoi Kumo no Itosuji" [more details].

1838 (Tenpô 9)

19th day of the 2nd lunar month [12]: the playwright Takarada Jusuke (1797~1838) died.

3rd lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of Sakurada Jisuke III's 3-role hengemono "Sanbukutsui Uta no Sugatae" with the star Nakamura Utaemon IV in the 3 roles [more details]. Two dances are still in the Kabuki repertoire, "Shirabyôshi no Hana no En" & "Haikaishi".

10th day of the 5th lunar month [66]: the actor Matsumoto Kôshirô V (1764~1838) died.

11th day of the 7th lunar month [27]: the zamoto Morita Kan'ya X died.

25th day of the 7th lunar month [133]: the actor Nakamura Tamasuke (1778~1838) died.

11th lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Nakamura Jûsuke IV's Tokiwazu-based dance "Hanabutai Kasumi no Saruhiki", commonly called "Utsubo Zaru". The choreography was made by Matsumoto Goroichi and the musical accompaniment was made by Kishizawa Shikisa V [casting].

1839 (Tenpô 10)

1st lunar month: premiere at the Kado no Shibai of Nishizawa Ippô's drama "Keisei Hama no Masago" [casting].

3rd lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of the 8-role hengemono "Hana Goyomi Iro no Showake", which was performed by Nakamura Utaemon IV. One of the role, "Toshima", is still part of the current Kabuki repertoire.

3rd lunar month: premiere at the Kawarasakiza of the dances "Kaminari Sendô", "Yashiki Musume" and "Yuki no Shakkyô", which starred the actor Sawamura Tosshô I [more details].

3rd lunar month: the play "Sesshû Gappô-ga-Tsuji" was staged for the first time in Ôsaka, at the Kado no Shibai [casting].

5th day of the 11th lunar month [172]: the actor Ôtani Tomoemon III (1793~1839) died.

9th lunar month: premiere at the Kawarasakiza of the Kiyomoto-based dance "Shimero Yare Iro no Kakegoe", which is still part of the current Kabuki repertoire ("Kanda Matsuri"). It starred Sawamura Tosshô I, Onoe Eizaburô III and Ichikawa Ebizô V.

26th day of the 9th lunar month [30]: the actor Arashi Rikô I (1784~1839) died.

28th day of the 9th lunar month [144]: the actor Seki Sanjûrô II (1786~1839) died.

1840 (Tenpô 11)

The actor Asao Kunigorô IV died.

3rd lunar month: premiere at the Kawarasakiza of the dance-drama "Kanjinchô" [more details].

18th day of the 7th lunar month [111]: the actor Sakata Hangorô IV (1793~1840) died.

8th lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of the drama "Koi Minato Hakata no Hitofushi", a revised version of Chikamatsu Monzaemon's masterpiece "Hakata Kojorô Nami Makura" [casting].

9th lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of the Tokiwazu-based dance-drama "Yoshinoyama Yuki no Furugoto", a revival of the 1786 Tomimoto-based dance-drama "Sode Furu Yuki Yoshino Shûi" (nowadays entitled "Meoto Gitsune") [more details].

21st day of the 12th lunar month: the actor Nakamura Shirobê died.

24th day of the 12th lunar month [70]: the actor Bandô Jutarô I (1769~1840) died.

1841 (Tenpô 12)

Beginning of the Tenpô reforms led by Mizuno Tadakuni; sumptuary laws were enforced and the Kabuki world was targeted: the theaters had to move to the remote district of Saruwaka-chô, performances within the precincts of temples or shrines were forbidden, actors prints were temporarily proscribed and the Edo star Ichikawa Ebizô V was exiled to Kamigata.

7th lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of the dance "Ame no Gorô", which was performed by Onoe Tamizô II as part of a nine-role hengemono entitled "Yae Kokonoe Hana no Sugatae".

29th day of the 7th lunar month: the playwright Nakamura Jûsuke IV (1807~1841) died.

6th day of the 10th lunar month [51]: a fire broke out from the backstages of the Nakamuraza in the district of Sakai-chô. It spread and destroyed the Ichimuraza and the Nakamuraza.

20th day of the 10th lunar month [108]: the Edo authorities forbade the reconstruction of the destroyed theaters in Sakai-chô.

19th day of the 12th lunar month [109]: the Nakamuraza, Ichimuraza and Kawarasakiza were ordered to move to the remote district of Asakusa Saruwaka-chô.

1842 (Tenpô 13)

3rd day of the 2nd lunar month [40]: the sakusha Nagawa Issen I (1764~1842) died.

1843 (Tenpô 14)

1st lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of the dance "Kashiragaki Ise Monogatari" (commonly called "Noriaibune"), which was staged within the new year drama "Kioi Uta Soga no Hanadashi" [more details].

15th day of the 4th lunar month: the actor Bandô Daikichi I (1767~1843) died.

24th of the 10th lunar month [84]: the actor Ichikawa Danzaburô V died.

1844 (Tenpô 15 / Kôka 1)

3rd day of the 7th lunar month [88]: the actor Ichikawa Yaozô IV (1772~1844) died.

1845 (Kôka 2)

1st lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of Sakurada Jisuke III's dance-drama "Awa Mochi" [more details].

1st day of the 4th lunar month [120]: the actor Iwai Hanshirô VII (1804~1845) died.

6th day of the 6th lunar month [121]: the actor Ichikawa Danzô V (1788~1845) died.

11th day of the 9th lunar month [122]: the actor Asao Kuzaemon II (1786~1845) died.

1846 (Kôka 3)

1st lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of Sakurada Jisuke III's Tokiwazu-based dance-drama "Kagura Uta Kumoi no Kyokumari", commonly called "Dontsuku" [more details].

4th day of the 4th lunar month: the actor Bandô Mitsuemon I (1788~1846) died.

7th lunar month: the actor Bandô Sanpachi IV died.

27th day of the 7th lunar month [4]: the actor Arashi Izaburô II (1774~1846) died.

1847 (Kôka 4)

2nd lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of the 11-role hengemono "Kanadehon Chûshingura" (same title as the classic drama "Kanadehon Chûshingura"); each role, which was performed by Ichimura Uzaemon XII, was based on 1 act of "Chûshingura" [more details]. The 6th role, "Kagoya", is still in the current Kabuki repertoire.

6th day of the 4th lunar month [125]: the actor Iwai Tojaku (1776~1847) died.

4th lunar month: premiere at the Kawarasakiza of the dance-drama "Shiki no Hina Asakusa Hakkei" (commonly called "Kyô Ningyô") [casting].

The actor Ichimura Uzaemon XII organized a great pilgrimage to the Narita Fudô temple, gathering a band of forty people (actors, hair-dressers, musicians, geisha and taiko mochi from the Yoshiwara pleasure quarter). They reveled nights and days on the way to the temple, there and on the way back to Edo. According to the chronicles, this revellers pilgrimage costed around 1,200 ryô, a huge amount of money at that time.

3rd day of the 7th lunar month [139]: the actor Kanô Hinasuke III (1812~1847) died.

24th day of the 8th lunar month [134]: the actor Nakamura Shibajûrô (1799~1847) died.

2nd day of the 11th lunar month [180]: the actor Nakamura Shikan III (1810~1847) died.

11th lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of the 7-role hengemono "Shiki Utsushi Tosae no Futsutsuka" [more details].

1848 (Kôka 5 / Kaei 1)

11th day of the 6th lunar month [167]: the actor Nakamura Tôzô III (1791~1848) died.

8th lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Nishizawa Ippô's drama "Eiri Shôsetsu Asagao Monogatari" [casting].

11th lunar month: premiere at the Kawarasakiza of the dance-drama "Takigi Ôyukima no Ichikawa", commonly called "Yamanba" [more details].

19th day of the 11th lunar month [175]: the actor Nakamura Sankô III died.

1849 (Kaei 2)

24th day of the 4th lunar month [21]: the star Ôkawa Hashizô I (1784~1849), who held the prestigious name of Onoe Kikugorô III from 1815 to 1848, died.

24th day of the 4th lunar month [21]: the actor Bandô Zenji III died.

3rd day of the 11th lunar month [67]: the actor Matsumoto Kinshô I (1812~1849) died.

1850 (Kaei 3)

9th lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of the drama "Minoriyoshi Kogane no Kikuzuki", a revision by Fujimoto Kichibê of the ghost play "Banshû Sarayashiki" [more details].

1851 (Kaei 4)

1st lunar month: the actors Ichimura Uzaemon XII and Ichimura Kurôemon respectively took the names of Ichimura Takenojô V and Ichimura Uzaemon XIII; the new Uzaemon became the manager of the Ichimuraza.

5th day of the 2nd lunar month: the actor Nakamura Tsurusuke III (1811~1851) died.

2nd lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Sakurada Jisuke III's Kiyomoto-based dance "Akegarasu Hana no Nureginu", commonly called "Urazato Tokijirô" or "Akegarasu" [casting].

4th lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of the Tokiwazu-based dance "Kioi Jishi Kabuki no Hanakago", commonly called "Kioi Jishi", starring Ichikawa Kodanji IV, Bandô Takesaburô I, Onoe Kikujirô II and Iwai Kumesaburô III.

22nd day of the 5th lunar month [28]: the actor and zamoto Bandô Yasosuke, who was Morita Kan'ya IX from the 11th lunar month of 1801 to the 4th lunar month of 1830, died.

2nd day of the 7th lunar month [68]: the actor Onoe Matsusuke III (1805~1851) died.

6th lunar month (?) [112]: the actor and Nakamuraza backstage manager Nakamura Shichisaburô IV died.

8th lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of Segawa Jokô III's drama "Higashiyama Sakura Sôshi" (commonly called "Sakura Giminden") [casting].

4th day of the 8th lunar month: the actor Bandô Kachô died.

20th day of the 8th lunar month [71]: the actor Ichimura Takenojô V (1812~1851) died.

18th day of the 9th lunar month [173]: the actor Ogawa Kichitarô III (1785~1851) died.

11th day of the 10th lunar month [136]: the actor and zamoto Nakamura Kanzaburô XII (1800~1851) died.

9th day of the 12th lunar month [64]: the actor Asao Yoroku I (1797~1851) died.

1852 (Kaei 5)

1st lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Sakurada Jisuke III's drama "Satomi Hakkenden" [casting].

21st day of the 1st lunar month: the playwright Tsuruya Nanboku V (1796~1852) died.

17th day of the 2nd lunar month [115]: the actor Nakamura Utaemon IV (1796~1852) died.

21st day of the 4th lunar month: a fire broke out within the Kado no Shibai in Ôsaka and destroyed three theaters and numerous others buildings.

7th lunar month: premiere at the Kawarasakiza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Jiraiya Gôketsu Monogatari" [casting].

8th lunar month: premiere at the Chikugo no Shibai of the dance "Ayatsuri Sanbasô"; the role of Sanbasô was performed by Arashi Rikaku II.

9th lunar month: the play "Sesshû Gappô-ga-Tsuji" was staged for the first time in Edo, at the Ichimuraza [casting].

2nd day of the 12th lunar month [48]: the playwright Nishizawa Ippô (1802~1852) died.

1853 (Kaei 6)

2nd lunar month: premiere at the Kawarasakiza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Shiranui Monogatari", which was based on Ryûkatei Tanekazu's long novel of the same title [more details].
Premiere at the Kawarasakiza of the dance "Yanagi no Ito Hikuya Gohiiki"; the role of the sanbasô was performed by Arashi Rikaku II.

15th day of the 2nd lunar month [135]: the actor Nakayama Hyakka (1764~1853) died.

3rd lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of Segawa Jokô III's drama "Yowa Nasake Ukina no Yokogushi" (commonly called "Kirare Yosa") [casting].

19th day of the 4th lunar month [2]: the actor Anegawa Shinshirô IV (1809~1853) died.

15th day of the 11th lunar month [38]: the actor Suketakaya Takasuke III (1802~1853) died.

1854 (Kaei 7 / Ansei 1)

3rd lunar month: premiere at the Kawarasakiza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Miyakodori Nagare no Shiranami" [casting].

6th lunar month: premiere at the Kawarasakiza of Shinoda Sasuke's drama "Kumo no Uwasa Onna Narukami" [casting].

6th day of the 8th lunar month [80]: the actor Ichikawa Danjûrô VIII (1823~1854) committed suicide in Ôsaka.

5th day of the 11th lunar month: a big fire broke out in Edo in the district of Seiten-chô and reduced to ashes the Ichimuraza, the Nakamuraza and the Moritaza.

8th day of the 12th lunar month [178]: the actor Arashi Otohachi III (1786~1854) died.

1855 (Ansei 2)

13th day of the 2nd lunar month [22]: the actor Nakamura Tomijûrô II (1786~1855) died.

6th day of the 3rd lunar month [73]: the actor Bandô Shûka I (1813~1855) died.

29th day of the 9th lunar month: the actor Ichikawa Saruzô I (1835~1855) died.

2nd day of the 10th lunar month [81]: the Ansei Edo Earthquake (Ansei Edo Jishin) destroyed Edo, killing many people and tearing down all the theaters.

10th day of the 10th lunar month: the playwright Namiki Gohei III (1789~1855) died.

1856 (Ansei 3)

3rd lunar month: great shûmei at the Ichimuraza for the Bandô branch of the Otowaya guild; Bandô Hikosaburô IV and Bandô Takesaburô I respectively took the names of Bandô Kamezô I and Bandô Hikosaburô V. The two actors played together in the dramas "Tsuruhachi to Suehiro Soga", "Hikinuide Kasumi no Midomise" and "Yume Musubu Chô ni Torioi".

6th day of the 4th lunar month [137]: the actor Nakamura Shibajaku I (1820~1856) died.

5th lunar month: premiere at the Moritaza of the first version of "Matsuura no Taiko", as 3 extended acts of the classic "Kanadehon Chûshingura". This program, which celebrated the reopening of the Moritaza, was entitled "Shin Butai Iroha no Kakizome".

5th day of the 8th lunar month [8]: the sakusha Mimasuya Nisôji (1784~1856) died.

9th lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's 9-act drama "Tsuta Momiji Utsunoya Tôge". The 2 leading stars were Ichikawa Kodanji IV (the blind masseur Bun'ya and the thief Niza) and Bandô Kamezô I (Itamiya Jûbê).

11th lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Shôchikubai Yuki no Akebono" [casting]. Premiere at the Ichimuraza of the dance "Joro no Makoto Osada no Chûkô" [casting].

1857 (Ansei 4)

1st lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Nezumi Komon Haru no Shingata" (commonly called "Nezumi Kozô") [casting].

7th lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of Sakurada Jisuke III's drama "Sanzesô Nishiki Bunshô" [casting].

7th lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Ami Moyô Tôro no Kikukiri" (commonly called "Kozaru Shichinosuke") [casting].

11th day of the 11th lunar month: [169] the actor Nakamura Daikichi III (1815~1857) died.

1858 (Ansei 5)

3rd lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Edo Zakura Kiyomizu Seigen"; the nibanme of this drama is now entitled "Kurotegumi Kuruwa no Tatehiki" in the Kabuki repertoire (commonly called "Kurotegumi Sukeroku") [more details].

27th day of the 4th lunar month [168]: the actor Mimasu Inemaru I (1834~1858) died.

23rd day of the 7th lunar month [155]: the actor Nakayama Nanshi II (1790~1858) died.

8th lunar month: the actor Arashi Koroku V died.

19th day of the 10th lunar month [95]: the actor Ichikawa Ebijûrô IV (1809~1858) died.

23rd day of the 12th lunar month [16]: the actor Yamashita Kinsaku IV (1791~1858) died.

1859 (Ansei 6)

1st lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of the Nagauta-based sanbasômono "Kotobuki Shiki Sanba" [casting].

2nd lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Kosode Soga Azami no Ironui" (commonly called "Izayoi Seishin") [casting].

16th day of the 3rd lunar month [29]: the actor Arashi San'emon IX (1805~1859) died.

23rd day of the 3rd lunar month: the actor Ichikawa Ebizô V (1791~1859) died.

13th day of the 5th lunar month [44]: the actor Mimasu Daigorô IV (1798~1859) died.

9th lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's Kiyomoto-based dance "Jitsugetsusei Chûya no Oriwake", commonly called "Ryûsei". The leading roles were played by Kawarasaki Gonjûrô I, Iwai Kumesaburô III and Ichikawa Kodanji IV.

11th lunar month: the playwright Shinoda Sasuke died.

1860 (Ansei 7 / Man'en 1)

1st lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Sannin Kichisa Kuruwa no Hatsugai" (commonly called "Sannin Kichisa") [casting].

1st lunar month: the 1762 puppet drama "Kishi no Himematsu Kutsuwa Kagami" (commonly called "Kishi Hime") was adapted for the first time to Kabuki, in Edo at the Moritaza; it was integrated within the new year sogamono drama "Momo Chidori Nigiwai Soga" [casting].

15th day of the 2nd lunar month [153]: the actor Nakamura Tamashichi I (1837~1860) died.

3rd lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Kagamiyama Gonichi no Iwafuji" [casting].

28th day of the 6th lunar month [118]: the actor Onoe Kikugorô IV (1808~1860) died.

7th lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Hachiman Matsuri Yomiya no Nigiwai" (commonly called "Chijimiya Shinsuke") [casting].

13th day of the 9th lunar month [90]: the actor Ichikawa Sukejurô (1783~1860) died.

1861 (Man'en 2 / Bunkyû 1)

6th day of the 1st lunar month [171]: the actor Ôtani Tomoemon IV (1791~1861) died.

7th day of the 1st lunar month [114]: the actor Nakamura Kanjaku II (1834~1861) died.

2nd lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of the dance "Chigiru Koi Haru no Awa Mochi" [casting].

15th day of the 2nd lunar month: the actor Mimasu Gennosuke II (1818~1861) died.

16th day of the 3rd lunar month: the actor Nakamura Tomosa II (1795~1861) died.

5th lunar month: premiere at the Moritaza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Ryû to Mimasu Takane no Kumokiri" [casting].

24th day of the 5th lunar month: the actor Nakajima Mihoemon V (1798~1861) died.

8th lunar month: premiere at the Moritaza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Sakura Sôshi Gonichi no Bundan", a revised version of Segawa Jokô III's drama "Higashiyama Sakura Sôshi", [casting].

10th lunar month: premiere at the Moritaza of Segawa Jokô III's drama "Zôho Futatsu Domoe" [casting].

2nd day of the 12th lunar month [35]: the actor Kataoka Ainosuke III (1827~1861) died.

1862 (Bunkyû 2)

The actor Nakayama Bungorô II died.

3rd lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Aoto Zôshi Hana no Nishikie" (commonly called "Shiranami Gonin Otoko") [casting].

5th lunar month: premiere at the Moritaza of the drama "Shinpan Ukina no Yomiuri" [more details].

22nd day of the 7th lunar month [162]: the actor Kataoka Ichizô I (1792~1862) died.

23rd day of the 7th lunar month [183]: the writer and sakusha Chikamatsu Monzaemon II (1792~1862) died.

8th day of the 8th lunar month: the musician Tokiwazu Bungonodaijô I (1804~1862), also named Ichikawa Monnosuke IV, died.

8th lunar month: premiere at the Moritaza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Kanzen Chôaku Nozoki Garakuri" [casting].

8th lunar month: revival at the Moritaza of the drama "Miyajima no Danmari", with a new script written by Kawatake Shinshichi II and starring Ichikawa Kodanji IV in the leading roles of the courtesan Ukifune and the thief Kesatarô.

8th day of the 10th lunar month [65]: the actor Asao Yoroku II (1821~1862) died.

15th day of the 10th lunar month [159]: the actor Azuma Ichinojô I (1821~1862) died.

2nd day of the 12th lunar month: the actor Kataoka Ainosuke III died.

1863 (Bunkyû 3)

16th day of the 2nd lunar month [152]: the actor Kataoka Nizaemon VIII (1810~1863) died.

21st day of the 4th lunar month of 1863 [54]: the actor Arashi Rikan III (1812~1863) died.

15th day of the 9th lunar month [127]: the actor Sawamura Gennosuke III (1804~1863) died.

18th of the 11th lunar month [26]: the actor and zamoto Morita Kan'ya XI (1802~1863) died.

1864 (Bunkyû 4 / Genji 1)

The actor Arashi Kanjûrô III (1819~1864) died.

2nd lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Soga Moyô Tateshi no Goshozome" [casting].

21st day of the 4th lunar month [176]: premiere at the Moritaza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Wakaba no Ume Ukina no Yokogushi" (commonly called "Kirare Otomi", in English 'Scarface Otomi') [casting].

22nd day of the 4th lunar month [177]: the following day after the premiere of "Wakaba no Ume Ukina no Yokogushi", a fire broke out in a Moritaza's shibai jaya; it quickly spread and burned the Moritaza, the Ichimuraza and the Nakamuraza.

14th day of the 7th lunar month [52]: the actor Arashi Rikaku II (1812~1864) died.

7th lunar month: the rebuilt Moritaza reopened with a program which was entitled "Chigusa Hana Masago no Shinbutai". Kawatake Shinshichi II's "Kirare Otomi" was staged with the same casting within this program, in a slightly revised version which was entitled "Musume Gonomi Ukina no Yokogushi" [more details].

28th day of the 9th lunar month [7]: the actor Arashi Kichisaburô III (1810~1864) died.

11th lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Koharunagi Okitsu Shiranami" (commonly called "Kogitsune Reiza") [casting].

11th lunar month: the actor Ichikawa Dannosuke V died.

1865 (Genji 2 / Keiô 1)

2nd day of the 3rd lunar month [97]: the actor Ichikawa Ichizô III (1833~1865) died.

1866 (Keiô 2)

2nd lunar month: premiere at the Moritaza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Fune-he Uchikomu Hashima no Shiranami" (commonly called "Ikake Matsu") [more details].

3rd lunar month: premiere at the Kado no Shibai of "Shunshoku Ume Goyomi", the first adaptation to Kabuki of Tamenaga Shunsui's 1833 novel [casting].

7th day of the 5th lunar month [98]: the actor Ichikawa Raizô V (1820~1866) died.

8th day of the 5th lunar month [56]: the actor Ichikawa Kodanji IV (1812~1866) died.

1867 (Keiô 3)

2nd lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's new year sogamono "Keisei Soga Kuruwa Kagami", in which was premiered the drama "Oshizu Reiza" [more details].

22nd day of the 2nd lunar month [37]: the actor Jitsukawa Gakujûrô II (1813~1867) died.

21st day of the 4th lunar month: the actor Kawarasaki Kunitarô I (1849~1867) died.

6th day of the 8th lunar month [154]: the actor Nakamura Fukusuke II (1839~1867) died.

1868 (Keiô 4 / Meiji 1)

8th lunar month: great shûmei at the Ichimuraza; Ichimura Kakitsu IV and Ichimura Takematsu III respectively took the names of Onoe Kikugorô V and Ichimura Uzaemon XIV.

8th day of the 9th lunar month: beginning of the Meiji era, which meant the end of both the Tokugawa Shogunate and the Edo period and the restoration of the imperial power.

23rd day of the 9th lunar month: the zamoto Kawarasaki Gonnosuke VI (1814~1868) died.

1869 (Meiji 2)

7th lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Kichisama Mairu Yukari no Otozure" [casting].

9th lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Momoyama Monogatari", commonly called "Jishin Katô" ("Earthquake Katô"); Kawarasaki Gonnosuke VII played the leading role of Katô Kiyomasa. This drama was a first experiment, which foreshadowed the katsureki plays.

1870 (Meiji 3)

3rd lunar month: premiere at the Moritaza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Kusunoki-ryû Hanami no Makuhari" (commonly called "Keian Taiheiki" or "Marubashi Chûya") [more details].

3rd lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of "Ume Goyomi Tatsumi no Sono", an adaptation to Kabuki by Kawatake Shinshichi II and Segawa Jokô III of Tamenaga Shunsui's 1833 novel "Shunshoku Ume Goyomi" [casting].

18th day of the 12th lunar month [145]: the actor Seki Sanjûrô III (1805~1870) died.

1871 (Meiji 4)

11th day of the 8th lunar month [75]: the actor Ogino Senjo died.

18th day of the 8th lunar month [69]: the actor Nakamura Jakuemon I (1806~1871) died.

22nd day of the 10th lunar month [85]: the actor Ichikawa Danzô VI (1800~1871) died.

22nd day of the 11th lunar month [128]: the actor Kataoka Gatô II (1839~1871) died.

1872 (Meiji 5)

1st lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of the drama "Ume Kyôdai Naniwa Senki" (one act has survived and became the independent drama "Kimura Nagato-no-Kami") [casting].

7th lunar month: premiere at the Murayamaza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's dance "Renjishi", which starred Bandô Hikosaburô V and Sawamura Tosshô II in the roles of the spirits of Lions (parent and cub).

30th day of the 7th lunar month [138]: the actor Bandô Minosuke IV (1831~1872) died.

10th lunar month: premiere at the Moritaza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's zangirimono "Tsuki no En Masu no Igaguri" [casting].

7th day of the 10th lunar month [36]: the actor Jitsukawa Enzaburô II (1848~1872) died.

1873 (Meiji 6)

1 February: the actor Ôtani Hiroji V (1833~1873) died.

March: premiere at the Murayamaza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Taiko no Oto Chiyû Sanryaku" (commonly called "Sakai no Taiko") [casting].

June: premiere at the Nakamuraza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Tsuyu Kosode Mukashi Hachijô" (commonly called "Kamiyui Shinza") [casting].

11 August: the actor Onoe Tamimaru I died.

20 August (?): the actor Onoe Usaburô I died.

31 August: the actor Bandô Jutarô III (1843~1873) died.

11 September: the actor Bandô Mitsugorô VI (1846~1873) died.

October: premiere at the Chikugo no Shibai of Katsu Genzô II's drama "Kimi-wa-Fune Nami no Uwajima" [casting].

5 october: the actor Iwai Shijaku III (1840~1873) died.

14 November: the actor Bandô Kamezô I (1800~1873) died.

1874 (Meiji 7)

2 July: the actor Onoe Matsusuke died.

July: premiere at the Kawarasakiza of Takeshiba Kinsaku I's Nagauta-based dance-drama "Kotobuki Ninin Shôjô" [more details].

October: premiere at the Kawarasakiza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Kumo no Ueno San'e no Sakumae" [casting].

1875 (Meiji 8)

January: premiere at the Moritaza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Ôgi Byôshi Ôoka Seidan" (commonly called "Ten'ichibô") [casting].

May: revival at the Kawarasakiza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Kusunoki-ryû Hanami no Makuhari", which was entitled "Hanamidoki Yui no Makuhari" [more details].

15 August: the actor Nakamura Keijo (1836~1875) died.

October: premiere at the Nakamuraza and the Shinboriza of Takeshiba Kinsaku I's drama "Minori no Aki Seishô Denki" [more details].

1876 (Meiji 9)

End of February: a fire broke out in the western wing of the Chikugoza and destroyed all the Dôtonbori theaters.

12 April: a fire broke out in the room of the actor Nakamura Kanpachi and destroyed the Takeda no Shibai.

June: premiere at the Shintomiza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Hototogisu Date no Kikigaki" [casting].

1 November: the actor Mimasu Daigorô V (1807~1876) died.

28 November: a fire broke out in the district of Sukiya-chô and destroyed both the Nakabashiza and the Shintomiza.

31 December: a fire broke out in Edo in Asakusa and destroyed both the Satsumaza and the Nakamuraza.

1877 (Meiji 10)

The actor Asao Kunigorô V died.

January: premiere at the Naka no Shibai of "Shunshoku Ume Goyomi", an adaptation to Kabuki by the playwright Katsu Genzô II of Tamenaga Shunsui's 1833 novel [casting].

7 August: the playwright Kyôgendô Sakô II (1802~1877) died.

13 October: the actor Bandô Hikosaburô V (1832~1877) died.

19 October: the actor Nakamura Kiyosaburô IV died.

December: premiere at the Shintomiza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Kômonki Osana Kôshaku" [more details].

1878 (Meiji 11)

April: the actor Arashi San'emon X died.

June: premiere at the Shintomiza of the 2-part dance-drama "Botan-ni Chô Ôgi no Irodori". The second part, "Suehiro no Shiroharigasa", has survived and became the Nagauta-based dance-drama "Genroku Hanami Odori" [more details].

7 July: the actor Sawamura Tanosuke III (1845~1878) died.

September: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Takeshiba Kinsaku I's drama "Tsûzoku Saiyûki" [casting].

12 September: the actor Ichikawa Monnosuke V (1821~1878) died.

October: premiere at the Shintomiza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Jitsugetsusei Kyôwa Seidan" [casting].

22 October: the actor Onoe Shôkaku I (1832~1878) died.

1879 (Meiji 12)

February: premiere at the Shintomiza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Ningen Banji Kane no Yo no Naka" [casting].

15 July: the actor Arashi Kichisaburô IV died.

16 July: gala night at the Shintomiza in the honor of the General Ulysses S. Grant, who ended his world tour with a stop in Japan [more details].

1 September: the actor Nakayama Bungorô III died.

September: the zamoto Morita Kan'ya XII produced at the Shintomiza an original play "Hyôryû Kidan Seiyô Kabuki" ("A strange story about drifters and Western Kabuki"!), written by Kawatake Shinshichi II and staged with some Western actors. The plot was about the adventures of a group of Japanese in Europe and in the USA. The play included several Italian-style operettas, which disconcerted the audience. This original performance was a complete commercial failure.

16 october: the actor Sawamura Shozan I (1842~1879) died.

1880 (Meiji 13)

24 January: the actor Asao Yoroku III died.

23 May: premiere at the Saruwakaza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Arimatsuzome Sumô Yukata" [more details].

1881 (Meiji 14)

3 February: the actor Nakamura Kanjaku III (1841~1881) died.

13 February: the actor Nakamura Kashichi IV (1817~1881) died.

19 February: the young actor Bandô Kamesaburô II (1862~1881) died.

March: premiere at the Shintomiza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Kumo ni Magou Ueno no Hatsuhana" [casting].

March: the actor Asao Okuyama IV died.

13 April: the actor Sawamura Genpei III (1869~1881) died.

May: premiere at the Saruwakaza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Ôsakazuki Shusen no Tsuwamono" [casting].

June: premiere at the Shintomiza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's jidaimono "Youchi Soga Kariba no Akebono" [casting]. Premiere at the Shintomiza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's dance-drama "Tsuchi-gumo", which was staged to commemorate the 32nd anniversary (33rd memorial service) of late Onoe Kikugorô III [casting].

28 June: the playwright Segawa Jokô III (1806~1881) died.

October: premiere at the Harukiza of Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Kiwametsuki Banzui Chôbê" [casting].

October: premiere at the Ebisuza of Katsu Genzô III's drama "Ogasawara Shorei no Oku no Te" [casting].

November: Kawatake Shinshichi II took the name of Kawatake Mokuami (to retire); premiere at the Shintomiza of Kawatake Mokuami's zangirimono drama "Shima Chidori Tsuki no Shiranami" [casting].

1882 (Meiji 15)

23 January: a fire destroyed the Saruwakaza.

19 February: the actor Iwai Hanshirô VIII (1829~1882) died.

June: premiere at the Saruwakaza of Kawatake Mokuami's Nagauta-based matsubamemono "Imayô Mochizuki" (commonly called "Mochizuki") [casting].

18 June: the actor Ichikawa Shinjûrô II died.

November: premiere at the Saruwakaza of Kawatake Mokuami's kuroda-sôdômono "Imayô Mochizuki" [casting].

1883 (Meiji 16)

January: premiere at the Shintomiza of Kawatake Mokuami's drama "Medeshi Yanagi Midori no Matsumae" [casting].

April: premiere at the Shintomiza of Kawatake Mokuami's Nagauta-based matsubamemono "Ibaraki" [casting].

May: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Kawatake Mokuami's drama "Shin Sarayashiki Tsuki no Amagasa" [casting].

November: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Kawatake Mokuami's drama "Zôho Tenjiku Tokubê", a revision of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's "Tenjiku Tokubê Ikoku Banashi" [casting].

1884 (Meiji 17)

March: premiere at the Harukiza of Takeshiba Kinsaku I's drama "Chûjô Hime Taima Engi" [casting].

29 April: the actor Ichikawa Dannosuke died.

November: premiere at the Saruwakaza of Kawatake Mokuami's katsureki drama "Hôjô Kudai Meika no Isaoshi" [casting].

1885 (Meiji 18)

January: premiere at the Chitoseza of the dance-drama "Tsuru Kame" [more details].

February: premiere at the Chitoseza of Kawatake Mokuami's drama "Suitengû Megumi no Fukagawa" [casting].

May: first performance at the Harukiza for the Torikuma Shibai troupe.

18 September: the actor Jitsukawa Enjaku I (1831~1885) died.

November: premiere at the Shintomiza of Kawatake Mokuami's Nagauta-based matsubamemono "Funa Benkei" [casting].

7 November: the actor Asao Okuyama V (1850~1885) died.

November: premiere at the Chitoseza of Kawatake Mokuami's drama "Shisen Ryô Koban no Ume-no-Ha" [more details].

1886 (Meiji 19)

2 March: the actor Onoe Tamizô II (1799~1886) died.

March: final performance at the Harukiza for the Torikuma Shibai troupe.

March: premiere at the Chitoseza of Kawatake Mokuami's drama "Mekura Nagaya Ume-ga-Kagatobi" [casting].

5 April: the actor Arashi Rishô II (1849~1886) died.

10 November: the actor Nakamura Nakazô III (1809~1886) died.

1887 (Meiji 20)

April: premiere at the Nakaza of Katsu Genzô III's drama "Nikaigasa Yagyû Jikki" [casting].

26~29 April: first tenran kabuki in history! The emperor watched Kabuki for the first time the 26th of April 1887 at the residence of Inoue Kaoru, the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The casting included the three leading stars Ichikawa Danjûrô IX, Onoe Kikugorô V and Ichikawa Sadanji I.

21 July: the actor Kawarasaki Kunitarô III (1853~1887) died.

October: premiere at the Shintomiza of Kawatake Mokuami's matsubamemono "Momijigari" [casting].

1888 (Meiji 21)

8 February: the actor Jitsukawa Enzaburô III (1856~1888) died.

5 May: the actor Nakamura Fukusuke III (1846~1888) died.

9 June: the actor Kataoka Matsunosuke died.

May: première at the Chitoseza of Kawatake Shinshichi III's drama "Kagotsurube Sato no Eizame" [casting].

9 December: the actor Ichikawa Ebijûrô V died.

1889 (Meiji 22)

13 March: the actor Iwai Shijaku IV (1854~1889) died.

July: the actor Seki Sanjûrô IV (1835~1889) died.

September: première at the Chitoseza of Kawatake Shinshichi III's Tokiwazu-based dance-drama "Kumo no Ito Oyozume Banashi" [more details].

8 October: the actor Nakamura Sôjûrô (1835~1889) died.

21 November: opening of the Kabukiza in the district of Kobiki-chô in Tôkyô.

1890 (Meiji 23)

19 February: the actor Sawamura Yoshijirô II (1874~1890) died.

March: premiere at the Kiriza of Takeshiba Kisui's drama "Kami no Megumi Wagô no Torikumi" [more details].

17 March: the actor Nakamura Shibajaku III (1856~1890) died.

April: premiere at the Ichimuraza of the drama "Hitotsuya"; Onoe Kikugorô V played the leading role of the old woman Ibara.

11 April: the actor Nakamura Tsuruzô II (1831~1890) died.

23 June: a fire destroyed the Harukiza.

July: premiere at the Shintomiza of "Kiyomasa Seichûroku", a revised version of Kawatake Shinshichi III's 1875 drama "Minori no Aki Seishô Denki". It was part of a special 2-day gala program starring Ichikawa Danjûrô IX [more details].

October: premiere at the Kabukiza of Kawatake Mokuami's Tokiwazu-based dance-drama "Modoribashi" [casting].

6 December: the actor Ichikawa Teruzô I (1842~1890) died.

1891 (Meiji 24)

March: premiere at the Kabukiza of Fukuchi Ôchi's drama "Buyû no Homare Shusse Kagekiyo", a revised revival of Chikamatsu Monzaemon's jidaimono "Shusse Kagekiyo" [casting].

5 May: the actor Bandô Shûka II died.

3 September: the actor Bandô Kitsujûrô II (1838~1891) died.

September: premiere at the Kabukiza of Fukuchi Ôchi's drama "Zôho Onna Narukami" [more details].

November: the title "Oto ni Kiku Tenjiku Tokubê" was used for the first time, in Tôkyô at the Fukanoza [casting].

1892 (Meiji 25)

January: premiere at the Kabukiza of Kawatake Shinshichi III's drama "Shiobara Tasuke Ichidaiki" [casting].

6 February: the actor Jitsukawa Yaozô I (1838~1892) died.

July: premiere at the Kabukiza of Kawatake Shinshichi III's drama "Kaidan Botan Dôrô", adapted for Kabuki from a famous Rakugo story created by San'yûtei Enchô [casting].

July: premiere at the Kabukiza of the dance "Makura Jidô", which starred Onoe Kikugorô V in the role of Kikujidô.

25 September: the actor Nakamura Tsurusuke V (1846~1892) died.

October: premiere at the Kabukiza of the matsubamemono "Suô Otoshi", starring Ichikawa Danjûrô IX and Nakamura Fukusuke IV in the roles of Tarôkaja and the Princess.

1893 (Meiji 26)

22 January: the playwright Kawatake Mokuami (1816~1893) died. He wrote around 360 plays. The same day, a fire broke out in Edo in the district of Torigoe-chô and reduced to ashes the Torigoeza.

March: premiere at the Kabukiza of Fukuchi Ôchi's Nagauta-based dance "Shunkyô Kagami Jishi". The musical accompaniment was written by Kineya Shôjirô III, the choreography was made by Fujima Kan'emon II and the leading role was danced by Ichikawa Danjûrô IX.

18 March: the actor Bandô Kakitsu I (1847~1893) died.

4 July: the actor Bandô Hikojûrô I (1842~1893) died.

November: the puppet drama "Kamiko Jitate Ryômen Kagami" was adapted for Kabuki for the first time, in Ôsaka at the Naniwaza [casting].

1894 (Meiji 27)

26 April: the actor Bandô Tarô (1833~1894) died.

May: revival at the Minamiza of "Unagidani" by a troupe led by Kataoka Gatô III.

31 May: the actor Arashi Rikan IV (1837~1894) died.

28 August: the actor Onoe Fujaku VII died.

1895 (Meiji 28)

15 April: the actor Kataoka Nizaemon X (1851~1895) died.

20 July: the actor Nakamura Jakuemon II (1841~1895) died.

19 October: the zamoto Nakamura Kanzaburô XIII (1828~1895) died.

1896 (Meiji 29)

January: revival at the Harukiza of the dance "Kashiragaki Ise Monogatari", staged under the title "Noriaibune Ehô Manzai", with Ichikawa Ennosuke I and Nakamura Kangorô XII performing the two comic dancers.

31 August: the actor Nakamura Jusaburô III (1839~1896) died.

8 November: the sakusha Takeshiba Hyôzô I (1839~1896) died.

1897 (Meiji 30)

March: opening of the Tôkyôza in Tôkyô in the district of Kanda Misaki-chô; its first zagashira was Ichikawa Danjûrô IX's disciple Ichikawa Sumizô V.

April: premiere at the Kabukiza of Fukuchi Ôchi's drama "Otokodate Harusame Gasa" [more details].

28 June: the actor Onoe Kikunosuke II (1868~1897) died.

9 July: the actor Ichikawa Shinzô V (1861~1897) died.

21 August: the zamoto Morita Kan'ya XII (1846~1897) died.

October: premiere at the Meijiza of Fukuchi Ôchi's dance-drama "Ômori Hikoshichi" [casting].

November: the Meiji star Ichikawa Danjûrô IX played at the Kabukiza the role of Fujiwara no Shihei in "Shihei no Nana Warai", which was the second act of Namiki Gohachi's drama "Tenmangû Natane no Gokû" revised by Fukuchi Ôchi.

1898 (Meiji 31)

January: premiere at the Kabukiza of Kawatake Shinshichi III's dance-drama "Hagoromo" [casting].
premiere at the Miyatoza of Segawa Jokô IV's drama "Shinsaku Yakko no Koman" [more details].

23 March: a fire destroyed the Harukiza.

May: premiere at the Kabukiza of Kawatake Shinshichi III's drama "Edo Sodachi Omatsuri Sashichi" [casting].

June: the play "Rôben Sugi no Yurai", which was originally written for the puppet theater and staged for the first time in February 1887 in Ôsaka, was adapted for Kabuki for the first time and staged at the Minamiza [more details].

9 October: the actor Arashi Kichisaburô V (1845~1898) died.

October: premiere at the Meijiza of Takeshiba Kisui's dance-drama "Sannin Katawa" [casting].

14 November: the actor Nakamura Kamenojô II (1860~1898) died.

1899 (Meiji 32)

16 January: the actor Nakamura Shikan IV (1830~1899) died.

March: premiere at the Meijiza of the drama "Kurotegumi Kuruwa no Tatehiki", which gathered the main scenes from the sukerokumono part of Kawatake Shinshichi II's 1858 drama "Edo Zakura Kiyomizu Seigen" [casting].

26 June: the actor Onoe Taganojô II (1849~1899) died.

24 August: the actor Suketakaya Kodenji I (1884~1899) died.

The actor Asao Okuyama VI (1854~1899) died.

1900 (Meiji 33)

January: premiere at the Kabukiza of Kawatake Shinshichi III's dance-drama "Yami no Ume Hyaku Monogatari" [more details].

16 March: the actor Nakamura Komanosuke VI (1849~1900) died.


[1] The 26th day of the 2nd lunar month of the 2nd year of the Bunka era was the 26th of March 1805 in the western calendar.

[2] The 19th day of the 4th lunar month of the 6th year of the Kaei era was the 26th of May 1853 in the western calendar.

[3] The 4th day of the 2nd lunar month of the 13th year of the Kansei era was the 18th of March 1801 in the western calendar. The following day was the last day of the Kansei era!

[4] The 27th day of the 7th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Kôka era was the 19th of September 1846 in the western calendar.

[5] The 27th day of the 7th lunar month of the 7th year of the Bunsei era was the 21st of August 1824 in the western calendar.

[6] The 16th day of the 8th lunar month of the 5th year of the Bunka era was the 5th of October 1808 in the western calendar.

[7] The 28th day of the 9th lunar month of the 1st year of the Genji era was the 28th of October 1864 in the western calendar.

[8] The 5th day of the 8th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Ansei era was the 3rd of September 1856 in the western calendar.

[9] The 27th day of the 6th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Bunka era was the 11th of August 1806 in the western calendar.

[10] The 26th day of the 8th lunar month of the 7th year of the Bunka era was the 24th of September 1810 in the western calendar.

[11] The 21st day of the 10th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Bunsei era was the 8th of December 1819 in the western calendar.

[12] The 19th day of the 2nd lunar month of the 9th year of the Tenpô era was the 14th of March 1838 in the western calendar.

[13] The 21st day of the 8th lunar month of the 11th year of the Bunsei era was the 29th of September 1828 in the western calendar.

[14] The 11th day of the 4th lunar month of the 13th year of the Bunsei era was the 1st of June 1830 in the western calendar.

[15] The 8th day of the 12th lunar month of the 9th year of the Bunka era was the 10th of January 1813 in the western calendar.

[16] The 23rd day of the 12th lunar month of the 5th year of the Ansei era was the 26th of January 1859 in the western calendar.

[17] The 12th day of the 12th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Bunka era was the 31st of January 1806 in the western calendar.

[18] The 26th day of the 9th lunar month of the 4th year of the Bunsei era was the 21st of October 1821 in the western calendar.

[19] The 23rd day of the 6th lunar month of the 8th year of the Bunsei era was the 7th of August 1825 in the western calendar.

[20] The 1st day of the 3rd lunar month of the 8th year of the Tenpô era was the 5th of April 1837 in the western calendar.

[21] The 24th day of the 4th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Kaei era was the 16th of May 1849 in the western calendar.

[22] The 13th day of the 2nd lunar month of the 2nd year of the Ansei era was the 30th of March 1855 in the western calendar.

[23] The 9th day of the 3rd lunar month of the 6th year of the Bunka era was the 23rd of April 1809 in the western calendar.

[24] The 7th day of the 6th lunar month of the 4th year of the Tenpô era was the 23rd of July 1833 in the western calendar.

[25] The 30th day of the 10th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Bunka era was the 9th of December 1806 in the western calendar.

[26] The 18th of the 11th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Bunkyû era was the 28th of December 1863 in the western calendar.

[27] The 11th day of the 7th lunar month of the 9th year of the Tenpô era was the 30th of August 1838 in the western calendar.

[28] The 22nd day of the 5th lunar month of the 4th year of the Kaei era was the 21st of June 1851 in the western calendar.

[29] The 16th day of the 3rd lunar month of the 6th year of the Ansei era was the 18th of April 1859 in the western calendar.

[30] The 26th day of the 9th lunar month of the 10th year of the Tenpô era was the 1st of November 1839 in the western calendar.

[31] The 15th day in Nojima Jusaburô's book "Kabuki Jinmei Jiten" and the 17th day in the 6th volume of "Kabuki Nenpyô". The 15th day of the 12th lunar month of the 1st year of the Tenpô era was the 28th of January 1831 in the western calendar. If he died the 17th day, it was the 30th of January 1831.

[32] The 27th day of the 11th lunar month of the 12th year of the Bunsei era was the 22nd of December 1829 in the western calendar.

[33] The 6th day of the 6th lunar month of the 5th year of the Bunka era was the 29th of June 1808 in the western calendar.

[34] The 9th day of the 8th lunar month of the 5th year of the Bunsei era was the 23rd of September 1822 in the western calendar.

[35] The 2nd day of the 12th lunar month of the 1st year of the Bunkyû era was the 1st of January 1862.

[36] The 7th day of the 10th lunar month of the 5th year of the Meiji era was the 7th of November 1872 in the western calendar.

[37] The 22nd day of the 2nd lunar month of the 3rd year of the Keiô era was the 27th of March 1867 in the western calendar.

[38] The 15th day of the 11th lunar month of the 6th year of the Kaei era was the 15th of December 1853 in the western calendar.

[39] The 17th day of the 11th lunar month of the 11th year of the Bunsei era was the 23rd of December 1828 in the western calendar.

[40] The 3rd day of the 2nd lunar month of the 13th year of the Tenpô era was the 14th of March 1842 in the western calendar.

[41] The 29th day of the 1st lunar month of the 9th year of the Bunsei era was the 7th of March 1826 in the western calendar.

[42] The 2nd day of the 7th lunar month of the 1st year of the Bunsei era was the 3rd of August 1818 in the western calendar.

[43] The 25th day of the 7th lunar month of the 4th year of the Bunka era was the 28th of August 1807 in the western calendar.

[44] The 13th day of the 5th lunar month of the 6th year of the Ansei era was the 13th of June 1859 in the western calendar.

[45] The 23rd day of the 7th lunar month of the 13th year of the Bunka era was the 16th of August 1816 in the western calendar.

[46] The 15th day of the 11th lunar month of the 9th year of the Bunsei era was the 13th of December 1826 in the western calendar.

[47] The 17th of the 9th lunar month of the 10th year of the Bunka era was the 10th of October 1813 in the western calendar.

[48] The 2nd day of the 12th lunar month of the 5th year of the Kaei era was the 11th of January 1853 in the western calendar.

[49] The 13th day of the 9th lunar month of the 1st year of the Kyôwa era was the 20th of October 1801 in the western calendar.

[50] The 2nd day of the 5th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Kyôwa era was the 20th of June 1803 in the western calendar.

[51] The 6th day of the 10th lunar month of the 12th year of the Tenpô era was the 18th of November 1841 in the western calendar.

[52] The 14th day of the 7th lunar month of the 1st year of the Genji era was the 15th of August 1864 in the western calendar.

[53] The 13th day of the 6th lunar month of the 8th year of the Tenpô era was the 15th of July 1837 in the western calendar.

[54] The 21st day of the 4th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Bunkyû era was the 7th of June 1863 in the western calendar.

[55] The 29th day of the 6th lunar month of the 8th year of the Tenpô era was the 31st of July 1837 in the western calendar.

[56] The 8th day of the 5th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Keiô era was the 20th of June 1866 in the western calendar.

[57] The 5th day of the 2nd lunar month of the 9th year of the Bunka era was the 17th of March 1812 in the western calendar.

[58] The 16th day of the 8th lunar month of the 1st year of the Tenpô era was the 2nd of October 1830 in the western calendar.

[59] The 19th day of the 1st lunar month of the 6th year of the Tenpô era was the 16th of February 1835 in the western calendar.

[60] The 22nd day of the 8th lunar month of the 7th year of the Bunsei era was the 14th of September 1824 in the western calendar.

[61] The 7th day of the 4th lunar month of the 1st year of the Bunka era was the 17th of May 1804 in the western calendar.

[62] The 24th day of the 3rd lunar month of the 13th year of the Bunsei era was the 16th of May 1830 in the western calendar.

[63] The 25th day of the 7th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Bunka era was the 7th of September 1806 in the western calendar.

[64] The 9th day of the 12th lunar month of the 4th year of the Kaei era was the 31st of December 1851 in the western calendar.

[65] The 8th day of the 10th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Bunkyû era was the 29th of November 1862 in the western calendar.

[66] The 10th day of the 5th lunar month of the 9th year of the Tenpô era was the 1st of July 1838 in the western calendar.

[67] The 3rd day of the 11th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Kaei era was the 17th of December 1849 in the western calendar.

[68] The 2nd day of the 7th lunar month of the 4th year of the Kaei era was the 29th of July 1851 in the western calendar.

[69] The 18th day of the 8th lunar month of the 4th year of the Meiji era was the 2nd of October 1871 in the western calendar.

[70] The 24th day of the 12th lunar month of the 11th year of the Tenpô era was the 16th of January 1841 in the western calendar.

[71] The 20th day of the 8th lunar month of the 4th year of the Kaei era was the 15th of September 1851 in the western calendar.

[72] The 22nd day of the 2nd lunar month of the 11th year of the Bunka era was the 12th of April 1814 in the western calendar.

[73] The 6th day of the 3rd lunar month of the 2nd year of the Ansei era was the 31st of March 1855 in the western calendar.

[74] The 28th day of the 5th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Bunka era was the 25th of June 1805 in the western calendar.

[75] The 11th day of the 8th lunar month of the 4th year of the Meiji era was the 25th of September 1871 in the western calendar.

[76] The 5th day of the 1st lunar month of the 3rd year of the Kyôwa era was the 27th of January 1803 in the western calendar.

[77] The 24th day of the 6th lunar month of the 1st year of the Bunka era was the 30th of July 1804 in the western calendar.

[78] The 9th day of the 10th lunar month of the 5th year of the Bunka era was the 26th of November 1808 in the western calendar.

[79] The 13th day of the 11th lunar month of the 10th year of the Bunka era was the 4th of January 1814 in the western calendar.

[80] The 6th day of the 8th lunar month of the 7th year of the Kaei era was the 27th of September 1854 in the western calendar.

[81] The 2nd day of the 10th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Ansei era was the 11th of November 1855 in the western calendar.

[82] The 2nd day of the 11th lunar month of the 14th year of the Bunka era was the 9th of December 1817 in the western calendar.

[83] The 12th day of the 1st lunar month of the 14th year of the Bunka era was the 27th of February 1817 in the western calendar.

[84] The 24th of the 10th lunar month of the 14th year of the Tenpô era was the 15th of December 1843 in the western calendar.

[85] The 22nd day of the 10th lunar month of the 4th year of the Meiji era was the 4th of December 1871 in the western calendar.

[86] The 11th of the 7th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Bunsei era was the 19th of August 1820 in the western calendar.

[87] The 10th day of the 9th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Bunsei era was the 28th of October 1819 in the western calendar.

[88] The 3rd day of the 7th lunar month of the 1st year of the Kôka era was the 16th of August 1844 in the western calendar.

[89] The 13th day of the 12th lunar month of the 1st year of the Bunsei era was the 8th of January 1819 in the western calendar.

[90] The 13th day of the 9th lunar month of the 1st year of the Man'en era was the 26th of October 1860 in the western calendar.

[91] The 16th day of the 7th lunar month of the 10th year of the Bunsei era was the 6th of September 1827 in the western calendar.

[92] The 23rd day of the 8th lunar month of the 12th year of the Bunka era was the 25th of September 1815 in the western calendar.

[93] The 24th day of the 11th lunar month of the 12th year of the Bunsei era was the 19th of December 1829 in the western calendar.

[94] The 12th day of the 9th lunar month of the 7th year of the Tenpô era was the 21st of October 1836 in the western calendar.

[95] The 19th day of the 10th lunar month of the 5th year of the Ansei era was the 24th of November 1858 in the western calendar.

[96] The 26th day of the 8th lunar month of the 9th year of the Bunka era was the 1st of October 1812 in the western calendar.

[97] The 2nd day of the 3rd lunar month of the 2nd year of the Genji era was the 28th of March 1865 in the western calendar.

[98] The 7th day of the 5th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Keiô era was the 19th of June 1861 in the western calendar.

[99] The 11th day of the 7th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Bunsei era was the 19th of August 1820 in the western calendar.

[100] The 4th day of the 11th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Kyôwa era was the 28th of November 1802 in the western calendar.

[101] The 13th day of the 11th lunar lunar month of the 3rd year of the Bunka era was the 22nd of December 1806 in the western calendar.

[102] The 29th day of the 11th lunar lunar month of the 10th year of the Bunka era was the 21st of December 1813 in the western calendar.

[103] The 8th day of the 12th lunar month of the 8th year of the Bunsei era was the 15th of January 1826 in the western calendar.

[104] The 3rd day of the 1st lunar month of the 10th year of the Bunsei era was the 29th of January 1827 in the western calendar.

[105] The 21st day of the 3rd lunar month of the 12th year of the Bunsei era was the 24th of April 1829 in the western calendar.

[106] The 23rd day of the 12th lunar month of the 1st year of the Tenpô era was the 5th of February 1831 in the western calendar.

[107] The 7th day of the 2nd lunar month of the 5th year of the Tenpô era was the 16th of March 1834 in the western calendar.

[108] The 20th day of the 10th lunar month of the 12th year of the Tenpô era was the 2nd of December 1841 in the western calendar.

[109] The 19th day of the 12th lunar month of the 12th year of the Tenpô era was the 30th of January 1842 in the western calendar.

[110] The 11th day of the 5th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Kyôwa era was the 10th of June 1802 in the western calendar.

[111] The 18th day of the 7th lunar month of the 11th year of the Tenpô era was the 15th of August 1840 in the western calendar.

[112] Date of death unknown in Nojima Jusaburô's book "Kabuki Jinmei Jiten". According to the Ritsumeikan University Actors Database, he died the 9th day of the 6th lunar month of the 4th year of the Kaei era, which was the 7th of July 1851 in the western calendar. In the latest edition (2012) of "Kabuki Haiyû Meiseki Benran", he was recorded as dying the 29th day of the 6th lunar month of the 4th year of the Kaei era, which was the 27th of July 1851 in the western calendar.

[113] Another possible reading for the title was "Eiri Otogi Zôshi".

[114] The 7th day of the 1st lunar month of the 2nd year of the Man'en era was the 16th of February 1861 in the western calendar.

[115] The 17th day of the 2nd lunar month of the 5th year of the Kaei era was the 7th of March 1852 in the western calendar.

[116] The 22nd day of the 7th lunar month of the 10th year of the Bunka era was the 17th of August 1813 in the western calendar.

[117] The 25th day of the 10th lunar month of the 10th year of the Bunsei era was the 13th of December 1827 in the western calendar.

[118] The 28th day of the 6th lunar month of the 1st year of the Man'en era was the 14th of August 1860 in the western calendar.

[119] The 4th day of the 11th lunar month of the 6th year of the Tenpô era was the 23rd of December 1835 in the western calendar.

[120] The 1st day of the 4th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Kôka era was the 6th of May 1845 in the western calendar.

[121] The 6th day of the 6th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Kôka era was the 10th of July 1845 in the western calendar.

[122] The 11th day of the 9th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Kôka era was the 11th of October 1845 in the western calendar. According to others sources, he died the 18th day of the 6th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Kôka era, which was the 22nd of July 1845 in the western calendar

[123] The 8th day of the 4th lunar month of the 7th year of the Tenpô era was the 22nd of May 1836 in the western calendar.

[124] The 29th day of the 3rd lunar month of the 1st year of the Kyôwa era was the 11th of May 1801 in the western calendar.

[125] The 6th day of the 4th lunar month of the 4th year of the Kôka era was the 20th of May 1847 in the western calendar.

[126] The 9th day of the 7th lunar month of the 5th year of the Bunka era was the 30th of August 1808 in the western calendar.

[127] The 15th day of the 9th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Bunkyû era was the 27th of October 1863 in the western calendar.

[128] The 22nd day of the 11th lunar month of the 4th year of the Meiji era was the 2nd of January 1872 in the western calendar.

[129] The 6th day of the 7th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Tenpô era was the 1st of August 1832 in the western calendar.

[130] The 28th day of the 1st lunar month of the 14th year of the Bunka era was the 15th of March 1817 in the western calendar.

[131] The 19th day of the 1st lunar month of the 9th year of the Bunsei era was the 25th of February 1826 in the western calendar.

[132] The 27th day of the 6th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Kyôwa era was the 26th of July 1802 in the western calendar.

[133] The 25th day of the 7th lunar month of the 9th year of the Tenpô era was the 13th of September 1838 in the western calendar.

[134] The 24th day of the 8th lunar month of the 4th year of the Kôka era was the 3rd of October 1847 in the western calendar.

[135] The 15th day of the 2nd lunar month of the 6th year of the Kaei era was the 24th of March 1853 in the western calendar.

[136] The 11th day of the 10th of the 4th year of the Kaei era was the 4th of November 1851 in the western calendar.

[137] The 5th day of the 4th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Ansei era was the 8th of May 1856 in the western calendar.

[138] The 30th of the 7th lunar month of the 5th year of the Meiji era was the 2nd of September 1872 in the western calendar.

[139] The 3rd day of the 7th lunar month of the 4th year of the Kôka era was the 13th of August 1847 in the western calendar.

[140] The 7th day of the 1st lunar month of the 3rd year of the Tenpô era was the 8th of February 1832 in the western calendar.

[141] The 4th day of the 12th lunar month of the 7th year of the Bunka era was the 29th of December 1810 in the western calendar.

[142] The 29th day of the 11th lunar month of the 9th year of the Bunka era was the 1st of January 1813 in the western calendar.

[143] The 10th day of the 6th lunar month of the 5th year of the Bunka era was the 3rd of July 1808 in the western calendar.

[144] The 28th day of the 9th lunar month of the 10th year of the Tenpô era was the 3rd of November 1839 in the western calendar.

[145] The 18th day of the 12th lunar month lunar month of the 3rd year of the Meiji era was the 7th of February 1871 in the western calendar.

[146] The 14th day of the 8th lunar month of the 8th year of the Tenpô era was the 13th of September 1837 in the western calendar.

[147] The 16th day of the 10th lunar month of the 12th year of the Bunka era was the 16th of November 1815 in the western calendar.

[148] The 2nd day of the 10th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Kyôwa era was the 28th of October 1802 in the western calendar.

[149] The 4th day of the 8th lunar month of the 12th year of the Bunsei era was the 1st of September 1829 in the western calendar.

[150] The 20th day of the 10th lunar month of the 11th year of the Bunka era was the 1st of December 1814 in the western calendar.

[151] The 1st day of the 1st lunar lunar month of the 6th year of the Bunka era was the 14th of February 1809 in the western calendar.

[152] The 16th day of the 2nd lunar month of the 3rd year of the Bunkyû era was the 3rd of April 1863 in the western calendar.

[153] The 15th day of the 2nd lunar month of the 7th year of the Ansei era was the 7th of March 1860 in the western calendar.

[154] The 6th day of the 8th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Keiô era was the 3rd of September 1867 in the western calendar.

[155] The 23rd day of the 7th lunar month of the 5th year of the Ansei era was the 31st of August 1858 in the western calendar.

[156] The 23rd day of the 1st lunar month of the 15th year of the Bunka era was the 27th of February 1818 in the western calendar.

[157] The 18th day of the 6th lunar month of the 1st year of the Bunsei era was the 20th of July 1818 in the western calendar.

[158] The 20th day of the 10th lunar month of the 8th year of the Bunsei era was the 29th of November 1825 in the western calendar.

[159] The 15th day of the 10th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Bunkyû era was the 6th of December 1862 in the western calendar.

[160] The 22nd day of the 3rd lunar month of the 6th year of the Bunsei era was the 2nd of May 1823 in the western calendar.

[161] The 17th day of the 7th lunar month of the 5th year of the Bunka era was the 7th of September 1735 in the western calendar.

[162] The 22nd of the 7th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Bunkyû era was the 17th of August 1862 in the western calendar.

[163] The 14th day of the 1st lunar month of the 2nd year of the Bunsei era was the 8th of February 1819 in the western calendar.

[164] The 19th of the 8th lunar month of the 11th year of the Bunka era was the 2nd of October 1814 in the western calendar.

[165] The 2nd day of the 9th lunar month of the 10th year of the Bunka era was the 25th of September 1813 in the western calendar.

[166] The 11th day of the 3rd lunar month of the 2nd year of the Bunka era was the 10th of April 1805 in the western calendar.

[167] The 11th of the 6th lunar month of the 1st year of the Kaei era was the 11th of July 1848 in the western calendar.

[168] The 27th of the 4th lunar month of the 5th year of the Ansei era was the 8th of June 1735 in the western calendar.

[169] The 11th day of the 11th lunar month of the 4th year of the Ansei era was the 26th of December 1857 in the western calendar.

[170] The 5th day of the 1st lunar month of the 2nd year of the Tenpô era was the 17th of February 1831 in the western calendar.

[171] The 6th day of the 1st lunar month of the 2nd year of the Man'en era was the 15th of February 1861 in the western calendar.

[172] The 5th day of the 11th lunar month of the 10th year of the Tenpô era was the 10th of December 1839 in the western calendar.

[173] The 18th day of the 9th lunar month of the 4th year of the Kaei era was the 12th of October 1851 in the western calendar.

[174] The 3rd day of the 10th lunar month of the 12th year of the Bunsei era was the 30th of October 1829 in the western calendar.

[175] The 19th day of the 11th lunar month of the 1st year of the Kaei era was the 14th of December 1848 in the western calendar.

[176] The 21st day of 4th lunar month of the 1st year of the Genji era was the 26th of May 1864 in the western calendar.

[177] The 22nd day of 4th lunar month of the 1st year of the Genji era was the 27th of May 1864 in the western calendar.

[178] The 8th day of the 12th lunar month of the 1st year of the Ansei era was the 25th of January 1855 in the western calendar.

[179] The 23rd day of the 8th lunar month of the 7th year of the Bunka era was the 21st of September 1810 in the western calendar.

[180] The 2nd day of the 11th lunar month of the 4th year of the Kôka era was the 9th of December 1847 in the western calendar.

[181] The 8th day of the 7th lunar month of the 13th year of the Bunka era was the 1st of August 1816 in the western calendar.

[182] The 19th of the 10th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Tenpô era was the 11th of November 1832 in the western calendar.

[183] The 23rd day of the 7th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Bunkyû era was the 18th of August 1862 in the western calendar.

[184] The 29th day of the 7th lunar month of the 7th year of the Bunsei era was the 23rd of August 1824 in the western calendar.

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