Segawa Rokô I

The actor Segawa Kikunojô I's haimyô was Rokô and, although he never officially held the name of Segawa Rokô I, he was considered as the founder of the line.

Segawa Rokô II

The actor Segawa Kikunojô II's haimyô was Rokô and, although he never officially held the name of Segawa Rokô II, he was considered as the second in the line.

Segawa Rokô II in a print made by Ishikawa Toyonobu in 1757

Segawa Rokô III

The actor Segawa Senjo held the name of Segawa Rokô III from the 8th lunar month of 1801 to the 10th lunar month of 1807.

Segawa Rokô III in a print made by Shôkôsai in 1801 in Ôsaka

Segawa Rokô IV

The actor Segawa Rokô IV held this name from the 11th lunar month of 1807 to the 11th lunar month of 1812.

Segawa Rokô IV in a print made by Utagawa Toyokuni I around 1811

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