Ichikawa Emisaburô I
Ichikawa Emisaburô I  In Japanese

Born in August 1900. Disciple of Ichikawa Ennosuke I, he performed as a supporting actor during the Taishô era and up to the beginning of the 1930s. No record afterwards.

Yagô Honmyô
Omodakaya Minabe Seiji
Ichikawa Emisaburô II
Ichikawa Emisaburô II  In Japanese

Born the 23rd of December 1931. Disciple of Ichikawa Ennosuke II, he performed under the name of Ichikawa Emisaburô II between the end of the 1940s to the beginning of the 1950s. Grossly from 1947 to 1951. No record afterwards.

Yagô Honmyô
Omodakaya Sakamoto Shizuharu
Ichikawa Emisaburô III

The actor Ichikawa Emisaburô III is the current holder of the name since May 1986.

Ichikawa Emisaburô III
This image was part of an amazing 2010 web project, which was entitled Kabuki Bijin Tokei (The Kabuki Beautiful People Clock), a special countdown with original pictures of Kabuki actors, one picture per day up to the closing of the Kabukiza (video on youtube)
Ichikawa Emisaburô III was Number 106 in this countdown (online the 15th of January 2010, 106 days to go before the closing of Tôkyô's most famous theater)

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