Stage names:

Suketakaya Takasuke II
Suketakaya Shirogorô
Ichikawa Yaozô III
Segawa Yûjirô I
Sawamura Shirogorô I
Sawamura Kinpei I

Other name: Ichikawa Chûsha III

Guilds: Kinokuniya, Tachibanaya/Tachibanaya (Yaozô years), Hamamuraya (Yûjirô years)

Line number: NIDAIME (II)

Poetry names: Kôga, Chûsha (3)

Existence: 1747 ~ 13th day of the 12th lunar month of 1818 [1]


Father: Sawamura Sôjûrô II

Brother: Sawamura Sôjûrô III

Masters: Ichikawa Danjûrô V, Segawa Kikunojô II


Spring 1760: first appearance on stage, at the Nakamuraza, where he receives the name of Sawamura Kinpei I and plays in the new year drama "Kyô Masakado Soga".

11th lunar month of 1767: Sawamura Kinpei I takes the name of Sawamura Shirogorô I at the Ichimuraza, playing in the drama "Nue Shigedô Sakiwake Yûsha".

11th lunar month of 1769: he becomes disciple of the onnagata actor Segawa Kikunojô II, who gives him the name of Segawa Yûjirô I. They play together at the Nakamuraza in the kaomise drama "Kawaranu Hanasakae Hachinoki".

11th lunar month of 1777: he takes back the name of Sawamura Shirogorô I.

11th lunar month of 1779: he becomes disciple of the actor Ichikawa Danjûrô V, who gives him the name of Ichikawa Yaozô III; they play together at the Moritaza in the kaomise drama "Uta Kurabe Tôsei Moyô".

4th lunar month of 1780: first Kabuki adaptation of Utei Enba, Kijô Tarô and Yô Yôdai puppet theater drama "Go Taiheiki Shiraishi Banashi", which is produced in Edo at the Moritaza; Yaozô plays the roles of the yakko Datesuke and Shinobu [casting].

1780: tour in Echigo with Matsumoto Kôshirô IV and Ôtani Hiroji III.

11th lunar month of 1786: Yaozô performs in the Nakamuraza in the kaomise drama "Kumoi no Hana Yoshino no Wakamusha". Premiere at the Nakamuraza of the Tomimoto-based dance-drama "Sode Furu Yuki Yoshino Shûi" (nowadays entitled "Meoto Gitsune"), which was staged within the kaomise drama "Kumoi no Hana Yoshino no Wakamusha"; Yaozô plays the role of Kusunoki Uraminosuke, in reality the Tsukamoto male fox [more details].

1st lunar month of 1791: premiere at the Nakamuraza of the Nagauta-based dance "Taimen Hana no Harukoma", which is performed at the end of the new year program "Haru no Sekai Nigiwai Soga"; Yaozô plays the role of Soga Gorô Tokimune [casting].

7th lunar month of 1794: premiere at the Miyakoza of the drama "Keisei Sanbon Karakasa"; Yaozô plays the role of Fuwa Banzaemon [more details].

6th lunar month of 1795: the play "Miura no Ôsuke Kôbai Tazuna" is staged for the first time in Edo, at the Kiriza; Yaozô plays the role of Kajiwara Heizô Kagetoki [casting]. He also plays the role of Shunkan in the drama "Heike Nyogo no Shima". His stage partners are Nakayama Tomisaburô I (Chidori), Ichikawa Danjûrô VI (Tanzaemon) and Yamatoyama Tomoemon (Senoo Tarô).

9th lunar month of 1796: the play "Hikosan Gongen Chikai no Sukedachi" is staged for the first time in Edo, simultaneously at the Kiriza and the Miyakoza; Yaozô plays the roles of Rokusuke and Kinugawa Yasozaemon in the latter theater [casting].

1st lunar month of 1798: premiere at the Kiriza (Edo) of Namiki Gohei I's play "Tomioka Koi no Yamabiraki", commonly called "Ninin Shinbê", in which Yaozô plays the role of Tamaya Shinbê [casting].

8th lunar month of 1803: Yaozô plays at the Ichimuraza the roles of Tadanobu, the fox Genkurô , Tokaiya Ginpei and Taira no Tomomori in the drama "Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura".

11th lunar month of 1804: Ichikawa Yaozô III takes the name of Suketakaya Takasuke II at the Ichimuraza, playing 3 roles in the kaomise drama "Mishi Tamadare Yuki no Furusato", which also celebrates the shûmei of Ichikawa Takinosuke and Kiriyama Monji III..

1806: Suketakaya Takasuke II takes the name of Suketakaya Shirogorô.

1808: Suketakaya Shirogorô takes back the name of Suketakaya Takasuke II.

11th lunar month of 1809: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Katsu Hyôzô I and Sakurada Jisuke II kaomise drama "Misao no Hana Toba no Koizuka", which celebrates the shûmei of Onoe Shôroku I and Onoe Matsusuke II; Takasuke plays the roles of Minamoto no Yorimasa, the ashigaru Hasehei (in reality Hasebe Chôbê Nobutsura), Awa Minbu Shigeyoshi and the jôgashiya Kuchitori no Yoshirô [more details].

3rd lunar month of 1810: Takasuke plays at the Ichimuraza the role of Mashiba Hisayoshi in the drama "Sanmon Gosan no Kiri"; the role of Ishikawa Goemon is played by Matsumoto Kôshirô V.

5th lunar month of 1810: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Katsu Hyôzô I and Sakurada Jisuke II drama "Ehon Gappô-ga-Tsuji"; Takasuke plays the roles of Kagamiyama Toshiyuki, Takahashi Sezaemon and the cook Sukehachi [casting].

1st lunar month of 1816: premiere at the Kawarasakiza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's new year sogamono drama "Nazoraete Fujigane Soga"; Takasuke plays the roles of Kudô Saemon Suketsune and Mankô (the mother of the Soga Brothers) [casting].

6th lunar month of 1817: premiere in ôshibai of the puppet drama "Hana no Ueno Homare no Ishibumi", which was staged in Edo at the Kiriza; Takasuke plays the role of Tsuchiya Naiki [more details]. This is his last performance in Edo.

7th lunar month of 1817 ~ 11th lunar month of 1818: Takasuke goes on tour.

12th lunar month of 1818: Takasuke suddenly dies while performing in the city of Fukushima.


Suketakaya Takasuke II was a talented actor, trained by very different masters, like Segawa Kikunojô II, the best Edo onnagata, or Ichikawa Danjûrô V, the master of aragoto. Wajitsu was his field of excellence.

[1] The 13th day of the 12th lunar month of the 1st year of the Bunsei era was the 8th of January 1819 in the western calendar.

Suketakaya Takasuke II playing the role of Ishidô Umanojô in the drama "Kanadehon Chûshingura", which was staged in the 4th lunar month of 1814 at the Nakamuraza (print made by Utagawa Kunisada I)

Prints & Illustrations

4 faces

Print made by Katsukawa Shunshô in 1774

Print made by Katsukawa Shun'ei (1793~1794)

Print made by Tôshûsai Sharaku in 1794

Print made by Utagawa Toyokuni in 1795

Print made by Utagawa Toyokuni in 1796

Print made by Katsukawa Shunkô around 1800

Print made by Utagawa Kunisada in 1814

The Ichikawa Chûsha line of actors

The Sawamura Kinpei line of actors

The Sawamura Shirogorô line of actors

The Segawa Yûjirô line of actors

The Ichikawa Yaozô line of actors

The Suketakaya Takasuke line of actors

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