Play title Keisei Suô no Dairi  In Japanese
Theater Naka no Shibai
Producer Ichiyama Tajirô
Playwrights Nagawa Kamesuke I, Nagawa Shimerô, Nagawa Sakusuke, Nagawa Jôsuke, Namiki Takichi, Nakamura Kajô

The new year ni-no-kawari drama "Keisei Suô no Dairi" was staged in the 12th lunar month of 1777 and the 1st lunar month of 1778 [1] in Ôsaka at Naka no Shibai with the following casting:

Code Actors Roles
1 Arashi Bungorô I Yoshikawa Saemon Kagetô
2 Yamashita Kamenojô IV The keisei Harusame
3 Arashi Kichisaburô I Kannera Monpei
4 Bandô Iwagorô Mikenjaku Monpei
5 Mimasu Tokujirô I The nakai Otoku
6 Nakamura Utaemon I Amako Haruhisa
7 Arashi Sangorô II Sue Yadorinosuke
8 Sawamura Kunitarô I The keisei Meigetsu

The opening day was the 23rd day of the 12th lunar month of the 6th year of the An'ei era, which was the 21st of January 1778 in the western calendar.

[1] "I worked on this kaomise page in February 2018, 240 years afterwards!" (Shôriya Aragorô)

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