Stage names:

Nakamura Mantarô In Japanese

Real name: Ogawa Takaharu

Guild: Yorozuya

Birthday: 12 May 1989


Great-great-great-grandfather: Nakamura Karoku I

Great-great-grandfather: Nakamura Karoku III

Great-grandfather: Nakamura Tokizô III

Grandfather: Nakamura Tokizô IV

Father: Nakamura Manju (Nakamura Tokizô V)

Brother: Nakamura Tokizô VI


June 1994: debut on stage (hatsubutai) at the Kabukiza, where the 32nd anniversary (33rd memorial service) of the passing away of Nakamura Tokizô IV was celebrated; he received the name of Nakamura Baishi IV, playing the role of a young traveller in the dance "Michiyuki Tabiji no Yomeiri".

October 1996: Mantarô played at the Kabukiza the role of Masaoka's son Senmatsu in the drama "Meiboku Sendai Hagi"; the roles of Masaoka, Yashio and Tsuruchiyo were played by Nakamura Jakuemon IV, Kataoka Takao and Nakamura Baishi IV.

January 1998: Mantarô played at the Kabukiza the role of Matsuômaru's son Kotarô in the drama "Terakoya", which was staged to celebrate the shûmei of Kataoka Nizaemon XV (who played the role of Matsuômaru); the role of Kotarô's mother Chiyo was played by Nakamura Shikan VII.

February 2000: special kodomo shibai dance program to end the evening program at the Kabukiza; Mantarô played the role of Soga Gorô Tokimune in the dance "Kusazuribiki"; the role of Maizuru was played by his brother Nakamura Baishi IV.

October 2009: Mantarô played at the Kabukiza the roles of Yatsurugi Kazuma, Usui Sadamitsu and the decchi Sangorô in the dramas "Kenuki", "Kumo no Hyôshimai" and "Kawashô".

January 2010: revival at the National Theatre of Namiki Gohei's long-forgotten drama "Keisei Kogane no Shachihoko", which was revised and entitled "Asahi-ni Kagayaku Kin no Shachihoko"; it was staged to commemorate the 400-year anniversary of the establishment of the city of Nagoya; Mantarô played the role of the Ashikaga wakatô Tomikawa Waheita [more details | casting].

May 2018: 16th edition of the Cocoon Kabuki [more details].

January 2019: revival at the National Theatre of Namiki Gohei I's 1779 drama "Sode Nikki Banshû Meguri"; this Otowaya-powered revision was entitled "Himeji-jô Oto-ni Kiku Sono Ishizue"; Mantarô played the role of Takaoka Gengo [casting | more details].

June 2024: great shûmei at the Kabukiza for the Yorozuya guild; Mantarô's father Nakamura Tokizô V and Mantarô's elder brother Nakamura Baishi IV respectively took the names of Nakamura Manju and Nakamura Tokizô VI [more details]. Mantarô played the roles of the nyûdô Inokuma Raiun and Sankichi in "Yamanba" and "Sakanaya Sôgorô". It was also the hatsubutai of Mantarô's nephew Nakamura Baishi V and Nakamura Shidô II's sons Nakamura Haruki and Nakamura Natsuki.


Nakamura Mantarô is a promising young actor of the Yorozuya guild.

The mon of Nakamura Mantarô

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