Stage names:

Nakamura Tokizô IV In Japanese
Nakamura Shibajaku VI In Japanese
Nakamura Baishi II In Japanese

Real name: Ogawa Shigeo

Guilds: Harimaya [1], Kyôya [2], Harimaya [3]

Line number: YODAIME (IV)

Existence: 1 December 1927 ~ 28 January 1962


Great-grandfather: Nakamura Karoku I

Grandfather: Nakamura Karoku III

Father: Nakamura Tokizô III

Brothers: Yorozuya Kinnosuke, Nakamura Shidô I, Nakamura Kashô II, Nakamura Kazuo

Sons: Nakamura Manju (Nakamura Tokizô V), Nakamura Kinnosuke II

Grandsons: Nakamura Tokizô VI, Nakamura Mantarô, Nakamura Hayato

Great-gandson: Nakamura Baishi V


November 1936: he made his first appearance on stage, at the Kabukiza, where he received the name of Nakamura Baishi II.

April 1953: he became nadai and took the name of Nakamura Shibajaku VI at the Kabukiza, playing the role of Shinobu, Umegae and Konami in "Benkei Jôshi", "Shûmei Hirô Danmari" and "Michiyuki Tabiji no Yomeiri"; the role of Konami's mother Tonase in the latter dance-drama was played by Shibajaku's father Nakamura Tokizô III. These April Kabuki programs celebrated also the shûmei of Shibajaku's brother Nakamura Kashô II, Nakamura Tokiju and Nakamura Tokichô.

July 1953: revival at the Meijiza of Kawatake Shinshichi III's 1878 drama "Tsûzoku Saiyûki"; Shibajaku played the role of the kanjo Ukan [casting].

February 1955: second edition at the Kabukiza from the 24th to the 27th of February of the Tsubomikai, a study group led by Nakamura Utaemon VI [more details]. It included the revival of Sakurada Jisuke I's dance-drama "Kumo no Hyôshimai" (entitled "Waga Sekogakoi no Aizuchi"); Shibajaku played the role of the catfish woman Oden [casting].

June 1958: revival at the Tôyoko Hall of the drama "Kishi no Himematsu Kutsuwa Kagami"; Shibajaku played the role of Yomosaku's musume Osoyo [more details].

12 July 1959: his father Nakamura Tokizô III died.

February 1960: premiere at the Kabukiza of Uno Nobuo's drama "Shiranui Kengyô"; Shibajaku played the role of Yushima no Ohan [casting].

April 1960: Nakamura Shibajaku VI took the name of Nakamura Tokizô IV at the Kabukiza, playing the roles of Oginoya Yaegiri, Kagaribi and Omiwa in the dramas "Komochi Yamanba", "Moritsuna Jin'ya" and "Mikasayama Goten".

June ~ July 1960: Tokizô took part in the first Kabuki tour in the USA; he played the roles of Yoshitsune, Rikiya, Saeda and the Princess in the plays "Kanjinchô", "Kanadehon Chûshingura", "Migawari Zazen" and "Takatsuki" [casting].

December 1961: premiere at the Meijiza of Kawaguchi Matsutarô's drama "Oedo Miyage"; Tokizô played the role of Bandô Eishi [more details].

January 1962: Tokizô appeared on stage for the last time, in Tôkyô at the Kabukiza, where he played the roles of Tatsugorô's wife Onaka, Manabe Echizen-no-Kami and Kozue in "Megumi no Kenka", "Zoku Yôzeiin" and "Ishikiri Kajiwara".

28 January 1962: Tokizô died in Tôkyô.


Nakamura Tokizô IV was a talented and good-looking onnagata actor, who unfortunately died too young, at the age of 34. His most notable performances include Chidori ("Shunkan"), Omiwa ("Imoseyama Onna Teikin"), Konami ("Kanadehon Chûshingura"), Kozue ("Ishikiri Kajiwara"), Onaka ("Irezumi Chôhan") and Otoki ("Kiwametsuki Banzuiin Chôbê").

[1] From April 1960 to January 1962.

[2] From April 1953 to March 1960.

[3] From November 1936 to March 1953.

The Nakamura Baishi line of actors

The Nakamura Shibajaku line of actors

The Nakamura Tokizô line of actors

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