Nakayama Kiraku I

The actor Nakayama Kiraku I held this name from the 1st lunar month of 1826 to the 10th lunar month of 1827.

The name of Nakayama Kiraku I in a 1827 Ôsaka yakuwari banzuke (the zone within the red box)

Nakayama Kiraku II

The actor Onoe Shôju held the name of Nakayama Kiraku II from the 1st lunar month of 1844 to the 7th lunar month of 1848.

The name of Nakayama Kiraku II in a 1844 Nagoya yakuwari banzuke (the zone within the red box)

Nakayama Kiraku III
Nakayama Shôju  In Japanese | Nakayama Kiraku III  In Japanese | Nakayama Toryû II  In Japanese

Born in Nagoya in 1834. Relationship to Nakayama Kiraku II to be clarified (son? adopted son? disciple?). His first stage name was Nakayama Toryû II. He took the name of Nakayama Kiraku III at the beginning of the 1870s. He was active in Nagoya, performing in venues like the Shinmoriza, the Tachibanaza or the Suehiroza. He was extremely popular in his native town but did not really try to venture outside. He gave his name to Arashi Rikaku in July 1907 and took the name of Nakayama Shôju. He died in 1907. Two of his disciples became quite famous: Ichikawa Chûsha VII and Ichikawa Hyakujûrô (a travelling actor).

Nakayama Kiraku IV
Nakayama Kiraku IV  In Japanese | Arashi Rikaku  In Japanese | Arashi Rigan  In Japanese

Born in 1861. Son of the actor Arashi Kitsushichi, his first stage names were Arashi Rigan and Arashi Rikaku. Disciple of Nakayama Kiraku III, he took the name of Nakayama Kiraku IV in Nagoya in July 1900. He was active in Nagoya up to 1927. Day of death unknown. His real name was Kobayashi Ushinosuke.

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