Ichimura Wakadayû I

The zamoto Ichimura Uzaemon V held the name of Ichimura Wakadayû I from 1675 to the 3rd lunar month of 1679.

Ichimura Wakadayû II
Ichimura Wakadayû II  In Japanese

Dates of birth and death unknown. His father Fukuchi Zenbê was the owner of the Tea House Kikuya at the Ichimuraza and his mother was the elder sister of the zamoto Ichimura Uzaemon V. He was the younger brother of Ichimura Takenojô III, Ichimura Uzaemon VIII and Ichimura Zensaburô. He started his career as a koyaku at the Ichimuraza in the 1st lunar month of 1713. He became wakashugata in 1723. He switched to music and became an accomplished musician. He was also called Fukuchi Mohê or Ichimura Mohê. No record after the 6th lunar month of 1740.

The name of Ichimura Wakadayû II in a 1720 Edo hyôbanki (within the red shape); all the names were the zamoto at the Nakamuraza, Ichimuraza and Moritaza

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