Namiki Shôzô I

The sakusha Namiki Shôzô I held this name from 1751 to the 2nd lunar month of 1773.

Namiki Shôzô I

Namiki Shôzô II

The sakusha Namiki Shôzô II held this name from the 11th lunar month of 1787 to the 7th lunar month of 1807.

The name of Namiki Shôzô II in the 1795 Ôsaka hyôbanki (the zone within the red box)

Namiki Shôzô III
Namiki Shôzô III  In Japanese | Nagawa Shôsaku  In Japanese | Nagawa Shikasuke  In Japanese

Dates of birth and death unknown. He started his career as a disciple of Nagawa Shimesuke IV and his first pen name was Nagawa Shikasuke. He took the name of Nagawa Shôsaku in the 8th lunar month of 1872 in Ôsaka at the Chikugo no Shibai. He took the name of Namiki Shôzô III in March 1884 at the Ebisuza, where he worked as a nimaime sakusha on the drama "Waka Midori Futaba no Matsu". He was active in Kamigata up to 1892. No record afterwards.

The name of Namiki Shôzô III in a 1884 Ôsaka yakuwari banzuke (the zone within the red shape on the left side of the picture)

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