3 shows in Tôkyô (Kabukiza, Asakusa Kôkaidô), 1 in Toyooka (Eirakukan), 1 in Kyôto (Minamiza), 1 in Ôsaka (National Bunraku Theatre and 1 tour (Succession Announcement Tour)!

  • ??? perform at the Kabukiza !
  • Living National Treasure Nakamura Baigyoku and Ichikawa Danjûrô are on tour Succession Announcement Tour!
  • Nakamura Shidô and Nakamura Kazutarô perform at the Minamiza!
  • Kataoka Ainosuke and ??? perform at the Eirakukan!
  • Kabukiza (Tôkyô)
    Dates 2 ~ 25 September 2024
    Shûzan Matsuri Kugatsu Ôkabuki
    Shûzan's Festival September Grand Kabuki







    The 3rd edition at the Kabukiza of the new "Shûzan Matsuri" (the festival of Shûzan), which is staged to commemorate late Nakamura Kichiemon II. Shûzan was the haimyô used by both Nakamura Kichiemon I and Nakamura Kichiemon II.

    Succession Announcement Tour
    Dates 31 August ~ 27 September 2024
    Jûsandaime Ichikawa Danjûrô Hakuen Shûmei Hirô Jungyô
    Ichikawa Danjûrô XIII Hakuen Succession Announcement Tour

    Iwau Narita Shibai no Nigiwai


    Kumo ni Magou Ueno no Hatsuhana (Kôchiyama)


    Living National Treasure Nakamura Baigyoku, Ichikawa Danjûrô, Ichikawa Udanji


    A special tour celebrating the shûmei of Ichikawa Danjûrô XIII with performances in 18 cities.

    Minamiza (Kyôto)
    Dates 4 ~ 26 September 2024
    Kugatsu Hanagata Kabuki
    September Young Actors Kabuki

    Arashi no Yoru ni


    Nakamura Shidô, Nakamura Kazutarô


    A special program starring Nakamura Shidô and Nakamura Kazutarô and reviving the 2015 Kabuki drama based on Kimura Yûichi's famous series of illustrated child books "Arashi no Yoru ni" (in English 'One Stormy Night').

    Eirakukan (Toyooka)
    Dates ?? ~ ?? September 2024
    Eirakukan Ôkabuki
    Eirakukan Grand Kabuki



    Kataoka Ainosuke, ???


    The Eirakukan Grand Kabuki is back! Due to the COVID crisis, there was no performance at the Eirakukan from 2020 to 2022. This is the 13th Kabuki program at the Eirakukan, a renovated traditional theater built in the city of Toyooka (prefecture of Hyôgo).

    National Bunraku Theatre (Ôsaka)
    Dates 31 August ~ 1 September 2024
    Ken no Kai

    Sesshû Gappô-ga-Tsuji (Gappô Anshitsu)



    Onoe Ukon, Nakamura Hashinosuke, Ichikawa En'ya, Nakamura Tsurumatsu, Ichikawa Seiko, Onoe Maholo, Onoe Kikusaburô


    8th edition of the Ken no Kai, a 2-day 4-performance gala in Ôsaka at the National Bunraku Theatre starring Onoe Kikugorô VI's great-grandson Onoe Ukon. Ken no Kai literally means 'Ken's Association' with Ken being the first ideogram in Onoe Ukon's real first name Kensuke. The Ken no Kai is also held the 4th and the 5th of September in Tôkyô at the Asakusa Kôkaidô [more details].

    Asakusa Kôkaidô (Tôkyô)
    Dates 4 ~ 5 September 2024
    Ken no Kai

    Sesshû Gappô-ga-Tsuji (Gappô Anshitsu)



    Onoe Ukon, Nakamura Hashinosuke, Ichikawa En'ya, Nakamura Tsurumatsu, Ichikawa Seiko, Onoe Maholo, Onoe Kikusaburô


    8th edition of the Ken no Kai, a 2-day 4-performance gala in Tôkyô at the Asakusa Kôkaidô starring Onoe Kikugorô VI's great-grandson Onoe Ukon. Ken no Kai literally means 'Ken's Association' with Ken being the first ideogram in Onoe Ukon's real first name Kensuke. The Ken no Kai is also held from the 31st of August to the 1st of September in Ôsaka at the National Bunraku Theatre [more details].

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