Kaneko Kichizaemon (left), Nakamura Shirogorô I (center) and Sakata Tôjûrô I (right) in an illustration from a Kyôto hyôbanki which was published in 1702

The actors Nakamura Shirogorô I (top;left), Kaneko Kichizaemon (bottom;1st from left), Kirinami Senju I (bottom;2nd from left), Yamashita Hanzaemon I (bottom;3rd from left), Sakata Tôjûrô I (top;center), Yamamoto Kamon (bottom;center) and Yamashita Hanzaemon I (bottom;right) playing the roles of Sengorô, a servant, the keisei Takahashi, Nagara Sanzaemon, Hanamori Utanojô, Kotoura and Nagara Sanzaemon in the ni-no-kawari drama "Keisei Takaradera", which was staged in Kyôto in the 1st lunar month of 1703

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