Dance title Kanjo
Minokoshite Haru no Kokonoe  In Japanese
Author Matsui Kôzô II (lyrics)
Kineya Rokuzaemon X (music)

The actor Nakamura Shikan II performed in the 3rd lunar month of 1830 at the Nakamuraza a 9-role hengemono, which was entitled "Minokoshite Haru no Kokonoe". The second of these roles, the Yashima Court Lady, survived and became the dance "Kanjo".

Key words Shosagoto

This dance is also commonly called "Yashima Lady of the Court". After the Heike Clan was destroyed at Dan-no-Ura, a lady of the court is left surviving but living in poor conditions. This song portrays the lady as she remembers of past days, as she wanders the streets selling fish. The essence of this role is that even though the character is selling fish, she is a lady of the court and not just a local girl of the ocean village. Even though she has become a girl of the ocean village, she must maintain her dignity, desolation and nobility.

Source: Nihon Buyô

Image extracted from the illustrated program of the dance "Minokoshite Haru no Kokonoe"
The Yashima Court Lady is at the bottom of the left panel (the seated woman on the right)

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