Ôtani Hirohachi I

The actor Ôtani Hirohachi I held this name from 1727 to the beginning of the 1770s.

Ôtani Hirohachi I (top/right) and Fujikawa Heikurô (bottom/left) playing the roles of Kawachi Jinbei (or Kanbei?) and the yakko Tokizô in the kaomise drama "Imosegura Kogane no Ishizue", which was staged in the 11th lunar month of 1749 in Kyôto

Ôtani Hirohachi II
Ôtani Hirohachi II  In Japanese | Bandô Matajûrô II  In Japanese

Dates of birth and death unknown. He was born in Kamigata and his first stage name was Bandô Matajûrô II. His relationship with the Kamigata branch of the Bandô clan is unknown. He settled in Edo in Summer 1782, became a disciple of Ôtani Hiroji III in 1783, when he received the name of Ôtani Hirohachi II. He was active in Edo up to the 11th lunar month of 1790, when he played at the Nakamuraza the role of Shundô Tarô in the kaomise drama "Sayo no Nakayama Hiiki no Tsurigane". We don't know what happens to him afterwards for he disappeared from the records.

Ôtani Hirohachi II playing the role of Manabe Tôta in the kaomise drama "Tsuranaru Edamure Takamatsu", which was staged in the 11th lunar month of 1787 at the Moritaza

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