Bandô Mitahachi I

The actor Bandô Mitsugorô III held the name of Bandô Mitahachi I from the 3rd lunar month of 1782 to the 11th lunar month of 1782.

The name of Bandô Mitahachi I in the koyaku section of the 1782 Edo hyôbanki (the zone within the red box)

Bandô Mitahachi 1.2
Bandô Mitahachi  In Japanese | Bandô Sanpei  In Japanese | Bandô Minosuke  In Japanese

Dates of birth and death unknown. Son of Bandô Mitsugorô I, he made his debut on stage as a koyaku actor at the Ichimuraza in the 11th lunar month of 1778. His first stage name was Bandô Minosuke. He took the name of Bandô Sanpei while his brother received the name of Bandô Minosuke I in the 3rd lunar month of 1782 at the Moritaza. He finally took the name of Bandô Mitahachi in the 11th lunar month of 1783 at the Moritaza and held it up the end of 1788. His ranking in the 1788 Edo hyôbanki, koyaku section, was jô-jô (superior - superior) [visual]. He was the kanjiku for the koyaku actors. No record after 1789.

The name of Bandô Mitahachi in the koyaku section of the 1788 Edo hyôbanki (the zone within the red box)

Bandô Mitahachi II

The actor Morita Kan'ya X held the name of Bandô Mitahachi II from the 11th lunar month of 1820 to the 8th lunar month of 1824.

Bandô Mitahachi 2.3
Bandô Mitahachi  In Japanese

Dates of birth and death unknown. Son of Bandô Mitsugorô IV, he held the name of Bandô Mitahachi during the Kôka era. He was never acknowledged as an official holder of the name.

Bandô Mitahachi 2.4
Bandô Mitahachi  In Japanese

An obscure actor held the name of Bandô Mitahachi from 1869 to 1871.

Bandô Mitahachi III

The actor Morita Kan'ya XIII held the name of Bandô Mitahachi III from December 1890 to October 1906.

Bandô Mitahachi III playing the role of Yoshichirô in the drama "Seki-ga-Hara Kami no Aoiba", which was staged in October 1897 at the Meijiza (print made by Toyohara Kunichika)

Bandô Mitahachi IV
Morita Kin'ya  In Japanese | Bandô Mitahachi IV  In Japanese

Born the 8th of February 1933. Son of Morita Kan'ya XIV, he started his career in April 1943 at the Tôkyô Gekijô, where he received the name of Bandô Mitahachi IV. After WWII, he performed in Tôkyô koshibai under the name of Morita Kin'ya.

Yagô Honmyô
Kinojiya Morita Hajime
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