Kataoka Kamezô I

The actor Mimasu Kamezô I never held the name of Kataoka Ichizô I but he can be considered as the first holder of the name.

Kataoka Kamezô II

The actor Kataoka Ichizô III never held the name of Kataoka Ichizô II but he was named Mimasu Kamezô II from 1855 to 1866. Therefore, he can be considered as the second holder of the name.

Kataoka Kamezô III

The actor Kataoka Ichizô IV held the name of Kataoka Kamezô III from September 1887 to December 1903.

Kataoka Kamezô III playing the role of Sasatsuru in the drama "Kokoro no Nazô Chûgi no Eawase", which was staged in March 1897 at the Meijiza (print made by Toyohara Kunichika)

Kataoka Kamezô IV

Kataoka Kamezô IV is the current holder of the name since November 1969.

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