1701 (Genroku 14)

1st lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of the bombastic play "Zôhiki" (Kabuki Jûhachiban), included in the drama "Keisei Ôshôkun". The hero and the villain were played by Ichikawa Danjûrô I and Yamanaka Heikurô I.

19th day of the 9th lunar month [207]: the zamoto Nakamura Kanzaburô V (1666~1701) died.

7th day of the 11th lunar month [50]: the actor Arashi San'emon II (1661~1701) died.

The actor Suzuki Heizaemon I died.

1702 (Genroku 15)

1st lunar month: premiere in Kyôto at Miyako Mandayû's theater of Chikamatsu Monzaemon's drama "Keisei Mibu Dainenbutsu". The 2 leading roles were played by Sakata Tôjûrô I and Arashi Kiyosaburô I.

1703 (Genroku 16)

7th day of the 4th lunar month: double suicide in Ôsaka of the couple of lovers Hiranoya Tokubê (a soy sauce dealer) and Tenmaya Ohatsu (a courtesan). This real incident inspired the playwright Chikamatsu Monzaemon, who wrote his first shinjûmono, whose title was "Sonezaki Shinjû" and which was performed at the Takemotoza puppets theater for the first time in the 5th lunar month of 1703.

29th day of the 11th lunar month: an earthquake hit Edo and the resulting fires destroyed the city. The 4 main theaters, the Nakamuraza, the Ichimuraza, the Moritaza and the Yamamuraza, were burnt to ashes. This catastrophe was nicknamed "Genroku Jishin Kaji" ("Genroku Earthquake and Fire").

1704 (Genroku 17 / Hôei 1)

10th day of the 1st lunar month [25]: the actor Yamatoya Jinbê II died.

19th day of the 2nd lunar month [32]: the actor Ichikawa Danjûrô I (1660~1704) died.

28th day of the 2nd lunar month [104]: the actor Bandô Matatarô I (1667~1704) died.

3rd day of the 4th lunar month [31]: the actor Ikushima Hanroku, who murdered Ichikawa Danjûrô I, was executed in Edo.

1st day of the 8th lunar month [216]: the onnagata actor Ogino Sawanojô (1656~1704) died.

Winter (?): double suicide in Ôsaka of the couple of lovers Kôya Tokubê (a dyer) and Ofusa (a courtesan). This real incident inspired the playwright Chikamatsu Monzaemon, who wrote his second shinjûmono, whose title was "Shinjû Kasane Izutsu" and which was performed at the Takemotoza puppet theater for the first time in 1707.

1705 (Hôei 2)

9th day of the 12th lunar month [65]: the actor Saigoku Hyôgorô I (1656~1705) died.

1706 (Hôei 3)

14th day of the 1st lunar month: a fire broke out in the district of Kanda Renjaku-chô. It spread and burned both the Ichimuraza and the Nakamuraza.

24th day of the 4th lunar month [212]: the actor Ikushima Daikichi I (1675~1706) died.

20th day of the 11th lunar month: a fire broke out in the district of Izumi-chô. It spread and burned both the Ichimuraza and the Nakamuraza.

11th lunar month: premiere at the Yamamuraza of the drama "Taihei Shusse Kagekiyo Shiraume no Hata", which was considered as an earlier version of the Kabuki Jûhachiban drama "Kagekiyo" [casting].

1707 (Hôei 4)

24th day of the 1st lunar month [156]: the sakusha Nakamura Seigorô I (1664~1707) died.

27th day of the 1st lunar month [120]: the actor Dekishima Kozarashi II died.

8th day of the 3rd lunar month: a fire broke out in the district of Kodenma-chô. It spread and burned both the Ichimuraza and the Nakamuraza.

8th lunar month: the actor Murayama Heijûrô I died.

4th day of the 10th lunar month: a powerful earthquake destroyed Ôsaka.

1708 (Hôei 5)

3rd day of the 2nd lunar month [154]: the actor Nakamura Shichisaburô I (1662~1708) died.

1709 (Hôei 6)

1st lunar month: the 4 Edo theaters, the Nakamuraza, the Ichimuraza, the Moritaza and the Yamamuraza, produced simultaneously a sogamono new year drama. This was the beginning of a custom which was still somehow observed nowadays.

1st day of the 11th lunar month [153]: the actor Sakata Tôjûrô I (1646~1709) died.

1710 (Hôei 7)

3rd lunar month: Tsuuchi Jihê II worked at the Nakamuraza on the revival of the seigen-sakurahimemono "Isshin Niga Byakudô", which was staged for the first time in the 7th lunar month of 1695 at the Yamamuraza. The roles of Seigen and Princess Sakura were played by Nakajima Kanzaemon I and Tsutsui Kichijûrô I. For the first time, Tsuuchi Jihê II mixed jidaimono and sewamono elements in the same drama. This was the first jidai-sewamono in Kabuki history.

18th day of the 12th lunar month: a fire broke out in the somptuous palace of the daimyô Sanada, located in the district of Kanda Koyanagi-chô. It spread and destroyed both the Nakamuraza and the Ichimuraza.

1711 (Hôei 8 / Shôtoku 1)

19th day of the 10th lunar month [210]: the actor Kokan Tarôji I (1644~1711) died.

1712 (Shôtoku 2)

5th day of the 1st lunar month: the actor Nakamura Shirogorô I (1651~1712) died.

23rd day of the 2nd lunar month: a fire broke out in the district of Horie-chô. It spread and destroyed both the Nakamuraza and the Ichimuraza.

24th day of the 11th lunar month [185]: the actor Takeshima Kôzaemon I died.

12th day of the 12th lunar month [150]: the actor Sadoshima Denpachi died.

1713 (Shôtoku 3)

12th day of the 1st lunar month [55]: the actor Murayama Shirôji died.

3rd lunar month: premiere at the Yamamuraza of the play "Hana Yakata Aigo Zakura", which was the first version of "Sukeroku". Ichikawa Danjûrô II played the leading role of Sukeroku [casting].

15th day of the 5th lunar month [57]: the actor Arashi Kiyosaburô I died.

25th day of the 10th lunar month [74]: the actor Nakamura Denkurô I (1662~1713) died.

22nd day of the 12th lunar month: a fire broke out in the district of Shitaya Byôbusaka and spread to others sections of Edo, destroying both the Ichimuraza and the Nakamuraza.

1714 (Shôtoku 4)

2nd lunar month: Ejima, a court lady who was at the service of the mother of the Shôgun, was in love with the star Ikushima Shingorô. Their affair was discovered in the backstage of the Yamamuraza. This incident, which has broken the boundaries between samurai and commoner, was a serious crime for the authorities which decided to deal ruthlessly with the culprits: Ejima and Ikushima Shingorô were exiled to different places. Those in the Shôgun's household, who were held responsible, were executed. The Yamamuraza was definitively closed and its management was heavily fined [more details].

1715 (Shôtoku 5)

1st lunar month (spring?): first Kabuki adaptation of Chikamatsu Monzaemon's drama "Daikyôji Mukashi Goyomi", which was entitled "Daikyôji" and was staged in Ôsaka [casting].

19th day of the 7th lunar month [121]: the actor Dekishima Kichiya died.

1st day of the 11th lunar month: the actor Kataoka Nizaemon I (1656~1715) died.

23rd day of the 11 lunar month [96]: the actor Sakon Ibê died.

1716 (Shôtoku 6 / Kyôhô 1)

11th day of the 1st lunar month [137]: a fire broke out in the district of Shitaya Ike-no-Hata and spread to others sections of Edo, destroying both the Ichimuraza and the Nakamuraza.

22nd day of the 4th lunar month [111]: the actor Nakajima Kanzaemon I (1662~1716) died.

24th day of the 4th lunar month [215]: the actor Nakamura Gennosuke (1666~1716) died.

19th day of the 5th lunar month [122]: the actor Dekishima Shôgorô died.

13th day of the 6th lunar month [67]: the actor Hamazaki Isogorô (1668~1716) died.

Fall: First Kabuki adaptation of Chikamatsu Monzaemon's masterpiece "Kokusen'ya Gassen", which was produced by the zamoto Sakakiyama Shirotarô I in Kyôto at Miyako Mandayû's theater [casting].

5th day of the 9th lunar month: the actor Azuma Tôzô I (1665~1716) died.

11th lunar month: "Kokusen'ya Gassen" was staged for the first time in Ôsaka, simultaneously produced in 2 theaters, the Ônishi no Shibai and the Higashi no Shibai. It was produced by the zamoto Sawamura Sôjûrô for the nadai Matsumoto Nazaemon in the former theater, starring the actors Anegawa Shinshirô I (Watônai) and Sawamura Sôjûrô (Kanki). It was produced by the zamoto Arashi Gosaburô for the nadai Ôsaka Kuzaemon in the latter theater, starring the actors Sakurayama Shirosaburô I (Watônai), Sanogawa Mangiku (Kinshôjo), Takenaka Tôzaburô (Kanki), Kirinoya Gonjûrô I (Rôikkan) and Kirinami Takie (Watônai's mother).

1717 (Kyôhô 2)

7th day of the 1st lunar month [199]: a fire broke out in the district of Owari-chô and spread to others sections of Edo, destroying the Moritaza.

18th day of the 1st lunar month [27]: the actor Yamashita Kyôemon I (1652~1717) died.

22nd day of the 1st lunar month [138]: a fire broke out in the district of Koishikawa and spread to others sections of Edo, destroying both the Ichimuraza and the Nakamuraza.

2nd day of the 5th lunar month [127]: the actor Ichikawa Danshirô I (1651~1717) died.

5th lunar month of 1717: first Kabuki adaptation of a puppet theater play in Edo. Chikamatsu Monzaemon's masterpiece "Kokusen'ya Gassen" was produced simultaneously in the 3 Edo Kabuki theaters (Nakamuraza / Ichimuraza / Moritaza).

18th day of the 9th lunar month [157]: the sakusha Nakamura Seigorô II (1679~1717) died.

1718 (Kyôhô 3)

1st lunar month: Ichikawa Danjûrô II played at the Moritaza the leading role in the "Uirô Uri" scene (Kabuki Jûhachiban), which was performed in the second part (nibanme) of the new year sogamono drama "Wakamidori Ikioi Soga". The performance was a successful long run (from the 1st lunar month to the 7th lunar month of 1718).

23rd day of the 1st lunar month of 1718: the actor Shinozuka Jirozaemon I (1657~1718) died.

2nd lunar month: First Kabuki adaptation of Chikamatsu Monzaemon's drama "Nihon Furisode Hajime", which was produced by the zamoto Sakakiyama Shirotarô I in Kyôto at Hayagumo Chôdayû's theater [casting].

5th day of the 6th lunar month [155]: the actor Murayama Heiemon III (1662~1718) died.

10th day of the 9th lunar month [40]: the actor Ichimura Takenojô I (1654~1718) died.

21st day of the 11th lunar month [162]: the actor Kamakura Chôkurô I died.

1719 (Kyôhô 4)

Spring 1719: Chikamatsu Monzaemon's play "Sonezaki Shinjû" was performed for the first time at the Nakamuraza, starring Ichikawa Danjûrô II and Sanogawa Mangiku in the roles of Hiranoya Tokubê and the courtesan Ohatsu (Tokubê's lover).

3rd lunar month: first Kabuki adaptation of Chikamatsu Monzaemon's puppet theater drama "Keisei Hangonkô", which was written in the 8th lunar month of 1708. The play was produced by Arashi San'emon III in Ôsaka at the Higashi no Shibai [casting].

8th day of the 8th lunar month [83]: the actor Yamamura Sôzaemon (1665~1719) died.

20th day of the 11th lunar month: the actor Hayakawa Dengorô (1670~1719) died.

1720 (Kyôhô 5)

1st lunar month: first Kabuki adaptation of Chikamatsu Monzaemon's puppet theater drama "Heike Nyogo no Shima", which was written in 1719. The play was produced by Takeshima Kôzaemon II in Ôsaka at the Naka no Shibai [casting].

1st lunar month: first Kabuki adaptation of Chikamatsu Monzaemon's puppet theater shinjûmono "Shinjû Kasane Izutsu", which was written in 1707. The same play was simultaneously produced in the 3 Edo theaters and commemorated the 16th anniversary (17th memorial service) of the suicide of the couple Tokubê and Ofusa. Check each theater page for the castings: Nakamuraza / Ichimuraza / Moritaza.

13th day of the 1st lunar month: a fire broke out in the district of Sakai-chô; the Nakamuraza was half-burnt.

27th day of the 7th lunar month [129]: the actor Ichikawa Kuzô died.

1721 (Kyôhô 6)

19th day of the 2nd lunar month [10]: the actor Ôtani Hiroemon I (1666~1721) died.

5th lunar month: Chikamatsu Monzaemon's drama "Shinjû Ten no Amijima", which was originally written for the puppet theater in the 12th lunar month of 1720, was adapted for Kabuki for the first time and staged in Edo at the Moritaza. The roles of Kamiya Jihê and Koharu were played by Ichikawa Danjûrô II and Sodesaki Miwano I.

22nd day of the 6th lunar month [39]: the actor Ôkuma Utaemon (1664~1721) died in Edo.

19th day of the 7th lunar month [24]: the actor Yamatoyama Jinzaemon I (1677~1721) died.

23rd day of the 8th lunar month [201]: the actor Kanazawa Heiroku died.

The 17th day of the 9th lunar month [48]: the actor Yamanaka Takejûrô (1674~1721) died.

10th day of the 12th lunar month: a fire broke out in the district of Kanda Tominaga-chô and spread to others sections of Edo, destroying the Nakamuraza and the Ichimuraza.

1722 (Kyôhô 7)

24th day of the 2nd lunar month [105]: the actor Bandô Matakurô III died.

12th lunar month of 1722: first Kabuki adaptation of Chikamatsu Monzaemon's puppet theater drama "Nebiki no Kadomatsu", which was originally written in the 1st lunar month of 1718. The play was staged in Ôsaka at the Kado no Shibai under the new title "Yamazaki Yojibê Hanchû Bushi" [casting].

1723 (Kyôhô 8)

25th day of the 2nd lunar month [60]: the actor Miyazaki Jûshirô I (1667~1723) died.

7th lunar month: first Kabuki adaptation in Kyôto of the puppet theater drama "Ôtô-no-Miya Asahi no Yoroi" [more details].

1724 (Kyôhô 9)

1st lunar month: premiere at the Kado no Shibai of "Edoe Ukiyo Soga", an Edo-flavored new year drama welcoming in Ôsaka the Edo actor Ôtani Hiroji I [more details].

21st day of the 3rd lunar month: a fire broke out in Ôsaka and destroyed several theaters.

15th day of the 5th lunar month [71]: the actor Yamanaka Heikurô I (1642~1724) died.

14th day of the 6th lunar month [226]: the actor Uemura Kichiya III died.

15th day of the 9th lunar month [148]: the actor Sodeoka Masanosuke II (1666~1724) died.

27th day of the 9th lunar month [95]: the actor Sakata Tôjûrô II (1669~1724) died.

25th day of the 10th lunar month [227]: the actor Nakamura Takesaburô I died.

22nd day of the 11th lunar month [233]: the playwright Chikamatsu Monzaemon (1653~1724) died.

1725 (Kyôhô 10)

26th day of the 3rd lunar month [213]: the actor Mimasuya Sukejûrô I (1669~1725) died.

10th day of the 6th lunar month [68]: the actor Saigoku Hyôsuke died.

5th day of the 12th lunar month [73]: the actor Nakamura Denpachi (1686~1725) died.

1726 (Kyôhô 11)

27th day of the 11th lunar month: a fire broke out in the shibai jaya Maruya, located in the district of Fukiya-chô, and spread to others sections of Edo, destroying both the Ichimuraza and the Nakamuraza.

12th day of the 11th lunar month: the actor Ichikawa Kodanji I (1676~1726) died.

1727 (Kyôhô 12)

25th day of the 3rd lunar month [221]: the actor Tsutsui Kichijûrô I died.

23rd day of the 7th lunar month: the actor Ichinokawa Hikoshirô I (1679~1727) died.

1728 (Kyôhô 13)

20th day of the 6th lunar month [88]: the actor Katayama Kozaemon (1690~1728) died.

11th day of the 9th lunar month [222]: the actor Kaneko Kichizaemon died.

9th lunar month: the actor Yamada Jinpachi died.

1729 (Kyôhô 14)

25th day of the 1st lunar month [143]: the actor Ichikawa Monnosuke I (1691~1729) died.

3rd day of the 3rd lunar month [30]: the actor Fujikawa Buzaemon I (1632~1729) died.

15th day of the 7th lunar month [17]: the great onnagata actor Yoshizawa Ayame I (1673~1729) died.

17th day of the 8th lunar month [81]: the actor Yamamoto Matsusaburô II died.

1730 (Kyôhô 15)

Karyû Jiemon, who held the name of Sodesaki Karyû up to Winter 1718, died.

25th day of the 3rd lunar month [140]: the actor Matsumoto Kôshirô I (1674~1730) died.

15th day of the 5th lunar month [118]: the actor Hayakawa Hatsuse died.

8th lunar month: first Kabuki adaptation of Hasegawa Senshi and Matsuda Bunkôdô puppet theater drama "Miura no Ôsuke Kôbai Tazuna", which was written in the 2nd lunar month of 1730. The play was produced by Arashi Sanjûrô II in Ôsaka at the Kado no Shibai.

1731 (Kyôhô 16)

The actor Osagawa Jûemon died.

2nd lunar month: Segawa Kikunojô I played at the Nakamuraza the leading role of the first dôjôjimono of Kabuki history, entitled "Mugen no Kane Shindôjôji".

13th day of the 8th lunar month [211]: the actor Kirinoya Gonjûrô I died.

1732 (Kyôhô 17)

Summer: the actors Otowa Jirosaburô I and Sakurayama Shirosaburô I died.

9th lunar month: first Kabuki adaptation of Matsuda Bunkôdô and Hasegawa Senshi puppet theater drama "Dan no Ura Kabuto Gunki". The play was produced by Sakakiyama Shirotarô I at Miyako Mandayû's theater in Kyôto [casting].

9th lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of the drama "Kagekiyo", which was produced under the title "Ôichô Sakae Kagekiyo" [casting].

1733 (Kyôhô 18)

3rd lunar month: the drama "Dan no Ura Kabuto Gunki" was performed for the first time in Ôsaka, at the Kado no Shibai [casting].

1734 (Kyôhô 19)

1st lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of the dance "Fûryû Aioi Jishi".

24th day of the 1st lunar month [169]: the actor and zamoto Sawamura Chôjûrô I (1675~1734) died.

1st lunar month: the Moritaza went bankrupt. The hikae yagura system was authorized by the Shogunate. Morita Kan'ya IV gave his right for Kabuki performances to Kawarasaki Gonnosuke III, zamoto of the Kawarasakiza.

19th day of the 6th lunar month [103]: the actor Bandô Matakurô II died.

1735 (Kyôhô 20)

2nd day of the 2nd lunar month: the actor Sodesaki Iseno I (1697~1735) died.

23rd day of the 4th lunar month [94]: the actor Sakata Hangorô I (1683~1735) died.

5th lunar month: first Kabuki adaptation of Takeda Izumo 5-act puppet theater drama "Ashiya Dôman Ôuchi Kagami", which was written in 1734. The play was produced by Nakamura Tomijûrô I in Kyôto at Miyako Mandayû's theater [casting].

11th lunar month: great shûmei at the Ichimuraza. Ichikawa Danjûrô II gave his name to his adopted son and took the name of Ichikawa Ebizô II during the kaomise drama "Kongen Nana Komachi". The actors Ichikawa Masugorô and Matsumoto Shichizô I respectively took the names of Ichikawa Danjûrô III and Matsumoto Kôshirô II.

1736 (Kyôhô 21 / Genbun 1)

The actor Ogino Yaegiri I died.

1st lunar month: the play "Karukaya Dôshin Tsukushi no Iezuto", which was originally written for the puppet theater and staged for the first time in the 8th lunar month of 1735 in Ôsaka at the Toyotakeza, was adapted for Kabuki for the first time, in Ôsaka at the Kado no Shibai (unknown casting).

1st lunar month : the trio made up of Segawa Kikunojô I, Ichimura Takenojô IV and Ichimura Manzô performed together at the Ichimuraza in "Sayo no Nakayama Asama-ga-Dake", the first Tokiwazu-based dance-drama in Kabuki history.

26nd day of the 2nd lunar month: the actor Sodesaki Miwano I (1680~1736) died.

Summer or Fall 1736: first (partial) Kabuki adaptation of the drama "Wada Gassen Onna Maizuru" [more details].

9th day of the 8th lunar month [29]: the actor Yamashita Matashirô I (1661~1736) died.

9th day of the 9th lunar month [66]: the actor Tsuruya Nanboku I (1672~1736) died.

1737 (Genbun 2)

6th day of the 11th lunar month [195]: the actor Ogawa Zengorô I (1682~1737) died.

11th lunar month: the play "Dan no Ura Kabuto Gunki" was staged for the first time in Edo, at the Kawarasakiza, as a kaomise drama entitled "Urûzuki Ninin Kagekiyo" [casting].

1738 (Genbun 3)

2nd lunar month: premiere in Kyôto of Matsuda Bunkôdô's drama "Yukihira Isonare Matsu" [more details].

4th day of the 8th lunar month: the zamoto Kawarasaki Gonnosuke II died.

29th day of the 8th lunar month [51]: the actor Murayama Heijûrô III (1700~1738) died.

1739 (Genbun 4)

12th day of the 1st lunar month: the actor Sawamura Chôjûrô II died.

24th day of the 4th lunar month [167]: the actor Nakamura Kichizô I (1722~1739) died.

5th lunar month: first Kabuki adaptation of the Matsuda Bunkôdô, Takeda Izumo I, Takeda Koizumo, Miyoshi Shôraku and Asada Kakei puppet theater drama "Hirakana Seisuiki". The play was produced in Kyôto by Mizuki Tatsunosuke II for the nadai Hoteiya Umenojô at the Minamigawa no Shibai [casting].

12th day of the 7th lunar month [86]: the actor Arashi Sangorô I (1687~1739) died.

22nd day of the 8th lunar month [15]: the actor Arashi Kanshirô I died.

1740 (Genbun 5)

5th day of the 4th lunar month [127]: the actor Ichikawa Danzô I (1684~1740) died.

26th day of the 4th lunar month [193]: the actor Sengoku Hikosuke I (1684~1740) died.

9th lunar month: the play "Hirakana Seisuiki" was performed for the first time in Ôsaka, at the Kado no Shibai. It was produced by Nakamura Jûzô I and Nakamura Tomijûrô I played the role of Chidori.

20th day of the 10th lunar month [128]: the actor Ichikawa Danzô II (1710~1740) died.

1741 (Genbun 6 / Kanpô 1)

18th day of the 2nd lunar month [117]: the actor Haruyama Genshichi II died.

8th lunar month: the play "Shin Usuyuki Monogatari", which was originally written for the puppet theater and staged for the first time in the 5th lunar month of 1741 in Ôsaka at the Takemotoza, was adapted for Kabuki for the first time, in Kyôto at Hayagumo Chôdayû's theater [casting].

4th day of the 11th lunar month [171]: the actor Sawamura Otoemon I (1687~1741) died.

1742 (Kanpô 2)

The actor Ikushima Shingorô was back in Edo after a very long exil (Cf. 1714).

1st lunar month: premiere at the Ônishi no Shibai of the drama "Narukami Fudô Kitayama Zakura", which was produced by Sadoshima Chôgorô I [casting].

27th day of the 2nd lunar month: the actor Ichikawa Danjûrô III (1721~1742) died.

3rd lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of the dance "Hanabusa Shishi no Rangyoku", the third part (sanbanme) of the program "Fuji Miru Sato Sakae Soga"; Segawa Kikunojô I played the leading role of this Lion dance, still in the Kabuki repertoire and commonly called "Makura Jishi".

5th lunar month: Chikamatsu Monzaemon's play "Shinshû Kawanakajima Kassen", which was originally written for the puppet theater and premiered in the 8th lunar month of 1721 in Ôsaka at the Takemotoza, was adapted for Kabuki for the first time, in Kyôto at the Kitagawa no Shibai [more details].

7th lunar month: the play "Keisei Hangonkô" was performed for the first time in Edo, at the Nakamuraza [casting].

7~9th day of the 8th lunar month: a violent typhoon hit Edo, causing floods in the city; the Ichimuraza and the Nakamuraza had to stop their performances for a while.

1743 (Kanpô 3)

The actor Ikushima Shingorô died in Edo.

Summer: the actor Tomizawa Montarô I died.

17th day of the 9th lunar month [114]: the zamoto Morita Kan'ya IV died.

1744 (Kanpô 4 / Enkyô 1)

2nd lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of the Nagauta-based dôjôjimono "Momo Chidori Musume Dôjôji". The leading female role was played by Segawa Kikunojô I and his two stage partners were Ichikawa Ebizô II and Ôtani Hiroji I.

1745 (Enkyô 2)

1st lunar month : Chikamatsu Monzaemon's drama "Keisei Hangonkô" was performed for the first time in Kyôto, at the Minamigawa no Shibai [casting].

8th lunar month: the play "Natsu Matsuri Naniwa Kagami", which was originally written for the puppet theater and staged for the first time in the 7th lunar month of 1745 in Ôsaka at the Takemotoza, was immediately adapted for Kabuki and staged for the first time in the 8th lunar month of 1745 in Kyôto at Miyako Mandayû's theater [more details].

23rd day of the 9th lunar month [97]: the actor Mizuki Tatsunosuke I (1673~1745) died.

12th lunar month: the drama "Natsu Matsuri Naniwa Kagami" was staged for the first time in Ôsaka, simultaneously in the three major theaters of the city, which started a competition for the best performance and line-up:

[Naka no Shibai] [Kado no Shibai] [Ônishi no Shibai]

23rd day of the 8th lunar month [115]: the actor Fujimura Handayû II died.

25th day of the 12th lunar month [11]: the actor Ôtani Hiroemon II died.

1745: the actor Tamiya Shirogorô (1685~1745) died.

1746 (Enkyô 3)

2nd lunar month (end of month): a fire broke out in the district of Tsukiji, in the mansion of Tsubouchi Gonzaemon. It spread and destroyed the Nakamuraza, the Ichimuraza and the Moritaza.

9th lunar month: the play "Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami", which was originally written for the puppet theater and staged for the first time in the 8th lunar month of 1746 in Ôsaka at the Takemotoza, was adapted for Kabuki for the first time, produced at the Kitagawa no Shibai by Nakamura Kiyosaburô I [casting].

1747 (Enkyô 4)

Spring: the actor Tamiya Jûzaburô I died.

3rd lunar month: the drama "Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami" was performed for the first time in Edo, at the Ichimuraza [casting].

5th lunar month: the play "Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami" was produced at the Nakamuraza for the first time [casting].

10th day of the 5th lunar month [164]: the actor Ichiyama Sukegorô I (1692~1747) died.

25th day of the 5th lunar month [13]: the actor Ôtani Hiroji I (1696~1747) died.

15th day of the 6th lunar month [34]: the actor Sakakiyama Koshirô I (1671~1747) died.

19th day of the 7th lunar month [188]: the actor and zamoto Sanogawa Mangiku (1690~1747) died.

1748 (Enkyô 5 / Kan'en 1)

1st lunar month: the play "Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura", which was originally written for the puppet theater and staged for the first time in the 11th lunar month of 1747 in Ôsaka at the Takemotoza, was adapted for Kabuki for the first time and staged in Ise with the actors Kataoka Nizaemon IV (Tokaiya Ginpei, Yokawa no Zenji Kakuhan) and Yamamoto Koheiji (Tadanobu).

6th day of the 2nd lunar month [197]: the actor Ogino Izaburô I (1703~1748) died.

5th lunar month: the drama "Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura" was performed for the first time in Edo, at the Nakamuraza [casting].

8th lunar month: the drama "Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura" was performed for the first time in Ôsaka, at the Naka no Shibai [casting].

25th day of the 11th lunar month [173]: the actor Sawamura Sôjûrô died.

12th lunar month: the play "Kanadehon Chûshingura", which was originally written for the puppet theater and staged for the first time in the 8th lunar month of 1748 in Ôsaka at the Takemotoza, was adapted for Kabuki for the first time, in Ôsaka at the Kado no Shibai [casting].

1749 (Kan'en 2)

2nd lunar month: the play "Kanadehon Chûshingura" was staged for the first time in Edo, at the Moritaza.

3rd lunar month: the play "Kanadehon Chûshingura" was staged for the first time in Kyôto, at the Kitagawa no Shibai.

4th day of the 5th lunar month [234]: the actor and playwright Hayakawa Denshirô (1698~1749) died.

5th lunar month: the play "Kanadehon Chûshingura" was produced at the Ichimuraza for the first time.

6th lunar month: the play "Kanadehon Chûshingura" was produced at the Nakamuraza for the first time [casting].

2nd day of the 9th lunar month of 1749 [174]: the star Segawa Kikunojô I (1693~1749) died.

25th day of the 11th lunar month [2]: the star Anegawa Shinshirô I (1685~1749) died.

26th day of the 11th lunar month: the actor Ôtani Ryûzaemon II died.

22nd day of the 12th lunar month [223]: the actor Nakamura Matsubê I died.

1750 (Kan'en 3)

4th lunar month: the play "Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami" was produced at the Moritaza for the first time [casting].

20th day of the 5th lunar month [89]: the actor Arashi Sanjûrô II died.

2nd day of the 7th lunar month [42]: the actor Yamashita Kinsaku I died.

1751 (Kan'en 4 / Hôreki 1)

1st day of the 1st lunar month: the actor Bandô Hikosaburô I (1693~1751) died.

1st lunar month: first Kabuki adaptation of the puppet theater drama "Tamamo-no-Mae Asahi no Tamoto", which was produced in Kyôto by Miyako Handayû at his theater [casting].

7th lunar month: first Kabuki adaptation of the puppet theater drama "Koi Nyôbô Somewake Tazuna", which was originally written by Miyoshi Shôraku and Yoshida Kanshi in the 2nd lunar month of 1751. The play was staged in Edo at the Nakamuraza [casting].

7th day of the 9th lunar month [76]: the playwright Namiki Sôsuke (1695~1751) died.

1752 (Hôreki 2)

4th lunar month: first Kabuki adaptation of the puppet theater drama "Ichi-no-Tani Futaba Gunki", which was originally written by Namiki Sôsuke and Asada Icchô in the 12th lunar month of 1751. The play was staged in Edo at the Moritaza [casting].

11th day of the 5th lunar month [145]: the actor Ichikawa Sôzaburô I (1687~1752) died.

11th lunar month: the play "Ichi-no-Tani Futaba Gunki" was staged for the first time in Ôsaka, at the Naka no Shibai as a kaomise drama [casting].

1753 (Hôreki 3)

1st lunar month: first Kabuki adaptation of the 5-act puppet theater drama "Yamatogana Ariwara Keizu", which was produced as a new year drama at the Minamigawa no Shibai by Yamashita Matatarô I [casting].

3rd ~ 6th lunar months: Nakamura Tomijûrô I achieved a huge success for several months by playing the main role of the dance "Kyôganoko Musume Dôjôji", which was performed for the first time at the Nakamuraza [print].

25th day of the 4th lunar month [170]: the actor Sawamura Genjirô died.

7th lunar month: the play "Hirakana Seisuiki" was staged for the first time in Edo, at the Ichimuraza [casting].

2nd day of the 9th lunar month [6]: the actor Tsuyama Yûzô I (1703~1753) died.

1754 (Hôreki 4)

3rd lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of the dance "Hanabusa Shûjaku no Shishi".

10th day of the 7th lunar month [49]: the actor Arashi Shinpei I (1697~1754) died.

18th day of the 7th lunar month [18]: the actor Yoshizawa Ayame II (1702~1754) died.

11th lunar month: great shûmei at the Nakamuraza; Matsumoto Kôshirô II and Matsumoto Kôzô respectively took the names of Ichikawa Danjûrô IV and Matsumoto Kôshirô III during the kaomise program "Miura no Ôsuke Bumon no Kotobuki".

11th lunar month: first Kabuki adaptation of the puppet drama "Yoshitsune Koshigoejô", which was originally staged in the 7th lunar month of 1754 in Ôsaka at the Toyotakeza; this production was staged at Hoteiya Umenojô's theater in Kyôto as the kaomise drama "Fûkigusa Aioi Genji" [more details].

27th day of the 12th lunar month [119]: the actor Hayakawa Shinkatsu died.

1755 (Hôreki 5)

1st lunar month: publication of the hyôbanki "Yakusha Sankazu", which gave clearly the reasons of the decline and dullness of Kabuki in the city of Kyôto.

2nd lunar month: first Kabuki adaptation of the 5-act puppet theater drama "Ono no Tôfû Aoyagi Suzuri", which was originally written by Takeda Izumo II, Miyoshi Shôraku and Chikamatsu Hanji in 1754. It was produced by Sawamura Kunitarô I and staged at the Minamigawa no Shibai [casting].

30th day of the 8th lunar month [45]: the playwright Nakamura Jûsuke I (1698~1755) died.

1756 (Hôreki 6)

3rd day of the 1st lunar month [172]: the actor Suketakaya Takasuke I (1685~1756), who held also the name of Sawamura Sôjûrô I, died.

14th day of the 1st lunar month [139]: a fire broke out in the district of Shinzaimoku-chô. It spread and destroyed both the Ichimuraza and the Nakamuraza.

22nd day of the 4th lunar month [59]: the actor Arashi San'emon IV (1732~1756) died.

13th day of the 11th lunar month [181]: the actor Segawa Kikujirô I (1715~1756) died.

23rd day of the 11th lunar month [200]: a fire broke out in the district of Kôjimachi. It spread and destroyed the Moritaza.

1757 (Hôreki 7)

1st lunar month: the play "Kiichi Hôgen Sanryaku no Maki" was staged for the first time in Edo, at the Moritaza [casting].
Premiere at the Ônishi no Shibai of Namiki Shôzô I's drama "Tenjiku Tokubê Kikigaki Ôrai" [casting].

13th day of the 7th lunar month [149]: the actor Sadoshima Chôgorô I (1700~1757) died.

9th lunar month: first Kabuki adaptation of Namiki Senryû I and Miyoshi Shôraku puppet theater drama "Genpei Nunobiki no Taki", which was written in 1749. The play was produced by Anegawa Daikichi I in Ôsaka at the Kado no Shibai (casting unknown).

14th day of the 9th lunar month [8]: the actor Fujioka Daikichi died.

25th day of the 11th lunar month [204]: the zamoto Nakamura Kankurô II (1688~1757) died.

1758 (Hôreki 8)

1st lunar month: first Kabuki adaptation of the 5-act puppet theater drama "Gion Sairei Shinkôki", which was originally written by Asada Icchô, Nakamura Akei and Toyotake Ôritsu in the 12th lunar month of 1757. It was simultaneously produced at the Minamigawa no Shibai [casting] and the Kitagawa no Shibai [casting].
First Kabuki adaptation of the 5-act maruhonmono drama "Hime Komatsu Ne-no-Hi no Asobi" in Ôsaka at the Naka no Shibai [casting].

5th lunar month: the play "Gion Sairei Shinkôki" was staged for the first time in Edo, at the Moritaza [casting].

24th day of the 9th lunar month [131]: the actor Ichikawa Ebizô II (1688~1758), who held the prestigious name of Ichikawa Danjûrô II from 1704 to 1735, died.

18th day of the 11th lunar month [218]: the actor Narumi Goroshirô I died.

12th lunar month: premiere at the Kado no Shibai of Namiki Shôzô I's ni-no-kawari drama "Sanjikkoku Yofune no Hajimari"; for the very first time in Kabuki history, a mawari-butai, invented by Namiki Shôzô I, was built and used on the stage of a theater [more details].

1759 (Hôreki 9)

19th day of the 10th lunar month [130]: the actor Ichikawa Yaozô I (1730~1759) died.

11th lunar month: the play "Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura" was staged for the first time in Kyôto, at the Minamigawa no Shibai. The play was produced by Sawamura Kunitarô I and Somematsu Matsujirô and the roles of Yoshitsune and Tadanobu were played by Arashi Sangorô II.

11th lunar month: first Kabuki adaptation of Chikamatsu Hanji's 1759 puppet theater drama "Hidakagawa Iriai Zakura", in Ôsaka at the Takeda no Shibai.

26th day of the 11th lunar month [165]: the actor and zamoto Iwai Hanshirô III (1698~1759) died.

1760 (Hôreki 10)

20th day of the 1st lunar month [7]: the playwright Tsuuchi Eishi I (1679~1760) died.

6th day of the 2nd lunar month [141]: a fire broke out in the district of Kanda Hatago-chô and spread to Susaki in Fukagawa. It destroyed both the Ichimuraza and the Nakamuraza. It was called "Akashiya no Kaji" ('the Akashiya fire'), based on the name of the shop where it started.

3rd lunar month: premiere of the bombastic play "Kaneiri Gedatsu no Koromo" (commonly called "Gedatsu", a play belonging to the Kabuki Jûhachiban), performed within the drama "Soga Mannen Bashira" at the Ichimuraza, with Ichikawa Danjûrô IV and Anegawa Daikichi I in the roles of Kagekiyo and Princess Hitomaru.

13th day of the 8th lunar month: the actor Fujimura Hanjûrô II died.

1761 (Hôreki 11)

1st lunar month: premiere at the Kado no Shibai of Namiki Shôzô I's ni-no-kawari drama "Kiritarô Tengu no Sakamori" [more details].

24th day of the 5th lunar month [209]: the actor Segawa Sangorô died.

4th day of the 7th lunar month [112]: the actor Fujikawa Heikurô (1698~1761) died.

17th day of the 9th lunar month [142]: a fire broke out in the Gekiza theater. It destroyed the Ichimuraza and damaged the Nakamuraza.

12th lunar month: premiere at the Naka no Shibai of Takeda Haruzô's ni-no-kawari drama "Akiba Gongen Kaisen Banashi". It was the first drama in Kabuki history using gandô-gaeshi on stage [casting].

1762 (Hôreki 12)

The actor Sanogawa Hanazuma II died.

23rd day of the 3rd lunar month [160]: the actor Nakajima Mihoemon I died.

29th day of the 3rd lunar month [47]: the actor Imamura Shichisaburô II (1720~1762) died.

4th lunar month: first Kabuki adaptation of the 5-act puppet theater drama "Gosho Zakura Horikawa no Youchi", which was staged at the Naka no Shibai [casting].
The role of the Heron Maiden ("Sagi Musume") was performed for the first time, in Edo at the Ichimuraza, by the star Segawa Kikunojô II in a 5-role hengemono, which was entitled "Yanagi Hina Shochô no Saezuri".

7th day of the 5th lunar month [99]: the actor and zamoto Ichimura Uzaemon VIII (1698~1762) died.

5th lunar month: premiere in Ôsaka at the Kado no Shibai of Namiki Shôzô I's drama "Koi Hakke Hashira Goyomi", which was a revision of Chikamatsu Monzaemon's drama "Daikyôji Mukashi Goyomi" [more details].

5th day of the 8th lunar month [230]: the actor Nakajima Kanzaemon II (1696~1762) died.

10th day of the 9th lunar month [14]: the actor Somematsu Shichisaburô I (1707~1762) died.

16th day of the 9th lunar month [26]: the actor Yamashita Matatarô I (1712~1762) died.

12th day of the 11th lunar month [219]: the actor Sanogawa Ichimatsu I (1722~1762) died.

1763 (Hôreki 13)

2nd lunar month: first Kabuki adaptation of the puppet theater drama "Ôshû Adachi-ga-Hara", which was staged at the Moritaza [casting|illustrations].

9th day of the 2nd lunar month [109]: the actor Arashi Wakano II (1727~1763) died.

3rd day of the 4th lunar month [23]: the actor Hanai Saizaburô III (1702~1763) died.

20th day of the 6th lunar month: the actor Ogino Yaegiri II (1726~1763) died.

13th day of the 7th lunar month [220]: the actor Nakamura Sukegorô I (1711~1763) died.

9th day of the 8th lunar month [180]: the actor Iwata Somematsu I (1717~1763) died.

11th lunar month: the play "Suma no Miyako Genpei Tsutsuji", which was originally written by Hasegawa Senshi and Matsuda Bunkôdô for the puppet theater in 1730, was adapted for Kabuki 33 years later by the playwright Namiki Eisuke I. It was entitled "Sakigake Genpei Tsutsuji" (the second drama of an unusual 3-part kaomise program) and staged at the Naka no Shibai, starring Nakamura Kichiemon I and Arashi Hinasuke I in the roles of Kumagai Jirô Naozane and Taira no Atsumori.

1764 (Hôreki 14 / Meiwa 1)

9th lunar month: premiere in Ôsaka at the Kado no Shibai of "Oriawase Tsuzure no Nishiki", based on the puppet drama "Katakiuchi Tsuzure no Nishiki" [casting]. A similar play was staged one day later under a different title, "Hare Kosode Tsuzure no Nishiki", at the Naka no Shibai [casting]. The competition for the best performance and the best line-up was open between the 2 theaters. The performance at the Kado no Shibai was more successful than the one at the Naka no Shibai.

20th day of the 10th lunar month [28]: the actor Yamamoto Kyôshirô I (1700~1764) died.

1765 (Meiwa 2)

8th day of the 7th lunar month [53]: the actor Arashi Matsunojô III (1740~1765) died.

17th day of the 8th lunar month [166]: the actor Nakamura Kichibê I (1684~1765) died.

11th lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Kanai Sanshô's Tokiwazu-based hengemono "Kumo no Ito Azusa no Yumihari" [more details].

1766 (Meiwa 3)

29th day of the 2nd lunar month [198]: a fire broke out in the district of Sakai-chô, in the cosmetics shop owned and managed by the actor Onoe Kikugorô I. It destroyed both the Ichimuraza and the Nakamuraza. This fire was nicknamed "Kikugorô Aburamise Kaji" ('Kikugorô's cosmetics shop fire').

16th day of the 4th lunar month [235]: the actor Sawamura Ujûrô I (1684~1766) died.

5th lunar month: first Kabuki adaptation of the 5-act puppet theater drama "Honchô Nijûshikô", which was originally written by Chikamatsu Hanji, Miyoshi Shôraku and Takeda Inaba and performed at the Takemotoza in the 1st lunar month of 1766. The play was staged in Ôsaka at the Naka no Shibai [casting].

12th day of the 5th lunar month [9]: the actor Osagawa Tsuneyo I (1724~1766) died.

9th day of the 6th lunar month [92]: the actor Arashi Tominosuke I (1720~1766) died.

20th day of the 9th lunar month [182]: the actor Nakamura Shirogorô III (1725~1766) died.

1767 (Meiwa 4)

2nd lunar month: first Kabuki adaptation of the puppet theater drama "Taiheiki Chûshin Kôshaku", which was originally written by Chikamatsu Hanji and performed at the Takemotoza in the 10th lunar month of 1766. The play was staged in Edo at the Ichimuraza [casting].

18th day of the 3rd lunar month [64]: the actor Kasaya Matakurô I (1712~1767) died.

12th day of the 4th lunar month [144]: the actor Ichikawa Raizô I (1724~1767) died.

2nd day of the 7th lunar month [36]: the actor Sakakiyama Koshirô III (1724~1767) died.

9th lunar month: premiere in Kyôto at the Kitagawa no Shibai of Namiki Shôzô I's drama "Yadonashi Danshichi Shigure no Karakasa" (casting unknown).

24th day of the 10th lunar month: the actor Kamakura Heikurô II died.

14th day of the 11th lunar month: the actor Kirinoya Gonjûrô III (1740~1767) died.

12th lunar month: the drama "Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura" was produced at the Kado no Shibai for the first time [casting].

1768 (Meiwa 5)

9th day of the 1st lunar month [35]: the actor Sakakiyama Sagisuke (1697~1768) died.

7th day of the 3rd lunar month [37]: the actor Sakakiyama Koshirô IV (1740~1768) died.

4th day of the 5th lunar month [69]: the actor Bandô Hikosaburô II (1741~1768) died.

7th lunar month: Namiki Shôzô I's drama "Yadonashi Danshichi Shigure no Karakasa" was staged for the first time in Ôsaka, at the Takeda no Shibai, a koshibai venue [casting].

8th lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of the drama "Tenjiku Tokubê Kokyô no Torikaji" [more details].

11th lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of the dance "Oshiegusa Yoshiwara Suzume", the first version of "Yoshiwara Suzume" [more details].

1769 (Meiwa 6)

9th day of the 1st lunar month [61]: the actor Miyazaki Jûshirô II (1708~1769) died.

2nd lunar month: the play "Sekitori Senryô Nobori", which was originally written for the puppet theater and staged for the first time in the 8th lunar month of 1767 in Ôsaka at the Takemotoza, was adapted for Kabuki for the first time, in Edo at the Moritaza [casting].

26th day of the 3rd lunar month [85]: the actor Arashi Otohachi I (1711~1769) died.

19th day of the 10th lunar month: the actor Nakamura Kichijûrô I (1743~1769) died.

10th day of the 11th lunar month [214]: the actor Yamanaka Heijûrô II (1732~1769) died.

1770 (Meiwa 7)

11th day of the 1st lunar month [108]: the actor Bandô Sanpachi I died.

27th day of the 4th lunar month [44]: the actor Kirinoya Shinshichi (1737~1770) died.

3rd day of the 5th lunar month: the actor Sakata Sajûrô I died.

5th lunar month: first Kabuki adaptation of Chikamatsu Hanji's gidayû kyôgen "Ômi Genji Senjin Yakata". The play was staged in Ôsaka at the Naka no Shibai [casting].

6th lunar month: Namiki Shôzô I's drama "Yadonashi Danshichi Shigure no Karakasa" was staged for the first time in Ôsaka ôshibai, at the Kado no Shibai [casting].

17th day of the 6th lunar month [124]: the actor Nakamura Kichiemon I (1694~1770) died.

30th day of the 8th lunar month [135]: the actor Sawamura Sôjûrô II (1713~1770) died.

9th lunar month: premiere at the Kitagawa no Shibai of the drama "Keisei Awa no Naruto", a revision of Chikamatsu Hanji's 1768 puppet drama "Keisei Awa no Naruto" [more details].

9th lunar month: Chikamatsu Hanji's 1759 puppet theater drama "Hidakagawa Iriai Zakura" was staged for the first time in Edo, at the Moritaza [casting].

11th lunar month: great shûmei at the Nakamuraza; Ichikawa Danjûrô IV took back his previous name of Matsumoto Kôshirô II and his son Matsumoto Kôshirô III received the name of Ichikawa Danjûrô V during the kaomise drama "Nue no Mori Ichiyô no Mato", which also celebrated the arrival of Ichikawa Danzô III and Yamashita Kinsaku II at the Nakamuraza and the shûmei of the actors Nakamura Shôchô, Ichikawa Monnosuke II, Nakamura Shichisaburô III and Bandô Sanpachi II.

27th of the 11th lunar month [78]: the actor Mimasu Tanin I died.

1771 (Meiwa 8)

1st lunar month: premiere at the Naka no Shibai of Namiki Shôzô I's drama "Kuwanaya Tokuzô Irifune Monogatari" [casting].

1st lunar month: Matsumoto Kôshirô II achieved a great success at the Nakamuraza by playing the deity Aizen Myôô and the seven roles of Kagekiyo in the new year drama "Sakaichô Soga no Nendaiki".

3rd ~ 5th lunar months: first Kabuki adaptation of Chikamatsu Hanji and Miyoshi Shôraku 1771 puppet theater "Imoseyama Onna Teikin", which was produced by Mimasu Tokujirô I in Kyôto at the Kitagawa no Shibai [casting].

29th day of the 3rd lunar month [93]: the actor Sanogawa Senzô (1714~1771) died.

19th day of the 4th lunar month [70]: the sakusha Dontsû Yosabê I died.

15th day of the 5th lunar month [134]: the actor Ichikawa Datezô I died.

10th day of the 6th lunar month: the actor Bandô Sadajûrô died.

8th lunar month of 1771: Nakamura Tomijûrô I achieved a great success at the Moritaza by performing a seven-roles Nagauta-based dance called "Kiku ha Yae Shichinin Geshô" [more details].

1772 (Meiwa 9 / An'ei 1)

5th day of the 1st lunar month [38]: the actor Sakakiyama Sengiku (1748~1772) died.

29th day of the 2nd lunar month [205]: a fire broke out in Meguro Gyôninzaka. It spread and destroyed both the Ichimuraza and the Nakamuraza.

15th day of the 5th lunar month [206]: the actor Onoe Montarô (1733~1772) died.

24th day of the 6th lunar month [179]: the actor Ichikawa Danzô III (1709~1772) died.

1773 (An'ei 2)

16th day of the 1st lunar month: the actor Sawamura Ujûrô II died.

17th day of the 2nd lunar month [75]: the playwright Namiki Shôzô I (1730~1773) died.

13th day of the 3rd lunar month [189]: the actor Segawa Kikunojô II (1741~1773) died.

11th lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of Sakurada Jisuke I's kaomise drama "Gohiiki Kanjinchô", which celebrated the shûmei of Nakamura Rikô I [casting].

1774 (An'ei 3)

5th lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of the Nagauta-based dance-drama "Sono Omokage Ninin Wankyû". The roles of Wankyû and the courtesan Matsuyama were played by Ichimura Uzaemon IX and Segawa Tomisaburô I. This dance commemorated the 12th anniversary (13th memorial service) of the passing away of Ichimura Uzaemon VIII.

28th day of the 7th lunar month [123]: the actor Edosaka Kyôemon (1726~1774) died.

24th day of the 8th lunar month [237]: the actor Sakata Tôjûrô III (1701~1774) died.

2nd day of the 9th lunar month [225]: the actor Nakamura Shôchô (1703~1774) died.

18th day of the 11th lunar month [19]: the actor Yoshizawa Ayame III (1720~1774) died.

1775 (An'ei 4)

24th day of the 1st lunar month: the zamoto Kawarasaki Gonnosuke III died.

28th day of the 2nd lunar month [203]: the zamoto Nakamura Kanzaburô VII (1717~1775) died.

3rd lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of Kawatake Shinshichi I's dance-drama "Shinobu-gusa Koi no Utsushie" [more details].

28th day of the 3rd lunar month [21]: the sakusha Fujikawa Sanpachi (1723~1775) died.

3rd day of the 4th lunar month [158]: the actor Nakayama Shinkurô I (1702~1775) died.

4th lunar month: premiere in Ôsaka at the Naka no Shibai of Nagawa Kamesuke I's drama "Hade Kurabe Ise Monogatari" [more details].

8th lunar month: the play "Sekitori Senryô Nobori" was staged for the first time in Ôsaka, at the Kado no Shibai [more details].

11th lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of Kanai Sanshô's Tomimoto-based dance-drama "Shijûhatte Koi no Showake", the first version of "Oshidori", which was staged within the kaomise drama "Hana Zumô Genji Biiki" [more details].

1776 (An'ei 5)

The actor Asao Kunigorô I died.

1st lunar month: for the first time in Kabuki history, chiwata threads were used in the scene of the bloody murder of the priest Dainichibô by Akoya in the new year drama "Tsukisenu Haru Hagoromo Soga, which was performed at the Ichimuraza. This new technique was very well received by the audience.

3rd lunar month: first Kabuki adaptation of Matsu Kanshi's puppet theater drama "Koi Musume Mukashi Hachijô", which was written in 1775. The play was staged in Edo at the Nakamuraza [casting].

11th day of the 4th lunar month [98]: the actor Azuma Tôzô II (1724~1776) died.

5th lunar month: the play "Honchô Nijûshikô" was performed for the first time in Edo, at the Nakamuraza [casting].

7th lunar month: premiere at the Kado no Shibai of Iso Isosuke's drama "Yamato Kotoba Suikoden" [casting].

5th day of the 10th lunar month [136]: Ichikawa Danjûrô V's son Ichikawa Momotarô (1769~1776) died.

11th lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Sakurada Jisuke I's Tomimoto-based dance-drama "Momo Yogiku Iro no Yo no Naka" [casting].

12th lunar month: premiere at the Naka no Shibai of Nagawa Kamesuke I's drama "Igagoe Norikake Gappa" [casting].

1777 (An'ei 6)

1st lunar month: premiere at the Kitagawa no Shibai of the drama "Keisei Tonoi Zakura", whose plot was very close to Nagawa Kamesuke I's drama "Igagoe Norikake Gappa" [casting].

4th lunar month: premiere in Ôsaka at the Naka no Shibai of Nagawa Kamesuke I's drama "Meiboku Sendai Hagi" [casting].

4th lunar month: premiere of Namiki Gohachi's drama "Tenmangû Natane no Gokû", co-written with Nakamura Akei and Tatsuoka Mansaku, which was produced by Ogawa Kichitarô I at the Kado no Shibai [casting].

18th day of the 6th lunar month [183]: the actor Nakamura Kiyosaburô I (1721~1777) died.

3rd day of the 7th lunar month [132]: the actor Ichikawa Yaozô II (1735~1777) died.

15th day of the 7th lunar month [125]: the actor Nakamura Kumetarô I (1724~1777) died.

19th day of the 8th lunar month: the actor Tomizawa Tatsujûrô died.

11th lunar month: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Nakamura Jûsuke II's Tomimoto-based (musical accompaniment was written by Namizaki Tokuji) dance-drama "Meotozake Kawaranu Nakanaka" (commonly called "Kurama Jishi") [casting].

15th day of the 11th lunar month [178]: the actor and zamoto Nakamura Kanzaburô VIII (1719~1777) died.

19th day of the 11th lunar month [63]: the actors Nakamura Noshio I (1752~1777) and Nakamura Shingorô II (1747~1777) died.

29th day of the 12th lunar month [79]: the actor Fujikawa Hachizô I (1730~1777) died.

1778 (An'ei 7)

1st lunar month: the drama "Imoseyama Onna Teikin" was staged for the first time in Edo, at the Moritaza [casting].

1st lunar month: premiere at the Minamigawa no Shibai of Namiki Gohê's drama "Keisei Hakata Ori" [casting | picture and details].

7th day of the 1st lunar month [228]: the actor Ichikawa Raizô II died (1754~1778).

25th day of the 2nd lunar month [5]: the actor Ichikawa Ebizô III (1711~1778) died.

4th lunar month: premiere in Ôsaka at the Kado no Shibai of Namiki Gohei's play "Kinmon Gosan no Kiri" [casting].

7th lunar month: premiere of Sakurada Jisuke I and Kasanui Sensuke I play "Date Kurabe Okuni Kabuki" at the Nakamuraza [casting].

11th day of the 12th lunar month [217]: the actor Onoe Kumesuke (1748~1778) died.
He died in fact the 11th day of the 12th lunar month of the 7th year of the An'ei era, which was the 28th of January 1779 in the western calendar.

1779 (An'ei 8)

3rd lunar month: premiere in Ôsaka at the Kado no Shibai of Namiki Gohê's play "Sode Nikki Banshû Meguri" [casting].

1780 (An'ei 9)

1st lunar month: Namiki Gohê's drama "Kinmon Gosan no Kiri", which was premiered in the 4th lunar month of 1778 at the Kado no Shibai, was produced for the first time in Kyôto [casting].

7th day of the 2nd lunar month [190]: the actor Sôryô Jinroku I died.

4th lunar month: first Kabuki adaptation of Utei Enba, Kijô Tarô and Yô Yôdai puppet theater drama "Go Taiheiki Shiraishi Banashi", which was written in the 1st lunar month of 1780. The play was staged in Edo at the Moritaza [casting].

19th day of the 5th lunar month [107]: the actor and zamoto Morita Yasosuke (1724~1780) died.

25th day of the 9th lunar month [77]: the actor Mimasu Daigorô I (1718~1780) died.

8th day of the 12th lunar month [16]: the actor Arashi Kichisaburô I (1737~1780) died.

1781 (An'ei 10 / Tenmei 1)

19th day of the 2nd lunar month [194]: the actor Ogawa Kichitarô I (1737~1781) died.

3rd lunar month: Ichikawa Danzô IV played 7 roles (nanayaku) in the drama "Kanadehon Chûshingura", which was staged at the Moritaza. Roles: En'ya Hangan, Ôboshi Yuranosuke, Honzô's wife Tonase, Amakawaya Gihei, Yoichibê, Ono no Sadakurô and Ôwashi Bungo. This was the first time in Kabuki history that an actor played seven roles in the classic "Kanadehon Chûshingura".

16th day of the 8th lunar month [196]: the actor Ôtani Tomoemon I (1744~1781) died.

11th lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of the dance-drama "Waga Sekogakoi no Aizuchi" (commonly called "Kumo no Hyôshimai"), which was performed within the kaomise program "Shitennô Tonoi no Kisewata" [casting].

12th lunar month: premiere in Ôsaka at the Kado no Shibai of Nagawa Kamesuke I's drama "Tengajaya-mura" [casting]. A similar play was staged a few days later under a different title, "Renga Chaya Homare no Bundai", at the Naka no Shibai [casting]. The competition for the best performance and the best line-up was open between the 2 theaters. The performance at the Kado no Shibai was a huge success and a long run. The performance at the Naka no Shibai was a commercial failure.

1782 (Tenmei 2)

1st lunar month: the play "Tengajaya-mura" was staged for the first time in Kyôto, at the Kitagawa no Shibai [casting].

4th lunar month: first Kabuki adaptation of Suga Sensuke's 1767 puppet theater drama "Some Moyô Imose no Kadomatsu"; it was produced by Yamashita Kinsaku II in Ôsaka at the Naka no Shibai (unknown casting).

10th day of the 4th lunar month [110]: the actor Bandô Mitsugorô I (1745~1782) died.

17th day of the 5th lunar month [151]: the actor Sakata Hangorô II (1724~1782) died.

17th day of the 12th lunar month [232]: the actor Nakajima Mihoemon II (1724~1782) died.

12th lunar month: premiere in Ôsaka at the Kado no Shibai of Namiki Gohê's drama "Keisei Kogane no Shachihoko" [more details].

1783 (Tenmei 3)

4th day of the 2nd lunar month [72]: the puppet theater sakusha Chikamatsu Hanji (1725~1783) died.

19th day of the 3rd lunar month [184]: the actor Nakayama Shinkurô II (1738~1783) died.

4th lunar month: first Kabuki adaptation of Yô Yôdai's puppet theater drama "Kagamiyama Kokyô no Nishikie", which was written in 1782. The play was staged in Edo at the Moritaza [casting].

8th day of the 7th lunar month [163]: the actor Ichinokawa Hikoshirô II (1725~1783) died.

7th lunar month: the play "Kagamiyama Kokyô no Nishikie" was staged for the first time in Ôsaka, at the Kado no Shibai [casting].

25th day of the 7th lunar month [3]: the actor Arashi Bungorô I (1741 ~ 1783) died.

10th day of the 8th lunar month [52]: the zamoto Morita Kan'ya VII died.

9th lunar month: the play "Igagoe Dôchû Sugoroku", which was originally written for the puppet theater and staged for the first time in the 4th lunar month of 1783 in Ôsaka at the Takemotoza, was adapted for Kabuki for the first time, in Ôsaka at the Naka no Shibai [casting].

28th day of the 10th lunar month [87]: a fire broke out in Edo in the district of Kodenma-chô. It spread and burned both the Ichimuraza and the Nakamuraza.

4th day of the 12th lunar month [231]: the actor Nakajima Mihoemon III (1736~1783) died.

29th day of the 12th lunar month [46]: the actor Onoe Kikugorô I (1717~1783) died.

1784 (Tenmei 4)

1st lunar month: premiere at the Naka no Shibai of Namiki Gohê's drama "Keisei Yamato Zôshi" [casting].

4th lunar month: premiere at the Kado no Shibai of Nagawa Shimesuke I's drama "Sumidagawa Gonichi no Omokage" [casting].

5th lunar month: the play "Katsuragawa Renri no Shigarami", which was originally written by Suga Sensuke for the puppet theater and premiered in the 10th lunar month of 1776 in Ôsaka, was adapted by Namiki Gohei to Kabuki for the first time, and staged in Ôsaka at the Naka no Shibai [casting].
Première in ôshibai, in Ôsaka at the Kado no Shibai, of the gidayû kyôgen "Yura no Minato Sengen Chôja" [casting].

11th lunar month: premiere at the Kiriza (Edo) of the Nagauta-based dance-drama "Kyôran Kumoi no Sode", commonly called "Nakazô Kyôran", which was staged within the kaomise drama "Jûni Hitoe Komachi Zakura" and which starred Nakamura Nakazô I in the leading role of Ono no Yoshizane. It was also the premiere in the same kaomise program of the dance-drama "Tsumoru Koi Yuki no seki no To" [casting].

5th day of the 12th lunar month: the actor Fujikawa Sango (1755~1784) died.

26th day of the 12th lunar month [106]: a fire broke out in Edo in the palace of a daimyô and destroyed the Moritaza.

1785 (Tenmei 5)

2nd lunar month: Segawa Kikunojô III performed at the Kiriza all the roles of a Nagauta-based 5-role hengemono, which was entitled "Haru-ha Mukashi Yukari no Hanabusa". 2 of these roles became independent dances, which are still part of the current repertoire: "Hane no Kamuro" (a kamuro with a Japanese battledore and shuttlecock racket) and "Shirozake Uri" (the sweet white sake seller).

5th lunar month: first Kabuki adaptation of Chikamatsu Hanji's puppet theater drama "Shinpan Utazaimon", which was written in the 9th lunar month of 1780. The play was produced in Ôsaka at the Naka no Shibai [casting].

25th day of the 8th lunar month [146]: the actor and zamoto Ichimura Uzaemon IX (1725~1785) died.

26th day of the 8th lunar month [54]: the actors Arashi San'emon VI (1760~1785) and Bandô Aizô (1747~1785) died.

1786 (Tenmei 6)

26th day of the 7th lunar month [58]: the actor Arashi Koroku (1710~1786) died.

3rd day of the 8th lunar month [43]: the actor Nakamura Tomijûrô I (1719~1786) died.

11th day of the 10th lunar month [224]: the actor Nakamura Rikô I (1742~1786) died.

11th lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of the Tomimoto-based dance-drama "Sode Furu Yuki Yoshino Shûi" (nowadays entitled "Meoto Gitsune"), which was staged within the kaomise drama "Kumoi no Hana Yoshino no Wakamusha" [more details].

1787 (Tenmei 7)

15th day of the 1st lunar month [1]: the actor Anegawa Daikichi I died.

9th day of the 3rd lunar month [113]: the actor Fujikawa Hachizô II (1747~1787) died.

3rd lunar month: premiere at the Naka no Shibai of Namiki Gohê's drama "Taikô Shinkenki", a play similar to "Hikosan Gongen Chikai no Sukedachi" [casting].

12th day of the 7th lunar month [56]: the actor Onoe Kikugorô II (1769~1787) died.

8th lunar month: Namiki Gohê's drama "Taikô Shinkenki", which was premiered in the 3rd lunar month of 1787 at the Naka no Shibai [casting], was staged for the first time in Kyôto [casting].

1788 (Tenmei 8)

2nd lunar month: premiere at the Ônishi no Shibai of the drama "Gishinden Yomikiri Kôshaku" [more details].

3rd lunar month: premiere at the Kado no Shibai of Namiki Gohei I's play "Sewa Ryôri Yaoya Kondate" [more details].

29th day of the 3rd lunar month [192]: the actor Segawa Kikusaburô I died.

5th lunar month: first Kabuki adaptation of Chikamatsu Yasuzô and Umeno Shitakaze puppet theater drama "Hikosan Gongen Chikai no Sukedachi", which was written in 1786. The play was produced in Ise at the Furuichi no Shibai [casting].

28th day of the 5th lunar month [90]: the actor Arashi Shichigorô II (1733~1788) died.

12th day of the 6th lunar month [208]: the actor Nakamura Jûzô II (1740~1788) died.

11th lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of the Tokiwazu-based dance-drama "Modori Kago Iro ni Aikata" (commonly called "Modori Kago"), which was staged within Sakurada Jisuke I's kaomise program "Tôzumô Hana no Edokata", which celebrated the return in Edo of the actor Nakamura Nakazô I [casting].

1789 (Tenmei 9 / Kansei 1)

7th lunar month: premiere at the Kado no Shibai of Namiki Gohei I and Chikamatsu Tokusô drama "Kanjin Kanmon Tekuda no Hajimari" [more details].

15th day of the 9th lunar month [236]: the actor Mihogi Gizaemon II (1731~1789) died.

1790 (Kansei 2)

2nd lunar month: the actor Nakamura Jiroza II died.

3rd lunar month: the play "Hikosan Gongen Chikai no Sukedachi" was staged for the first time in Ôsaka, at the Naka no Shibai. The casting was unknown.

23rd day of the 4th lunar month [176]: the actor Nakamura Nakazô I (1736~1790) died.

9th lunar month: the play "Yoshitsune Koshigoejô" was staged for the first time in Edo, at the Ichimuraza; it celebrated the onagori kyôgen of the Kamigata star Asao Tamejûrô I [more details].

14th day of the 9th lunar month [12]: the katakiyaku actor Ôtani Hiroemon III (1726~1790) died.

1791 (Kansei 3)

1st lunar month: premiere at the Nakamuraza of the Nagauta-based dance "Taimen Hana no Harukoma", which was performed at the end of the new year program "Haru no Sekai Nigiwai Soga" [casting].

13th day of the 5th lunar month [82]: the actor Yamashita Mangiku I (1763~1791) died.

25th day of the 7th lunar month: the actor Ichikawa Monzaburô I (1765~1791) died.

9th lunar month: premiere of Nagawa Shimesuke I's chûshinguramono "Iroha Gana Shijûshichi Moji", in Ôsaka at the Kado no Shibai [more details].

29th day of the 10th lunar month [187]: the actor Kagaya Kashichi I (1714~1790) died.

1792 (Kansei 4)

4th lunar month: premiere at the Kawarasakiza of the dance "Tenaraiko", which was performed by the star Iwai Hanshirô IV as part of a seven-role hengemono entitled "Kakitsubata Nanae no Someginu".

28th day of the 9th lunar month [20]: the actor Yoshizawa Ayame IV (1737~1792) died.

1793 (Kansei 5)

1st lunar month: premiere at the Naka no Shibai of the ni-no-kawari drama "Keisei Yanagi Zakura", the first yanagisawa-sôdômono in Kabuki history, written by Tatsuoka Mansaku and Chikamatsu Tokusô [more details].

27th day of the 7th lunar month [80]: the actor Mimasu Daigorô II (1748~1793) died.

8th lunar month: premiere at the Kawarasakiza of the Nagauta-based dance-drama "Tsuki no Kao Monaka no Natorigusa" (commonly called "Oniji Hyôshimai" in the Kabuki repertoire) [casting].

1794 (Kansei 6)

23rd day of the 1st lunar month: the playwright Segawa Jokô I (1739~1794) died.

1st lunar month ~ 3rd lunar month: premiere of Tatsuoka Mansaku's drama "Keisei Haru no Tori", which was famous for its "Umagiri" scene and was produced by the zamoto Asao Okujirô I in Ôsaka at the Kado no Shibai [more details].

13th day of the 1st lunar month [229]: the actor Nakajima Kanzaemon III (1738~1794) died.

2nd lunar month: premiere at the Naka no Shibai of Namiki Gohei I's drama "Shima Meguri Uso no Kikigaki"; the last scenes were a sewamono drama, which was staged independently in the 5th lunar month of 1794 under the title "Godairiki Koi no Fûjime" [more details].

5th lunar month: premiere at the Nishi no Shibai (Kyôto) of Namiki Gohei I's drama "Godairiki Koi no Fûjime" [casting].
Premiere at the Kiriza of Sakurada Jisuke I's drama "Katakiuchi Noriai Banashi" [more details].

15th day of the 6th lunar month [191]: the actor Ogawa Kichitarô II (1760~1794) died.

7th lunar month: premiere at the Miyakoza of the drama "Keisei Sanbon Karakasa" [more details].

9th lunar month: first Kabuki adaptation of Chikamatsu Hanji's puppet theater drama "Kamakura Sandaiki", which was written in 1781. The play was produced by the zamoto Asao Okujirô I in Ôsaka at the Kado no Shibai [casting].

19th day of the 11th lunar month [4]: the actor Ichikawa Monnosuke II (1743~1794) died.

1795 (Kansei 7)

The print-maker Tôshûzai Sharaku began his short career, doing all his works between 1794 and the 2nd lunar month of 1795 before disappearing mysteriously, leaving behind him some of the most famous actor prints.

1st lunar month: Namiki Gohei I's drama "Godairiki Koi no Fûjime" was staged for the first time in Edo, at the Miyakoza [casting].

3rd lunar month: Chikamatsu Monzaemon's drama "Komochi Yamanba", which was originally written for the puppet theater, was adapted for Kabuki for the first time, in Ôsaka at the Kado no Shibai [casting].

14th day of the 3rd lunar month: the sakusha Kawatake Shinshichi I (1747~1795) died.

6th lunar month: the play "Miura no Ôsuke Kôbai Tazuna" was staged for the first time in Edo, at the Kiriza [casting].

6th day of the 6th lunar month [152]: the actor Sakata Hangorô III (1756~1795) died.

6th day of the 7th lunar month [101]: the actor Yoshizawa Goroichi II (1768~1795) died.

17th day of the 8th lunar month [102]: the actor Bandô Iwagorô (1732~1795) died.

1796 (Kansei 8)

4th day of the 1st lunar month: the zamoto Kawarasaki Gonnosuke IV died.

1st lunar month: premiere at the Kiriza of Namiki Gohei I's drama "Suda no Haru Geisha Katagi" [casting].

2nd lunar month: Suga Sensuke's puppet theater drama "Keisei Koi no Hikyaku" was adapted for Kabuki for the first time and staged at the Kado no Shibai [casting].

29th day of the 2nd lunar month [116]: the actor Hanagiri Toyomatsu III (1743~1796) died.

29th day of the 3rd lunar month [84]: the great Kamigata star Arashi Koroku III (1741~1796) died.

4th lunar month: premiere at the Kado no Shibai of the drama "Hade Kurabe Ishikawa-zome", written by Chikamatsu Tokuzô, Tatsuoka Mansaku and Namiki Shôzô II [more details].

7th lunar month: premiere of Chikamatsu Tokuzô's play "Ise Ondo Koi no Netaba" in Ôsaka at the Kado no Shibai [casting].

17th day of the 8nd lunar month [33]: the playwright Takarada Jurai (1740~1796) died.

9th lunar month: the play "Hikosan Gongen Chikai no Sukedachi" was staged for the first time in Edo, simultaneously at the Kiriza [casting] and the Miyakoza [casting].

7th day of the 11th lunar month [168]: the actor Nakamura Nakazô II (1759~1796) died.

1797 (Kansei 9)

16th day of the 6th lunar month [22]: the sakusha Kanai Sanshô (1759~1797) died.

1798 (Kansei 10)

1st lunar month: premiere at the Kiriza (Edo) of Namiki Gohei I's play "Tomioka Koi no Yamabiraki", which was commonly called "Ninin Shinbê" [casting].

6th day of the 1st lunar month [161]: the actor Shibazaki Rinzaemon II (1741~1798) died.

19th day of the 2nd lunar month [175]: the actor Nakayama Bunshichi II (1755~1798) died.

22nd day of the 3rd lunar month [186]: the actor Nakamura Tôzô I (1752~1798) died.

15th day of the 6th lunar month [159]: the actor Ichikawa Ikuzô died.

19th day of the 6th lunar month [100]: the actor Azuma Tôzô III (1756~1798) died.

9th lunar month: premiere at the Moritaza of the Tokiwazu-based dance-drama "Futa Omote Tsuki no Sugatae" [more details].

29th day of the 9th lunar month [177]: the choreographer Shigayama Mansaku IX (who used to be the actor Nakayama Kojûrô VII) (1768~1798) died.

5th day of the 11th lunar month [91]: the actor Arashi Shichigorô III (1761~1798) died.

1799 (Kansei 11)

15th day of the 2nd lunar month [147]: the zamoto Ichimura Uzaemon X (1748~1799) died.

13th day of the 5th lunar month [126]: the actor Ichikawa Danjûrô VI (1778~1799) died.

28th day of the 8th lunar month [202]: the actor Nakamura Denkurô IV (1774~1799) died.

12th day of the 9th lunar month [41]: the actor Yamashita Kinsaku II (1733~1799) died.

1800 (Kansei 12)

2nd lunar month : Namiki Gohei's drama "Gosan no Kiri", which was premiered in the 4th lunar month of 1778 at the Kado no Shibai, was staged for the first time in Edo, at the Ichimuraza in a somewhat different version entitled "Sanmon Gosan no Kiri" instead of "Kinmon Gosan no Kiri" [casting].

20th day of the 3rd lunar month [62]: the actor Nakamura Noshio II (1759~1800) died.

28th day of the 3rd lunar month [133]: the actor Iwai Hanshirô IV (1747~1800) died.

11th lunar month: first Kabuki adaptation of Chikamatsu Yanagi's puppet theater drama "Ehon Taikôki", which was written in the 7th lunar month of 1799. The play was produced by Nakayama Tokujirô in Ôsaka at the Kado no Shibai [casting].


[1] The 15th day of the 1st lunar month of the 7th year of the Tenmei era was the 4th of March 1787 in the western calendar.

[2] The 25th day of the 11th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Kan'en era was the 3rd of January 1750 in the western calendar.

[3] The 25th day of the 7th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Tenmei era was the 22nd of August 1783 in the western calendar.

[4] The 19th day of the 11th lunar month of the 6th year of the Kansei era was the 11th of December 1794 in the western calendar.

[5] The 25th day of the 2nd lunar month of the 7th year of the An'ei era was the 23rd of March 1778 in the western calendar.

[6] The 2nd day of the 9th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Hôreki era was the 28th of September 1753 in the western calendar.

[7] The 20th day of the 1st lunar month of the 10th year of the Hôreki era was the 7th of March 1760 in the western calendar.

[8] The 14th day of the 9th lunar month of the 7th year of the Hôreki era was the 26th of October 1757 in the western calendar.

[9] The 12th day of the 5th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Meiwa era was the 18th of June 1766 in the western calendar.

[10] The 19th day of the 2nd lunar month of the 6th year of the Kyôhô era was the 16th of March 1721 in the western calendar.

[11] The 25th day of the 12th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Enkyô era was the 16th of January 1746 in the western calendar.

[12] The 14th day of the 9th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Kansei era was the 21st of October 1790 in the western calendar.

[13] The 25th day of the 5th lunar month of the 4th year of the Enkyô era was the 2nd of July 1747 in the western calendar.

[14] The 10th day of the 9th lunar month of the 12th year of the Hôreki era was the 26th of October 1762 in the western calendar.

[15] The 22nd day of the 8th lunar month of the 4th year of the Genbun era was the 24th of September 1739 in the western calendar.

[16] The 8th day of the 12th lunar month of the 9th year of the An'ei era was the 2nd of January 1781 in the western calendar.

[17] The 15th day of the 7th lunar month of the 14th year of the Kyôhô era was the 9th of August 1729 in the western calendar.

[18] The 18th day of the 7th lunar month of the 4th year of the Hôreki era was the 4th of September 1754 in the western calendar.

[19] The 18th day of the 11th lunar month of the 3rd year of the An'ei era was the 20th of December 1774 in the western calendar.

[20] The 28th day of the 9th lunar month of the 4th year of the Kansei era was the 12th of November 1792 in the western calendar.

[21] The 28th day of the 3rd lunar month of the 4th year of the An'ei era was the 27th of April 1775 in the western calendar.

[22] The 16th day of the 6th lunar month of the 9th year of the Kansei era was the 10th of July 1797 in the western calendar.

[23] The 3rd day of the 4th lunar month of the 13th year of the Hôreki era was the 15th of May 1763 in the western calendar.

[24] The 19th day of the 7th lunar month of the 6th year of the Kyôhô era was the 11th of August 1721 in the western calendar.

[25] The 10th day of the 1st lunar month of the 17th year of the Genroku era was the 14th of February 1704 in the western calendar.

[26] The 16th day of the 9th lunar month of the 12th year of the Hôreki era was the 1st of November 1762 in the western calendar.

[27] The 18th day of the 1st lunar month of the 2nd year of the Kyôhô era was the 28th of February 1717 in the western calendar.

[28] The 20th day of the 10th lunar month of the 1st year of the Meiwa era was the 13th of November 1764 in the western calendar.

[29] The 9th day of the 8th lunar month of the 1st year of the Genbun era was the 13th of September 1736 in the western calendar.

[30] The 3rd day of the 3rd lunar month of the 14th year of the Kyôhô era was the 31st of March 1729 in the western calendar.

[31] The 3rd day of the 4th lunar month of the 1st year of the Hôei era was the 6th of May 1704 in the western calendar.

[32] The 19th day of the 2nd lunar month of the 17th year of the Genroku era was the 24th of March 1704 in the western calendar.

[33] the 17th day of the 8nd lunar month of the 8th year of the Kansei era was the 18th of September 1796 in the western calendar.

[34] The 15th day of the 6th lunar month of the 4th year of the Enkyô era was the 22nd of July 1747 in the western calendar.

[35] The 9th day of the 1st lunar month of the 5th year of the Meiwa era was the 26th of February 1768 in the western calendar.

[36] The 2nd day of the 7th lunar month of the 4th year of the Meiwa era was the 27th of July 1767 in the western calendar.

[37] The 7th day of the 3rd lunar month of the 5th year of the Meiwa era was the 23rd of April 1768 in the western calendar.

[38] The 5th day of the 1st lunar month of the 9th year of the Meiwa era was the 8th of February 1772 in the western calendar.

[39] The 22nd day of the 6th lunar month of the 6th year of the Kyôhô era was the 16th of July 1721 in the western calendar.

[40] The 10th day of the 9th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Kyôhô era was the 3rd of October 1718 in the western calendar.

[41] The 12th day of the 9th lunar month of the 11th year of the Kansei era was the 10th of October 1799 in the western calendar.

[42] The 2nd day of the 7th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Kan'en era was the 3rd of August 1750 in the western calendar.

[43] The 3rd day of the 8th lunar month of the 6th year of the Tenmei era was the 26th of August 1786 in the western calendar.

[44] The 27th day of the 4th lunar month of the 7th year of the Meiwa era was the 22nd of May 1770 in the western calendar.

[45] The 30th day of the 8th lunar month of the 5th year of the Hôreki era was the 5th of October 1755 in the western calendar.

[46] The 29th day of the 12th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Tenmei era was the 21st of January 1784 in the western calendar.

[47] The 29th day of the 3rd lunar month of the 12th year of the Hôreki era was the 23rd of April 1762 in the western calendar.

[48] The 17th day of the 9th lunar month of the 6th year of the Kyôhô era was the 6th of November 1721 in the western calendar.

[49] The 10th day of the 7th lunar month of the 4th year of the Hôreki era was the 27th of August 1754 in the western calendar.

[50] The 7th day of the 11th lunar month of the 14th year of the Genroku era was the 6th of December 1701 in the western calendar.

[51] The 29th day of the 8th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Genbun era was the 12th of October 1738 in the western calendar.

[52] The 10th of the 8th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Tenmei era was the 6th of September 1783 in the western calendar.

[53] The 8th day of the 7th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Meiwa era was the 24th of August 1765 in the western calendar.

[54] The 26th day of the 8th lunar month of the 5th year of the Tenmei era was the 29th of September 1785 in the western calendar.

[55] The 12th day of the 1st lunar month of the 3rd year of the Shôtoku era was the 6th of February 1713 in the western calendar.

[56] The 12th day of the 7th lunar month of the 7th year of the Tenmei era was the 24th of August 1787 in the western calendar.

[57] The 15th day of the 5th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Shôtoku era was the 7th of June 1713 in the western calendar.

[58] The 26th day of the 7th lunar month of the 6th year of the Tenmei era was the 19th of August 1786 in the western calendar.

[59] The 22nd of the 4th lunar month of the 6th year of the Hôreki era was the 20th of May 1756 in the western calendar.

[60] The 25th day of the 2nd lunar month of the 8th year of the Kyôhô era was the 31st of March 1723 in the western calendar.

[61] The 9th day of the 1st lunar month of the 6th year of the Meiwa era was the 15th of February 1769 in the western calendar.

[62] The 20th day of the 3rd lunar month of the 12th year of the Kansei era was the 13th of April 1800 in the western calendar.

[63] The 19th day of the 11th lunar month of the 6th year of the An'ei era was the 18th of December 1777 in the western calendar.

[64] The 18th day of the 3rd lunar month of the 4th year of the Meiwa era was the 16th of April 1767 in the western calendar.

[65] The 9th day of the 12th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Hôei era was the 21st of January 1706 in the western calendar.

[66] The 9th day of the 9th lunar month of the 1st year of the Genbun era was the 13th of October 1736 in the western calendar.

[67] The 13th day of the 6th lunar month of the 6th year of the Shôtoku era was the 31st of July 1716 in the western calendar.

[68] The 10th day of the 6th lunar month of the 10th year of the Kyôhô era was the 19th of July 1725 in the western calendar.

[69] The 4th day of the 5th lunar month of the 5th year of the Meiwa era was the 18th of June 1768 in the western calendar.

[70] The 19th day of the 4th lunar month of the 8th year of the Meiwa era was the 1st of June 1771 in the western calendar.

[71] The 15th day of the 5th lunar month of the 9th year of the Kyôhô era was the 5th of July 1724 in the western calendar.

[72] The 4th day of the 2nd lunar month of the 3rd year of the Tenmei era was the 6th of March 1783 in the western calendar.

[73] The 5th day of the 12th lunar month of the 10th year of the Kyôhô era was the 7th of January 1726 in the western calendar.

[74] The 25th day of the 10th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Shôtoku era was the 12th of December 1713 in the western calendar.

[75] The 17th day of the 2nd lunar month of the 2nd year of the An'ei era was the 9th of March 1773 in the western calendar.

[76] The 7th day of the 9th lunar month of the 4th year of the Kan'en era was the 25th of October 1751 in the western calendar.

[77] The 25th day of the 9th lunar month of the 9th year of the An'ei era was the 22nd of October 1780 in the western calendar.

[78] The 27th of the 11th lunar month of the 7th year of the Meiwa era was the 12th of January 1771 in the western calendar.

[79] The 29th day of the 12th lunar month of the 6th year of the An'ei era was the 27th of January 1778 in the western calendar.

[80] The 27th day of the 7th lunar month of the 5th year of the Kansei era was the 2nd of September 1793 in the western calendar.

[81] The 17th day of the 8th lunar month of the 14th year of the Kyôhô era was the 9th of September 1729 in the western calendar.

[82] The 13th day of the 5th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Kansei era was the 14th of June 1791 in the western calendar.

[83] The 8th day of the 8th lunar month of the 4th year of the Kyôhô era was the 21st of September 1719 in the western calendar.

[84] The 29th day of the 3rd lunar month of the 8th year of the Kansei era was the 6th of May 1796 in the western calendar.

[85] The 26th day of the 3rd lunar month of the 6th year of the Meiwa era was the 2nd of May 1769 in the western calendar.

[86] The 12th day of the 7th lunar month of the 4th year of the Genbun era was the 16th of August 1739 in the western calendar.

[87] The 28th day of the 10th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Tenmei era was the 22nd of November 1783 in the western calendar.

[88] The 20th day of the 6th lunar month of the 13th year of the Kyôhô era was the 26th of July 1728 in the western calendar.

[89] The 20th day of the 5th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Kan'en era was the 23rd of June 1750 in the western calendar.

[90] The 28th day of the 5th lunar month of the 8th year of the Tenmei era was the 1st of July 1788 in the western calendar.

[91] The 5th day of the 11th lunar month of the 10th year of the Kansei era was the 11th of December 1798 in the western calendar.

[92] The 9th day of the 6th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Meiwa era was the 15th of July 1766 in the western calendar.

[93] The 29th day of the 3rd lunar month of the 8th year of the Meiwa era was the 13th of May 1771 in the western calendar.

[94] The 23rd day of the 4th lunar month of the 20th year of the Kyôhô era was the 13th of June 1735 in the western calendar.

[95] The 27th day of the 9th lunar month of the 9th year of the Kyôhô era was the 12th of November 1724 in the western calendar.

[96] The 23rd day of the 11 lunar month of the 5th year of the Shôtoku era was the 18th of December 1715 in the western calendar.

[97] The 23rd day of the 9th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Enkyô era was the 18th of October 1745 in the western calendar.

[98] The 11th day of the 4th lunar month of the 5th year of the An'ei era was the 28th of May 1776 in the western calendar.

[99] The 7th day of the 5th lunar month of the 12th year of the Hôreki era was the 28th of June 1762 in the western calendar.

[100] The 19th day of the 6th lunar month of the 10th year of the Kansei era was the 1st of August 1798 in the western calendar.

[101] The 6th day of the 7th lunar month of the 7th year of the Kansei era was the 20th of August 1795 in the western calendar.

[102] The 17th day of the 8th lunar month of the 7th year of the Kansei era was the 29th of September 1795 in the western calendar.

[103] The 19th day of the 6th lunar month of the 19th year of the Kyôhô era was the 19th of July 1734 in the western calendar.

[104] The 28th day of the 2nd lunar month of the 17th year of the Genroku era was the 2nd of April 1704 in the western calendar.

[105] The 24th day of the 2nd lunar month of the 7th year of the Kyôhô era was the 9th of April 1722 in the western calendar.

[106] The 26th day of the 12th lunar month of the 4th year of the Tenmei era was the 5th of February 1785 in the western calendar.

[107] The 19th day of the 5th lunar month of the 9th year of the An'ei era was the 21st of June 1780 in the western calendar.

[108] The 11th day of the 1st lunar month of the 7th year of the Meiwa era was the 6th of February 1770 in the western calendar.

[109] The 9th day of the 2nd lunar month of the 13th year of the Hôreki era was the 23rd of March 1763 in the western calendar.

[110] The 10th day of the 4th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Tenmei era was the 21st of May 1782 in the western calendar.

[111] The 22nd day of the 4th lunar month of the 6th year of the Shôtoku era was the 11th of June 1716 in the western calendar.

[112] The 4th day of the 7th lunar month of the 11th year of the Hôreki era was the 4th of August 1761 in the western calendar.

[113] The 9th day of the 3rd lunar month of the 7th year of the Tenmei era was the 26th of April 1787 in the western calendar.

[114] The 17th day of the 9th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Kanpô era was the 2nd of November 1743 in the western calendar.

[115] The 23rd day of the 8th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Enkyô era was the 18th of September 1745 in the western calendar.

[116] The 29th day of the 2nd lunar month of the 8th year of the Kansei era was the 6th of April 1796 in the western calendar.

[117] The 18th day of the 2nd lunar month of the 6th year of the Genbun era was the 3rd of April 1741 in the western calendar.

[118] The 15th day of the 5th lunar month of the 15th year of the Kyôhô era was the 29th of June 1730 in the western calendar.

[119] The 27th day of the 12th lunar month of the 4th year of the Hôreki era was the 7th of February 1755 in the western calendar.

[120] The 27th day of the 1st lunar month of the 4th year of the Hôei era was the 1st of March 1707 in the western calendar.

[121] The 19th day of the 7th lunar month of the 5th year of the Shôtoku era was the 17th of August 1715 in the western calendar.

[122] The 19th day of the 5th lunar month of the 6th year of the Shôtoku era was the 8th of July 1716 in the western calendar.

[123] The 28th day of the 7th lunar month of the 3rd year of the An'ei era was the 3rd of September 1774 in the western calendar.

[124] The 17th day of the 6th lunar month of the 7th year of the Meiwa era was the 9th of July 1770 in the western calendar.

[125] The 15th day of the 7th lunar month of the 6th year of the An'ei era was the 17th of August 1777 in the western calendar.

[126] The 13th day of the 5th lunar month of the 11th year of the Kansei era was the 16th of June 1799 in the western calendar.

[127] The 2nd day of the 5th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Kyôhô era was the 10th of June 1717 in the western calendar.

[127] The 5th day of the 4th lunar month of the 5th year of the Genbun era was the 30th of April 1740 in the western calendar.

[128] The 20th of the 10th lunar month of the 5th year of the Genbun era was the 8th of December 1740 in the western calendar.

[129] The 27th of the 7th lunar month of the 5th year of the Kyôhô era was the 30th of August 1720 in the western calendar.

[130] The 19th day of the 10th lunar month of the 9th year of the Hôreki era was the 8th of December 1759 in the western calendar.

[131] The 24th day of the 9th lunar month of the 8th year of the Hôreki era was the 25th of October 1758 in the western calendar.

[132] The 3rd day of the 7th lunar month of the 6th year of the An'ei era was the 5th of August 1777 in the western calendar.

[133] The 28th day of the 3rd lunar month of the 12th year of the Kansei era was the 21st of April 1800 in the western calendar.

[134] The 15th day of the 5th lunar month of the 8th year of the Meiwa era was the 27th of June 1771 in the western calendar.

[135] The 30th day of the 8th lunar month of the 7th year of the Meiwa era was the 18th of October 1770 in the western calendar.

[136] The 5th day of the 10th lunar month of the 5th year of the An'ei era was the 15th of November 1776 in the western calendar.

[137] The 11th day of the 1st lunar month of the 6th year of the Shôtoku era was the 4th of February 1716 in the western calendar.

[138] The 22nd day of the 1st lunar month of the 2nd year of the Kyôhô era was the 4th of March 1717 in the western calendar.

[139] The 14th day of the 1st lunar month of the 6th year of the Hôreki era was the 13th of February 1756 in the western calendar.

[140] The 25th day of the 3rd lunar month of the 15th year of the Kyôhô era was the 11th of May 1730 in the western calendar.

[141] The 6th day of the 2nd lunar month of the 10th year of the Hôreki era was the 22nd of March 1760 in the western calendar.

[142] The 17th day of the 9th lunar month of the 11th year of the Hôreki era was the 14th of October 1761 in the western calendar.

[143] The 25th day of the 1st lunar month of the 14th year of the Kyôhô era was the 22nd of February 1729 in the western calendar.

[144] The 12th day of the 4th lunar month of the 4th year of the Meiwa era was the 9th of May 1767 in the western calendar.

[145] The 11th day of the 5th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Hôreki era was the 22nd of June 1752 in the western calendar.

[146] The 25th day of the 8th lunar month of the 5th year of the Tenmei era was the 28th of September 1785 in the western calendar.

[147] The 15th day of the 2nd lunar month of the 11th year of the Kansei era was the 20th of March 1799 in the western calendar.

[148] The 15th day of the 9th lunar month of the 9th year of the Kyôhô era was the 31st of October 1724 in the western calendar.

[149] The 13th day of the 7th lunar month of the 7th year of the Hôreki era was the 27th of August 1757 in the western calendar.

[150] The 12th day of the 12th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Shôtoku era was the 8th of January 1713 in the western calendar.

[151] The 17th day of the 5th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Tenmei era was the 27th of June 1782 in the western calendar.

[152] The 6th day of the 6th lunar month of the 7th year of the Kansei era was the 21st of July 1795 in the western calendar.

[153] The 1st day of the 11th lunar month of the 20th year of the Kyôhô era was the 1st of December 1709 in the western calendar.

[154] The 3rd day of the 2nd lunar month of the 5th year of the Hôei era was the 24th of March 1708 in the western calendar.

[155] The 5th day of the 6th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Kyôhô era was the 2nd of July 1718 in the western calendar.

[156] The 24th day of the 1st lunar month of the 4th year of the Hôei era was the 26th of February 1707 in the western calendar.

[157] The 18th day of the 9th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Kyôhô era was the 22nd of October 1717 in the western calendar.

[158] The 3rd day of the 4th lunar month of the4th year of the An'ei era was the 2nd of May 1775 in the western calendar.

[159] The 15th day of the 6th lunar month of the 10th year of the Kansei era was the 28th of July 1798 in the western calendar.

[160] The 23rd day of the 3rd lunar month of the 12th year of the Hôreki era was the 17th of April 1762 in the western calendar.

[161] The 6th day of the 1st lunar month of the 10th year of the Kansei era was the 21st of February 1798 in the western calendar.

[162] The 21st day of the 11th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Kyôhô era was the 11th of January 1719 in the western calendar.

[163] The 8th day of the 7th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Tenmei era was the 5th of August 1783 in the western calendar.

[164] The 10th day of the 5th lunar month of the 4th year of the Enkyô era was the 17th of June 1747 in the western calendar.

[165] The 26th day of the 11th lunar month of the 9th year of the Hôreki era was the 13th of January 1760 in the western calendar.

[166] The 17th day of the 8th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Meiwa era was the 1st of October 1765 in the western calendar.

[167] The 24th day of the 4th lunar month of the 4th year of the Genbun era was the 31st of May 1739 in the western calendar.

[168] The 7th day of the 11th lunar month of the 8th year of the Kansei era was the 5th of December 1796 in the western calendar.

[169] The 24th day of the 1st lunar month of the 19th year of the Kyôhô era was the 27th of February 1734 in the western calendar.

[170] The 25th day of the 4th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Hôreki era was the 27th of May 1753 in the western calendar.

[171] The 4th day of the 11th lunar month of the 1st year of the Kanpô era was the 11th of December 1741 in the western calendar.

[172] The 3rd day of the 1st lunar month of the 6th year of the Hôreki era was the 2nd of February 1756 in the western calendar.

[173] The 25th of the 11th lunar month of the 1st year of the Kan'en era was the 13th of January 1749 in the western calendar.

[174] The 2nd day of the 9th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Kan'en era was the 12th of October 1749 in the western calendar.

[175] The 19th day of the 2nd lunar month of the 10th year of the Kansei era was the 4th of April 1798 in the western calendar.

[176] The 23rd day of the 4th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Kansei era was the 5th of June 1790 in the western calendar.

[177] The 29th day of the 9th lunar month of the 10th year of the Kansei era was the 7th of November 1798 in the western calendar.

[178] The 15th day of the 11th lunar month of the 6th year of the An'ei era was the 14th of December 1777 in the western calendar.

[179] The 24th day of the 6th lunar month of the 9th year of the Meiwa era was the 24th of July 1772 in the western calendar.

[180] The 9th day of the 8th lunar month of the 13th year of the Hôreki era was the 16th of September 1763 in the western calendar.

[181] The 13th day of the 11th lunar month of the 6th year of the Hôreki era was the 4th of December 1756 in the western calendar.

[182] The 20th of the 9th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Meiwa era was the 23rd of October 1766 in the western calendar.

[183] The 18th day of the 6th lunar month of the 6th year of the An'ei era was the 22nd of July 1777 in the western calendar.

[184] The 19th day of the 3rd lunar month of the 3rd year of the Tenmei era was the 20th of April 1783 in the western calendar.

[185] The 24th day of the 11th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Shôtoku era was the 22nd of December 1712 in the western calendar.

[186] The 22nd day of the 3rd lunar month of the 10th year of the Kansei era was the 7th of May 1798 in the western calendar.

[187] The 29th day of the 10th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Kansei era was the 24th of November 1791 in the western calendar.

[188] The 19th day of the 7th lunar month of the 4th year of the Enkyô era was the 24th of August 1747 in the western calendar.

[189] The 13th day of the 3rd lunar month of the 2nd year of the An'ei era was the 4th of April 1773 in the western calendar.

[190] The 7th of the 2nd lunar month of the 9th year of the An'ei era was the 12th of March 1780 in the western calendar.

[191] The 15th day of the 6th lunar month of the 6th year of the Kansei era was the 11th of July 1794 in the western calendar.

[192] The 29th day of the 3rd lunar month of the 8th year of the Tenmei era was the 4th of May 1788 in the western calendar.

[193] The 26th day of the 4th lunar month of the 5th year of the Genbun era was the 21st of May 1740 in the western calendar.

[194] The 19th day of the 2nd lunar month of the 10th year of the An'ei era was the 13th of March 1781 in the western calendar.

[195] The 6th day of the 11th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Genbun era was the 27th of November 1737 in the western calendar.

[196] The 16th day of the 8th lunar month of the 1st year of the Tenmei era was the 3rd of October 1781 in the western calendar.

[197] The 6th day of the 2nd lunar month of the 5th year of the Enkyô era was the 4th of March 1748 in the western calendar.

[198] The 29th day of the 2nd lunar month of the 3rd year of the Meiwa era was the 8th of April 1766 in the western calendar.

[199] The 7th day of the 1st lunar month of the 2nd year of the Kyôhô era was the 17th of February 1717 in the western calendar.

[200] The 23rd day of the 11th lunar month of the 6th year of the Hôreki era was the 14th of December 1756 in the western calendar.

[201] The 23rd day of the 8th lunar month of the 6th year of the Kyôhô era was the 13th of October 1721 in the western calendar.

[202] The 28th day of the 8th lunar month of the 11th year of the Kansei era was the 27th of September 1799 in the western calendar.

[203] The 28th day of the 2nd lunar month of the 4th year of the An'ei era was the 29th of March 1775 in the western calendar.

[204] The 25th day of the 11th lunar month of the 7th year of the Hôreki era was the 4th of January 1758 in the western calendar.

[205] The 29th day of the 2nd lunar month of the 9th year of the Meiwa era was the 1st of April 1772 in the western calendar.

[206] The 15th day of the 5th lunar month of the 9th year of the Meiwa era was the 15th of June 1772 in the western calendar.

[207] The 19th day of the 9th lunar month of the 14th year of the Genroku era was the 20th of October 1701 in the western calendar.

[208] The 12th day of the 6th lunar month of the 8th year of the Tenmei era was the 15th of July 1788 in the western calendar.

[209] The 24th day of the 5th lunar month of the 11th year of the Hôreki era was the 26th of June 1761 in the western calendar.

[210] The 19th day of the 10th lunar month of the 1st year of the Shôtoku era was the 28th of November 1711 in the western calendar.

[211] The 13th day of the 8th lunar month of the 16th year of the Kyôhô era was the 13th of September 1731 in the western calendar.

[212] The 24th day of the 4th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Hôei era was the 4th of June 1706 in the western calendar.

[213] The 26th day of the 3rd lunar month of the 10th year of the Kyôhô era was the 8th of May 1725 in the western calendar.

[214] The 10th day of the 11th lunar month of the 6th year of the Meiwa era was the 7th of December 1769 in the western calendar.

[215] The 24th day of the 4th lunar month of the 6th year of the Shôtoku era was the 13th of June 1716 in the western calendar.

[216] The 1st day of the 8th lunar month of the 1st year of the Hôei era was the 30th of August 1704 in the western calendar.

[217] The 11th day of the 12th lunar month of the 7th year of the An'ei era was the 28th of January 1779 in the western calendar.

[218] The 18th day of the 11th lunar month of the 8th year of the Hôreki era was the 18th of December 1758 in the western calendar.

[219] The 12th day of the 11th lunar month of the 12th year of the Hôreki era was the 26th of December 1762 in the western calendar.

[220] The 13th day of the 7th lunar month of the 13th year of the Hôreki era was the 21st of August 1763 in the western calendar.

[221] The 25th day of the 3rd lunar month of the 12th year of the Kyôhô era was the 15th of May 1727 in the western calendar.

[222] The 11th day of the 9th lunar month of the 13th year of the Kyôhô era was the 13th of October 1728 in the western calendar.

[223] The 22nd day of the 12th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Kan'en era was the 29th of January 1750 in the western calendar.

[224] The 11th day of the 10th lunar month of the 6th year of the Tenmei era was the 1st of November 1786 in the western calendar.

[225] The 2nd day of the 9th lunar month of the 3rd year of the An'ei era was the 6th of October 1774 in the western calendar.

[226] The 14th day of the 6th lunar month of the 9th year of the Kyôhô era was the 2nd of August 1724 in the western calendar.

[227] The 25th day of the 10th lunar month of the 9th year of the Kyôhô era was the 10th of December 1724 in the western calendar.

[228] The 7th day of the 1st lunar month of the 7th year of the An'ei era was the 3rd of February 1778 in the western calendar.

[229] The 13th day of the 1st lunar month of the 6th year of the Kansei era was the 12th of February 1794 in the western calendar.

[230] The 5th day of the 8th lunar month of the 12th year of the Hôreki era was the 22nd of September 1762 in the western calendar.

[231] The 4th day of the 12th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Tenmei era was the 27th of December 1783 in the western calendar.

[232] The 17th day of the 12th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Tenmei era was the 19th of January 1783 in the western calendar.

[233] The 22nd day of the 11th lunar month of the 9th year of the Kyôhô era was the 6th of January 1725 in the western calendar.

[234] The 4th day of the 5th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Kan'en era was the 18th of June 1749 in the western calendar.

[235] The 16th day of the 4th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Meiwa era was the 24th of May 1766 in the western calendar.

[236] The 15th day of the 9th lunar month of the 1st year of the Kansei era was the 2nd of November 1789 in the western calendar.

[237] The 24th day of the 8th lunar month of the 3rd year of the An'ei era was the 29th of September 1774 in the western calendar.

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