Bandô Shinsui I

The actor Bandô Hikosaburô I's haimyô was Shinsui and, although he never officially held the name of Bandô Shinsui I, he was considered as the founder of this line.

Bandô Shinsui II

The actor Bandô Hikosaburô II's haimyô was Shinsui and, although he never officially held the name of Bandô Shinsui II, he was considered as the second actor of this line.

Bandô Shinsui III

The actor Bandô Hikosaburô III's haimyô was Shinsui and, although he never officially held the name of Bandô Shinsui III, he was considered as the third actor of this line.

Bandô Shinsui III in 1801

Bandô Shinsui IV

The actor Bandô Kamezô I's haimyô was Shinsui and, although he never officially held the name of Bandô Shinsui IV, he was considered as the fourth actor of this line.

Bandô Shinsui V

The actor Bandô Hikosaburô V's haimyô was Shinsui and, although he never officially held the name of Bandô Shinsui V, he was considered as the fifth actor of this line.

Bandô Shinsui V in a print made by Toyohara Kunichika at the beginning of the 1870s

Bandô Shinsui VI

The actor Bandô Hikosaburô VI's haimyô was Shinsui and, although he never officially held the name of Bandô Shinsui VI, he was considered as the sixth actor of this line.

Bandô Shinsui VII

The actor Ichimura Uzaemon XVII held the name of Bandô Shinsui VII from March 1935 to September 1942.

Bandô Shinsui VIII

The actor Bandô Hikosaburô VIII held the name of Bandô Shinsui VIII from May 1965 to April 1972.

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