Other name: Ichimura Uzaemon I

Line number: SHODAI (I)

Existence: 1605 ~ 6th day of the 3rd lunar month of 1652 [1]


Grandfather: Murayama Matazaemon I

Father: Murayama Matahachi (Matazaemon II)

Brothers: Murayama Matatarô, Murayama Sakon

Adopted son: Takii Sanzaburô

Son-in-law: Murata Kuroemon

Disciple: Ichimura Uzaemon III


1605: born in the city of Sakai in the province of Senshû. His grandfather Murayama Matazaemon I is said to be a disciple of the legendary Kyôto actor Nagoya Sanzaburô.

1631: Matasaburô settles in Edo.

3rd lunar month of 1634: foundation of the Murayamaza by Matasaburô in Edo in the district of Kamisakai-chô. This theater is specialized in Wakashû Kabuki ('Boy Kabuki').

29th day of the 1st lunar month of 1641: both the Murayamaza and the Nakamuraza are burnt in a big fire.

10th lunar month of 1641: Matasaburô retires, entrusting the management of the Murayamaza to his son-in-law Murata Kuroemon, who is helped by Ichimura Uzaemon III.

1643: the Murayamaza is renamed Ichimuraza.

1651: the Ichimuraza moves from the district of Kamisakai-chô to the district of Fukiya-chô.

6th day of the 3rd lunar month of 1652 [1]: Matasaburô dies in Edo.

[1] The 6th day of the 3rd lunar month of the 5th year of the Keian era was the 14th of April 1652 in the western calendar.


Murayama Matasaburô I was the founder and the first zamoto of the Murayamaza.

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