Onoe Shôroku I
  The founder of the line Onoe Shôroku I held this name from the 11th lunar month of 1809 to the 10th lunar month of 1815.

Onoe Shôroku I playing the role of Kasane in the drama "Onoe Shôroku Sentaku Banashi", which was staged in the 8th lunar month of 1813 at the Ichimuraza (print made by Utagawa Toyokuni I)

Onoe Shôroku 1.2

The actor Onoe Shôroku 1.2 held this name from the 10th lunar month of 1849 to May 1873 but he was never acknowledged as an official member of the line.

Onoe Shôroku 1.2 playing the role of the yakko Ranpei in the drama "Saiwai Ariwara Keizu", which was staged for his shûmei in the 10th lunar month of 1849 at the Kawarasakiza (print made by Utagawa Toyokuni III)

Onoe Shôroku II
  The actor Onoe Shôroku II held this name from March 1935 to June 1989.

Onoe Shôroku II performing the leading role of the dance-drama "Tsuchi-gumo" in a print made by Natori Shunsen in 1951

Onoe Shôroku III

The actor Onoe Tatsunosuke I posthumously received the name of Onoe Shôroku III.

The mon of Onoe Shôroku III

Onoe Shôroku IV
  The actor Onoe Shôroku IV is the current holder of the name since May 2002.

Onoe Shôroku IV
This image was part of an amazing 2010 web project, which was entitled Kabuki Bijin Tokei (The Kabuki Beautiful People Clock), a special countdown with original pictures of Kabuki actors, one picture per day up to the closing of the Kabukiza (video on youtube)
Onoe Shôroku IV was Number 89 in this countdown (online the 1st of February 2010, 89 days to go before the closing of Tôkyô's most famous theater)

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