Bandō Minosuke 0.1

The actor Bandō Mitahachi held the name of Bandō Minosuke from the 11th lunar month of 1778 to the 2nd lunar month of 1782.

The name of Bandō Minosuke in the koyaku section of the 1782 Edo hyōbanki (the zone within the red shape; the name is the blue shape is Bandō Minosuke's brother Bandō Mitahachi I)

Bandō Minosuke I

The actor Bandō Mitsugorō III held the name of Bandō Minosuke I from the 3rd lunar month of 1782 to the 11th lunar month of 1782.

Bandō Minosuke 1.2
Bandō Minosuke  In Japanese

An unknown koyaku actor held in Edo the name of Bandō Minosuke in 1783 and 1784.

Bandō Minosuke 1.3
Bandō Minosuke  In Japanese

An unknown koyaku actor held in Ōsaka the name of Bandō Minosuke during the Kyōwa era.

Bandō Minosuke 1.4
Bandō Minosuke  In Japanese

An obscure actor held the name of Bandō Minosuke from 1884 to 1889.

Bandō Minosuke II

The actor Bandō Minosuke II is the current holder of the name since November 1995.

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