Ôtani Hiroji I

The actor Ôtani Hiroji I held this name from Winter 1702 to the 5th lunar month of 1747.

Ôtani Hiroji I (left) and Kamakura Heikurô I (right) playing the roles of Takasaka Danjô and the karô Iihara Hyôgo in the kaomise drama "Shinra Genji Shimada Gunpô", which was staged in the 11th lunar month of 1740 at the Naka no Shibai

Ôtani Hiroji II

The actor Ôtani Hiroji II held this name from the 11th lunar month of 1748 to the 6th lunar month of 1757.

Ôtani Hiroji II (left) and Nakamura Sukegorô I (right) playing the roles of the otokodate Ume no Yoshibê and Uba no Gembei in the new year drama "Otokodate Hatsugai Soga", which was staged in the 1st lunar month of 1753 at the Nakamuraza

Ôtani Hiroji III

The actor Ôtani Hiroji III held this name from the 11th lunar month of 1762 to the 5th lunar month of 1802.

Ôtani Hiroji III in a print made by Katsukawa Shunsen

Ôtani Hiroji IV

The actor Ôtani Oniji IV received posthumously the name of Ôtani Hiroji IV.

Ôtani Hiroji V

The actor Ôtani Hiroji V held this name from the 1st lunar month of 1870 to the 3rd lunar month of 1871.

Ôtani Hiroji V playing the role of Fujiwara no Shihei in the drama "Tamukeyama Momiji no Mitegura", which was staged in the 10th lunar month of 1870 at the Nakamuraza (print made by Toyohara Kunichika)

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